Chapter 14: Brain Control of Movement

In the hierarchy of motor control, which of the following is a function at the lowest level of control? Choose the correct option.

Activation of motor neurons that generate goal-directed movement

What is the function of lateral pathways with regard to the descending motor pathways? Choose the correct option.

Control the voluntary movement of distal musculature

Which cortical area is referred to as the primary motor cortex? Choose the correct option.

Area 4

Which of the following is true about how M1 commands voluntary movement? Choose the correct option.

The activity of each cell represents a single vote for a particular direction of movement and the direction of movement is determined by averaging the votes in the population.

Which of the following is a symptom of cerebellar damage? Choose the correct option.

Sequential joint movement and dysmetria

What is the role of neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei? Choose the correct option.

Relay information from the cerebellum to various brain stem structures

Which of the following structures are included in the motor loop through the cerebellum? Choose the correct option.

Sensory input through pontine nuclei to cerebellum to motor cortex through the ventral lateral nucleus of the thalamus

Which of the following is the function of tectospinal tract? Choose the correct option.

Orienting head and eyes toward new stimuli

Which of the following is the target of cortical input to the basal ganglia? Choose the correct option.


When making tactical decisions, which part of the motor hierarchy controls the sequence of muscle contractions? Choose the correct option.

Motor cortex and the cerebellum

What is the function of the vestibulospinal and tectospinal tracts? Choose the correct option.

Balance the head as the body moves and turn the head in the direction of stimuli

Consider the motor loop through the basal ganglia. Which of the following is the functional consequence of cortical activation of the putamen? Choose the correct option.

Excitation of the SMA by VL

Which part of the brain participates in implementing the "go" in the phrase "Ready, set, go"? Choose the correct option.

Major subcortical input to area 6

What is hemiballismus? Choose the correct option.

Violent flinging movements on one side of the body

Lesions of the corticospinal tracts cause complete and permanent paralysis on the contralateral side. True or false?


In monkeys, the rubrospinal tract can partly compensate for deficits caused by lesions of the corticospinal tract. True or false?


Hyperkinesia is excess movement caused by decreased basal ganglia output. True or false?


Cortical area 6 lies at the junction where signals encoding what actions are desired are converted into signals that specify how the actions will be carried out. True or false?
