Pathophysiology Final Exam

Sensitivity of a target cell is down-regulated when the:

Level of hormone that binds with the receptor is high

An NP student knows that ADH is:

Regulated by the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus

Which information is most correct about insulin?

Insulin facilitates the uptake of glucose by the cells

Glucorticoids act to:

Stimulate protein catabolism

A person is admitted to the unit with a diagnosis of lung cancer and SIADH. The NP student expects the person to have:

A hypoosmolar state

The NP student knows that Grave's disease is caused by an:

autoimmune respone

Which information is correct regarding hyperparathyroidism? Hyperparathyroidism is associated with:

Pathologic fractures

A person with diabetes arrives at the emergency department after an abrupt decrease in level of consciousness. The person has tachycardia, diaphoresis, irritability, tremors, and confusion. The NP student suspects the person has:


A person has Cushing's syndrome. What pathophysiologic effect is occuring?

Chronic exposure to excess cortisol

Where is the largest amount of bone marrow adipose tissue found?

Long bones

Which of the following is a global concern associated with obesity?

High healthcare costs

Which is at risk for anorexia of aging?

Social isolation

Which information is most accurate regarding puberty?

Reproduction is possible

Which statement indicates the nurse has an accurate understanding about Lactobacillus acidophilus? Lactobacillus acidophilus:

Maintains an acidic pH in the vagina

During the follicular or proliferative phase; of ovulation:

Estrogen causes endometrial growth

When an erection occurs, arterioles in the penis:

Vasodilate in response to nitric oxide

A nurse knows that testosterone:

Increases hemoglobin and hematocrit levels

A women has secondary amenorrhea. What is the most probable cause for this finding?


PID is:

Associated with infertility

Cystocele and rectocele means the rectouterine pouch herniates into the rectovaginal septum (between the rectum and posterior vaginal wall)


One characteristic of uterine leiomyomas is that they:

Are associated with nulliparity and obesity

Which information is correct regarding ovarian cancer? Ovarian cancer:

Has often metastasized prior to diagnosis

When taking a history from a postmenopausal woman, which finding will place this risk at a greater risk for breast cancer?

Estrogen therapy

A man is admitted to the hospital with urethral stricture. Which clinical manifestation is typical of this disorder?

Sertoli/double urine stream

A man is admitted to the hospital with a torsion of the testis. The nurse understands this indicates that:

Blood vessels to the testis are twisted in the spermatic cord

Which of the following is true about BPH?

Produces obstructive and irritative symptoms

A male has impaired spermatogenesis from a lack of inhibin B. Which cells are functioning improperly?


An individual has syphilis, secondary stage. What will the nurse typically find upon assessment?

Low grade fever, malaise, and sore throat

A woman has chlamydial cervicitis. What will the nurse typically find upon assessment?

Yellow mucopurulent discharge

An individual has herpes simplex virus (HSV). Which treatment will the nurse prepare to adminster?

Oral acyclovir

An individual has intense itching and works in a nursing home. Where is the first place the nurse should suspect to find if scabies are present?

Between the fingers

Which information is true regarding osteoclasts? Osteoclasts:

Use integrins to bind to bone

Which information is correct regarding spongy bone? Spongy bone:

is arranged in plates called trabeculae

Which information is true regarding the synovial membrane? The synovial membrane:

Contains type A phagocytic cells

A person has a problem with a muscle that has a low innervation ratio. Which problem will this person have?

Inadequate precision movement

The initial process in muscle contraction consists of:


A person has rhabdomyolysis. Which typical clinical manifestation will the NP student find upon assessment?

Dark urine

Which information is correct regarding the pathophysiologic process of Osteomyelitis? Osteomyelitis produces:


The primary defect in osteoarthritis is:

Loss of articular cartilage

A person has gout. Which typical clinical manifestation may the nurse find upon assessment?


Which information is correct regarding polymyositis?

is mediated by T cells

An infant is positive for Ortolani sign. Which condition is the infant experiencing?

Developmental dysplasia of the hip

Structural scoliosis may be caused by:

Neuromuscular disease

A preadolescent arrives at the clinic and reports pain and swelling in the left knee after playing sports. The NP student suspects:

Osgood-Schlatter disease

A nurse is assigned to care for a child newly diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Because of this diagnosis, the nurse expects:

The child will be a boy