unlearned responses triggered by specific stimulation
alert inactivity
state in which a baby is calm with eyes open and attentive; the baby seems to be deliberately inspecting the environment
waking activity
state in which a baby's eyes are open but seem unfocused while the arms or legs move in bursts of uncoordinated motion
state in which a baby cries vigorously, usually accompanied by agitated but uncoordinated movement
state in which a baby alternated from being still and breathing regularly to moving gently and breathing irregularly' eyes are closed throughout
basic cry
cry that starts softly and gradually becomes more intense' often heard when babies are hungry or tired
mad cry
more intense version of a basic cry
pain cry
cry the begins with a sudden long burst, followed by a long pause and gasping
REM sleep
irregular or rapid eye movement sleep
irregular sleep in which an infant's eyes dart rapidly beneath the eyelids while the body is quite active
nonREM sleep
regular sleep
sleep in which heart rate, breathing, and brain activity are steady
sudden infant death syndrome
when a healthy baby dies suddenly for no apparent reason
consistent style or pattern of behavior
some reflexes help infants get necessary nutrients, other reflexes protect Infants from danger, and still other reflexes _____
serve as the basis for later motor behaviors
the ____ is based on five vital functions and provides a quick indication of a newborn's physical health
apgar score
a baby lying calmly with its eyes open and focused is in a state of ______
alert inactivity
newborns spend more time sleep than awake, and about half this time asleep in spent in _____ a time thought to foster growth in the CNS
REM sleep
the campaign to reduce SIDS emphasizes that infants should
sleep on their backs
research on the stability of temperament in infants and young children typically finds that
temperament is moderately stable in these years