Chapter 6 religions study guide

With respect to the relationship between culture,religion, and the physical environment,

religious ideas may be responsible for some of the changes people make in the physical environment

Religion is a good example of the tension between globalization and local diversity because

all religions are in competition to convert as many people as possible

Mahayanists, in contrast to Theravadists, emphasize Buddha's


Animists believe that

inanimate objects and natural events have spirits

Especially important in Confucianism is to

perform public service

Especially important in Daoism is to

reflect on the mystical and magical aspects of life

The belief in the existence of only one god is


Beliefs concerning the origin of the universe are


When geographers study the sites where religions originated as well as the process by which those religions diffused to other locations, they are focusing on the

spatial connections in religion

A geographer researching the practices of Tibetan Buddhists as well as the world travels of the Dalai Lama is studying

spatial connections in religion

A person attempting to detect ______ within forests and streams would likely be an animist

voices or personalities

The world's largest ethnic religion is


Which characteristic distinguishes religion in Latin America from North America?

Having a roman catholic majority

Given Daoism's classification as either a universalizing or an ethnic religion, which of the following would you be more likely to categorize as pertaining to Daoism?

Most shrine are located at major physical features or sites of longstanding cultural significance

The maps and diagrams in this chapter must help us surmise that a person from northern Germany is more likely to be an adherent of


This map indicates that Lutherans are clustered in the ____ United States

Upper midwestern

The maps in this chapter indicate that eastern orthodoxy is a branch of christianity prevalent in


This map shows that Muslims are clustered in

Southwestern Asia, North Africa, and parts of South Asia and Southeastern Asia

A review of the world maps in this chapter indicates that in South America,

nearly all of the people are Catholic

The maps in this chapter indicate that in Sub-saharan Africa,

about half of the people are Protestant

The maps in this chapter indicate that in Australia and the South Pacific,

more than half of the people are Protestant

Analysis of the charts in this chapter indicates that in the world population,

less than one fifth of the people are non-religious

The charts in this chapter indicate that in the world population,

there are more Muslims than Hindus

Analysis of this map indicates that in Germany,

Catholics are the majority in the west and southeast,while Protestants are the majority in the north

Analysis of this map indicates that in Scotland,

Protestants are the majority

A relatively small group that has broken away from an established church is a


The world's largest universalizing religion is


Which is a branch of Christianity?

Eastern orthodox

Almost 90% of people in the Western hemisphere claim adherence to


Lutheranism is an example of a Christian


The dominant branch of Islam is


Based on the map above, we can surmise that a person from Alabama is more likely to be an adherent of a

Baptist church

The maps and diagrams in this chapter help us surmise that a person from Minnesota is more likely to be an adherent of

The Lutheran church

This map indicates that Baptists are clustered in the ____ US


According to this map, the largest group of religious adherents in the US southwest are


examples of ethnic religions include

daoism confucianism and judaism

which of the following is NOT a universalizing religion


which is not an ethnic asian religion


hindusim's caste system

assigns everyone to a distinct class

both universalizing and ethnic religions

can diffuse to different populations around the world

an ethnic religion is

appealing mostly to one group of people in one place

followers of which religious branch do not trace their origin to Abraham?


which of the following is currently the most important religion in the homeland of the man who founded it?


Unlike other universalizing religions, Buddhism

remained primarily concentrated in one region of the world

Which of the following would be more characteristic of a universalizing religion?

several priests travel across the world to establish missions on remote islands

which of the following would we be more likely to classify as a characteristic of an ethnic religion

the religious calendar is based largely on seasonal changes in a particular region

Christianity first diffused from its hearth through

relocation diffusion

Roman Catholics are clustered in the US southwest primarily because of migration of

Roman Catholics from Latin America

It's reasonable to surmise that historically, when signs were posted in store windows warning "No Irish Need Apply" the store owner may also have been

a Protestant discriminating against Roman Catholic immigrants

Given Muslim perspectives on sacred places in the Middle East, politicians in the region have been wary of inviting further religious-fueled conflict by proclaiming

Jerusalem the captial of Israel

Some of the violence linked to religion in Israel and Palestine is also linked to

ethic groups,resources,and disputes over the control of the land

Judaism is classified as an ethnic rather than a universalizing religion partly because

its rituals derive from the agricultural cycle in Israel

The agricultural calendar is relatively important to which type of religions


The Julian and Gregorian calendars are

Christian calendars that are now used as standard calendars in much of the world

Which of the following best describes the situation of the religion in Tibet?

Its spiritual leader is in exile and the government discourages observance

Which is NOT a characteristic of a hierarchical religion

It encourages each congregation to be self sufficent

Protestants in Ireland are

Highly clustered in one part of the island

Jerusalem's geography represents a particularly difficult religious conflict to resolve because

Sacred sites to Jews and Muslims are literally built on top of one another

The barrier between Israel and the West Bank

has been ruled as illegal by both Israeli and international courts but is supported by other elements of the Israeli government

The concept of a ghetto originally referred to the area of a city

where Jews were forced to live