Customer WOW

What is the fourth program, first cornerstone?

Customer WOW, Understanding the Why First

What business are we in, and give one personal experience example.

The wow business.

How do you grow your business?

Great technical service, plus unexpected great customer service.

Understand the why, not the ______.


Summarize cornerstone in your own words.

Build great business by understanding the customer and providing wow service.

Name the three generations and their age groups.

Gen x 20-40, gen y teens, baby boomers,50+

What is another name for needs analysis, and what does it mean?

ALA- ask, listen, act.

What kinds of questions do you ask, what do you listen for, and what do you do with the answers?

Open ended questions, listen for clues, Acton what you've heard.

When do you apply ALA?

To every client, every day.

Summarize cornerstone 2 in your own words.

Know the generations of customers, understand their needs, ask questions and act on the answers.

Another word for Anti-WOW is ______.


What is missing from an "ow"?

A double-you.

List the 8 secret reasons that people buy.

Promises, benefits, value, testimonials, credentials, guarantees, instant gratification, convenience

Give a WOW example for each secret.

Write these out....

Summarize cornerstone three in your own words.

We can apply "wow" to the 8 reasons people buy in order to go above and beyond expectations.

Name the 6 customer categories.

Prospect, suspect, first time buyer, repeat customer, client, advocate

What are the five must do's for requests?

Get comfortable being uncomfortable, use the 5 communication skill tools, build your business from the front desk, educate your client, remember the 8 core values.

What are the must do's for retention?

Don't be afraid of change, study reports, retail equals retention, prescribing equals retention, use the law of ALA.

What are the must do's for retail?

The experience is the ultimate service, prescribe products with every service, recommend services for products, live up to mission, vision, values, and culture, remember 8 core values.

What are the must do's for referrals?

Ask, give everyone 3 business cards and ask them to give them, include fellow service providers in referral program, hand out samples, cross-promote services.

When should I start prioritizing and why?

Right away. Sometimes we try to do everything at once and don't get anything done at all.

Summarize cornerstone 4 in your own words.

Follow the "must do's" for the 4 R's each day with all clients.