American Lit Unit 3 Study Guide

What is the term assigned to "an electric, multilingual English renewed by Spanish, African, and Latin American borrowings" according to writer Gloria AnzaldĂșa?

mestizo language

What are two significant driving forces shaping contemporary American Literature?

Artistic and demographic influences

What new demographic was introduced to literature in the United States in the second half of the twentieth century?


All of the following occurrences increased readership in the mid twentieth century EXCEPT

Women had more leisure time after losing their jobs to returning servicemen

All of the following factors changed the ways people interacted with contemporary literary texts EXCEPT

Texts challenged traditional values espoused by most readers.

What type of protagonist became popular in mid-twentieth-century American literature?

the nonconforming outsider.

Why did the nonconforming outsider become popular with mid-twentieth-century American readership?

Readers could identify with this character as a result of the dissatisfaction with the emerging American mass culture

To whom can the concept of "dropping out," popularized by Timothy Leary in the 1960s, be traced in American history?

Henry David Thoreau

Which of the following descriptions most closely defines the concept of gonzo journalism?

It is a style of journalism in which the writer undergoes extreme experiences to produce vivid reporting

what two inventions changed the literary landscape in second half of the twentieth century?

television and the internet

What did the Professor Marshall McLuhan mean when he claimed that "the medium is the message"?

how a concept is conveyed is what is actually communicated

What problem did television force viewers to address?

passivity in the face of spectacle

With what dramatic technique have contemporary playwrights experimented?

removing the fourth wall between actor and audience

Which of the following statements most closely describes the term postmodern?

It is a disconnected assemblage of media, including literary texts, that is edgy, blurs the lines of genres, or comments on media's role in culture.

How do postmodern writers generally relate to modernism?

They see modernism as the foundation for their own postmodern movement.

CivilWarLand in Bad Decline

George Saunders

Good Country people

Flannery O'Connor

The Things They Carried

Tim O'Brien


a form of fiction which emphasises its own constructedness in a way that continually reminds the audience to be aware they are reading or viewing a fictional work.

What did the short story Civilwarland in Bad Decline Represent?

The moral corruption it is so easy to get caught up in while being apart of the corporate world.

What is the genre of Good Country People?

Southern Gothic

What are some of the themes of Good Country People?

Hypocrisy, appearances and realities, as well as class, identity, and superiority

What are some themes of the three different stories from this unit?

death, morality, social obligation, storytelling, etc.