Enlightenment history test

Widely considered the first feminist, she was the major voice for equality and suffrage during the enlightenment

Mary Wollenstonecraft

Absolute monarch of Prussia who ruled using enlightenment era ideas.

Frederick the Great

Discovered supply and demand, as well as laizzes-faire economics

Adam smith

Compiled the first encyclopedia

Denis Diderot

The sun king ____, named for his absolutist rule and because_____discovered that we live in a heliocentric universe.

Louis XIV, Copernicus

Believing that everyone possessed a "blank slate", he came up with ideas of egalitarianism, freedom, and government.

John Locke

Inflation in 16th century Europe was do in large part to the....

Massive amounts of imports of gold and silver

Inflation and commercializations in the west produced a group of people without access to producing property called the


The average western peasant or artisan owned about how many times more "things" than his or her counterpart in southeastern Europe


Fear of poverty, job loss, and increase taxes were elements that would cause

A wave of popular protests resulting in uprising caused by social tensions

Which of the following showed a resentment of the poor

Witchcraft persecution

Which of the following statements about the Renaissance is NOT accurate

The renaissance embraced medieval ideas such as plague, war, and poverty

The audience for Renaissance work and ideas was expanded thank to the invention of the moveable printing press, which was invented by...

Johannes Gutenberg

Which of the following was NOT associated with the 15th cent turn Italian Renaissance?


What was the primary differences between the northern and Italian Renaissance

Northern humanist focused more on religion than their Italian counterparts.

What was the European style family pattern that emerged in the 15th century

Nuclear family, late marriage ages

Who is generally credited with initiating the Protestant reformation

Martin Luther

What was the church established by Henry VIII


Which is NOT a religious proposition advanced by Martin Luther

Priests should practice celibacy

The theological foundation of jean Calvin's Protestantism was


What was the new religious order was associated with the catholic reformation


Who observed craters on the moon through his invention, the telescope


After nearly being blinded by smallpox, this astronomer went on to calculate the specifics of planetary motion


With his medical degree, this scientist was able to understand the heart and circulation of blood through the human body


Copernicus pioneered the following idea


A famous scientist who advocated the skeptical review of all received wisdom and explained that human reason could explain all natural law(he liked math)


Isaac Newton defined the principles of ____, and the force of ____

Motion, gravity

He pioneered the scientific method
