Physical Assessment Unit 5

During primary assessment, the examiner notes dampness inside a trauma victims dark colored coat. Which of the following would be most important for the examiner to determine?


Because strokes cause contralateral weakness, you would expect. patient with right sided brain damage to exhibit which of the following?

Left sided weakness of the body

What is a contracture?

permanent fixed flexion of a joint/ limited ROM

While testing pronator/palmar drift, you observe the patient for which of the following?

Lowering of an arm

The examiner is assessing deep tendon reflex response in a 12 year old. The boys response is an expected reflex...what would you score it?


In life threatening emergencies, written consent for treatment?

occurs after treatment is administered

The Glasgow coma scale is used to?

quantify consciousness

Persons with Parkinson's disease have an altered gait characterized by?

short shuffling steps

While assessing a 17 yr old patient with complains of nuchal rigidity, you note that the patient reports pain in the lower back with flexion of the leg. This indicates a positive ____ sign and may indicate meningeal irritation.


Which movement describes adduction?

movement of a limb towards the midline of the body

A nurse arrives at the scene of a construction site accident where an adult patient is lying on the street. The only info the nurse has is that the patient fell from building working. What do you do first?

Check breathing

Which sign is associated with meningitis and intracranial hemorrhage?

nuchal rigidity

Which of the following findings is associated with an increased risk for skin breakdown and injury?

inability to feel pressure applied to monofiliman

Extension is:

movement that increases the angle between two....

While testing a patients corneal reflex, which of the following response is expected?

brisk blinking

A nurse is assessing a patient who has a score of 4 on the Glasgows coma scale. The nurse should expect which of the following based on the score?

the client is in a comatose state

The autonomic nervous system coordinates which of the following?

internal organs of the body

Which movement describes abduction?

movement of a limb away from the body

A tingling sensation radiating fro the wrist to the hand on striking the median nerve is a positive ____ sign.


The patient is able to touch each finger to his thumb in rapid sequence. This finding indicates that the patient has:

appropriate cerebellar function

During primary assessment of life threatening conditions, D(disability) in neurological status is assessed buy the patients:

degree of responsiveness

The patient pictured below is exhibiting which form of posturing?


Which of the following would be assessed on the thoracic and lumbar spine?

extension, flexion and rotation

When the nurse asks a patient to stand with her feet together and arms to her sides, she loses her balance. The patient has a positive:

Romberg sign

When assessing a patients plantar reflex, a normal finding in an adult patient would be:

flexion of the toes

If a patient is experiencing an increase in their intracranial pressure, which cranial nerve is often affected first?

optic (Cranial nerve II)