101-150 Corrected


The membrane covering the brain and spinal cord are the


Hollow spaces in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid are called

Dura Mater

The thick, tough outer covering of the brain and spinal cord is the


The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to maintain a balanced state called


A cerebrovascular accident commonly causes


Abnormal electrical impulses in the neurons of the brain cause


An acute inflammation of nerve cells caused by the herpes virus is


An inflammation of the brain frequently caused by a virus contracted from a mosquito bite is

Carpal tunnel Syndrome

A condition caused by continuous repetitive movement of the wrist is


The mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the front of the eye is the


The colored portion of the eye with an opening in the center called a pupil is the


The tube that connects the middle ear with the pharynx is the

B.Auditory Nerve Damage

Which of the following is not a cause of conductive hearing loss? A. Cerumen plug B. Auditory Nerve Damage C.Otoslerosis D.Ruptured tympanic membrane

Olfactory receptors

The sense of smell is made possible by

Choroid coat

The layer of the eye that is interlaced with blood vessels to nourish the eye is the


The muscle layer of the heart is the

Right Atrium

The chamber of the heart that receives deoxgenated blood as it returns from body cells is the

Left Atrium

The chamber of the heart that recieves oxygenated blood as it returns from the lungs is the

Mitral Valve

The valve between the left atrium and left ventrical that prevents blood from flowing back into the left atrium is the


The blood vessels that contain valves to prevent blood from flowing in a backward direction are the


The blood vessels that are more muscular and elastic than are the other blood vessels are the


Which of the following blood proteins does not aid in clotting? A.Hemoglobin B.Fibrinogen C.Prothrombin D.All of the above


The blood cells that contain hemoglobin are the

4.5 to 5.5 million

The number of erythrocytes in one cubic millimeter of blood is

Hemoglobin - carrying oxygen

The bright red color of blood indicates


The blood cells that fight infection are the

D.Thrombocytes fight infection

Which of the following is not true of thrombocytes A. Thrombocytes lack a nucleus B.Thrombocytes vary in shape and side C.Thrombocytes are required for the clotting process D.Thrombocytes fight infection


An inherited disease that occurs almost exclusively in males and in which the blood is unable to clot is


The leukocytes that provide immunity for the body by developing antibodies and protest against the formation of cancer cells are

Folic Acid

Which acid is required for the development of mature erythrocytes?

5,000 to 9,000

A normal leukocyte count per cubic millimeter of blood is

A. Sinuses provide the sense of smell

Which of the following statements is not true of sinuses A.Sinuses provide the sense of smell B.Sinuses are lined with a mucous membrane C. Sinuses provide resonance for the voice D.Sinuses warm and moisten air


The pharyngeal tonsils are located in the


The esophagus and trachea branch off to the


The correct name for the voice box is the


The membrane or sac that encloses each lung is a

Cellular Respiration

When cells use oxygen and nutrients to produce energy, water, and carbon dioxide, the process is called


A noninfectious, chronic respiratory condition that occurs when the walls of the aveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity is

B. It cannot be prevented

Which of the following statements is not true about lung cancer A. It is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women B. It cannot be prevented C. There are no symptoms in the early stages D. Prognosis is poor


Tiny hairlike structures that filter inhaled air to trap dust and pathogens are

Sleep Apnea

A CPAC is mainly used for the disorder known as

Hard Palate

The body structure that forms the roof of the mouth is the


Which of the following is not a pair of salivary glands?A.parotid B.sublingual C.submandibular D.submaxillary

Begins the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates

Salivary glands produce salivary amylase, which

Pyloric Sphincter

The circular muscle between the stomach and small intestine that keeps food in the stomach is the

D. All the above

Hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice is responsible for A.killing bacteria B.facilitating the absorption of iron C. Activating the enzyme pepsin D. All of the above


Intestinal juice produced by the small intestine contains the enzyme


Part of the brain responsible for thought, reasoning, memory, judgement, speech and voluntary body movement is the

Choroid plexuses

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced by special structures called


Paralysis of the lower extremities is