chapter 8- pelvis and hip

What is the name of the bone and aspect of the bone in this figure?

Hip bone, lateral

The bone shown in this figure is the:

hip bone

The part identified by the arrow in this figure is the:

anterior superior iliac spine.

hip bone composed of

ilium, ischium, pubis

the aspect o f the proximal femur shown in this figure is the


The area identified on the bone shown in this figure is the:

intertrochanteric crest.

The neck of the femur projects anteriorly at an approximate angle of _____ degrees.

15 to 20

To accurately position the patient for hip radiographs, one must localize two bony points on the pelvis. These two reference points are the:

superior margin of the symphysis.anterior superior iliac spine.

The ilia articulate with the sacrum posteriorly at the:

sacroiliac joint.

How many degrees should the feet and lower limbs be internally rotated for an AP pelvis radiograph?

15 to 20 degrees

The central ray for an AP pelvis is directed perpendicular to the center of the IR. The central-ray entrance point will be about _____ inches _____ to the pubic symphysis.

2; superior

Which of the following will be shown "in profile" if the lower limbs are in correct position for an AP pelvis?

Greater trochanters

Which of the following methods will demonstrate the femoral necks in the AP oblique projection?

Modified Cleaves

For the AP oblique femoral necks (modified Cleaves method), the central ray is directed _____ degrees.


How much should the thighs be abducted for the AP oblique projection of the femoral necks (modified Cleaves method)?

45 degrees

Where does the central ray enter the patient for an AP hip?

2 inches distal on a line drawn perpendicular to the midpoint of a line betweenASIS and pubic symphysis

How many degrees is the lower limb and foot rotated internally for an AP hip?

15 to 20 degrees

What is the recommended collimated field size for an AP hip?

10 X 12 inches (24 x 30 cm)

What is the central-ray angle for an AP projection of the hip?


Which of the following methods will demonstrate the hip in a lateral projection?

Lauenstein, Hickey

Which method demonstrates the hip in an axiolateral projection?


22. Which projection of the hip is shown in this figure?


Unless contraindicated, the lower limb and leg should be internally rotated for an axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller). How many degrees of rotation are required?

15 to 20

Which of the following devices are necessary to perform an axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller)?

1. Sandbags2. Leg support device 3. IR holder

Which of the following describes the position of the IR for the axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller)?

Parallel with the long axis of the femoral neck Its upper border in the crease above the iliac crest

The respiration phase for the axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller) is:

suspended respiration.

What is the respiration phase for the AP projection of the pelvis?

Suspended respiration

Which ramus is labeled with the arrow in this figure?

Superior pubic

What is the recommended exposure field size and orientation for the AP projection of the hip?

10 x 12 inch (24 x 30 cm), lengthwise

Which of the following is an important and frequently used radiographic positioning reference point?

Anterior superior iliac spine

The anatomy indicated by the arrow on this figure is the:

obturator foramen.

The strongest bone in the body is the:


In the anatomic position, the body of the femur is angled _____ degrees.


The hip joint is a _____ joint.

synovial ball and socket

How far apart should the heels be placed to internally rotate the lower limbs for an AP pelvis?

8 to 10 inches

Where is the IR centered for an AP pelvis?

midway between the ASIS and the pubic symphysis

Where is the central ray directed for the AP oblique projection (modified Cleaves) of the femoral necks?

1 inch superior to the pubic symphysis

Which of the following best describes the female pelvis?

Oval inletWide outlet

The SI joint is a _____ joint.

synovial irregular gliding

A malformation of the acetabulum causing displacement of the femoral head is known as:

congenital hip dysplasia.

Flattening of the femoral head due to a vascular interruption is known as:

Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.

Which of the following projections can be performed with one exposure if a compensating filter is used?

Axiolateral hip (Danelius-Miller method)

The angle of the SI joints is _____ degrees relative to the midsagittal plane.

25 to 30

The body is placed at what angle for the AP oblique projection (Judet method) of the acetabulum?

45 degrees

How much is the central ray angled for the AP oblique projection (Judet method) of the acetabulum?

0 degrees

What is the central-ray entrance point for the AP oblique projection (Judet method) of the acetabulum?

2 inches inferior to the ASIS

The external oblique position of the AP oblique projection (Judet method) demonstrates the _____ column and _____ rim of acetabulum.

ilioischial; anterior

The AP axial projection (Bridgeman method) requires that the central ray be directed:

40 degrees caudad.

What anatomy is labeled as letter C in the image below?


What anatomy is labeled as letter H in the image below?

Obturator foramen

What projection and anatomy of interest is depicted in the image below?

AP oblique (modified Cleaves), femoral necks

What positioning error is evident in the image below?

The lower limbs were not internally rotated.

What projection (method) is demonstrated in the image below?

Axiolateral (Danelius-Miller)

What anatomy is in the image below?


What anatomy is labeled in the image below?

Lesser trochanter

What anatomy is labeled in the image below?

Femoral head

Examine this AP oblique (Judet) image of the right hip obtained with the patient positioned for the internal oblique. What is the anatomy of interest?

Posterior acetabular rim and iliopubic column

Examine this AP oblique (Judet) image of the right hip obtained with the patient positioned for the internal oblique. What patient position is depicted?

45 degrees LPO

Which two of the following describes the central ray for an axiolateral projection of the hip (Danelius-Miller)?

Perpendicular to the IRPerpendicular to the long axis of the femoral neck