
What ancient Greek state did slavery supporters regard as a model of democracy and slavery?


Name the slave involved in the famous Supreme Court decision of 1857.

Dred Scott

What state was admitted as a slave state under the terms of a compromise reached in 1820?


What crop made slavery an important economic institution in Virginia, Maryland and Kentucky?


What was "manumission"?

The freeing of a slave

Who was the main "architect" of both the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850?

Henry Clay

On what basic platform or principle was the Republican Party formed in the 1850's?

Non-extension of slavery

Where did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 prohibit slavery?

North of the Ohio River

What term describes the various state laws restricting the mobility, education, etc. of slaves?

slave codes

On the eve of the Civil War, what state had the largest slave population?


What crop made slavery an important economic institution in Louisiana?


Throughout most of the south, what crop, grown on plantations, gave slavery an economic justification?


In the history of American slavery why is Harriet Beecher Stowe important?

author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Who led a violent slave revolt in Virginia in 1831?

Nat Turner

What constitutional amendment brought about the complete abolition of slavery in the US?


In the US Constitution, what did both North and South agree that Congress could abolish after 1808?

the slave trade

What escaped female slave, known as "Moses", was a major force in the Underground Railroad?

Harriet Tubman

In what state did the Denmark Vesey Slave Plot of 1822 occur?

South Carolina

What escaped slave became a famous abolitionist orator, writer and newspaper (North Star) owner?

Frederick Douglass

What African nation was founded in 1822 by freed US slaves?


What term describes the secret system to help fugitive slaves escape north to freedom?

Underground Railroad

What method of buying and selling slaves was commonly used throughout the south?

Public Auction

On the slavery issue, who said: "A house divided against itself cannot stand"?

Abraham Lincoln

What Eli Whitney invention of 1793 revived the apparently dying institution of slavery?

Cotton Gin

By the 1820 compromise, what was to by slavery's northern limit in the Louisiana Purchase area?

36 degrees, 30'

What famous line traditionally separated slavery from free soil in Eastern United States?

Mason-Dixon line

What Illinois Senator advocated "popular sovereignty" for determining slavery in the territories?

Stephen A. Douglas

What antislavery newspaper was founded in Boston by William Lloyd Garrison in 1830?

The Liberator

What was the 1st state to abolish slavery, 1774?

Rhode Island

Where did the Compromise of 1850 abolish the slave trade, but not slavery itself?

District of Columbia