A patient undergoing a GTT vomits within 30 minutes of drinking the glucose beverage. What action should the phlebotomist take

notify the nurse or physician immediately to see if the test should be rescheduled

Increased blood glucose is called


When does a blood glucose level in normal individuals typically peak after glucose ingestion

1/2 hour to 1 hour

Which of the following must remain consistent throughout an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

blood specimen source

Patient preparation before a GTT involves

eating meals with a measured amount of carbohydrate 3 days prior

Which of the following can be used to clean a site before a blood alcohol specimen is collected

zephiran chloride

Which of the following specimens may require chain-of-custody documentation when it is collected

drug screen

The purpose of TDM is to

determine and maintain a beneficial drug dosage

Which of the following tests would not be subject to therapeutic drug monitoring


A peak drug has been ordered for 0900 hours. You draw the specimen 10 minutes late because of unavoidable circumstances. What additional action does this necessitate

record the actual time of specimen collection

A trough drug level is collected

immediately before the next scheduled drug dose is given

Which test requires the collection of multiple specimens


Timing of collection is most critical for drugs with short half-lives, such as


A bleeding time (BT) test assesses the functioning of which of the following cellular elements


The most common reason for glucose monitoring through POCT is to

monitor glucose levels for diabetic care

Which one of the following tests could be collected using a tube other than a trace element-free tube


The definition of toxicology is

the scientific study of poisons

Which test typically has the shortest TAT if performed by POCT


Which of the following is not a POCT analyzer


To prevent introducing a contaminating substance into a trace-element collection tube, it is suggested that you

draw by itself using a syringe or evacuated tube system