SCMT Exam 3 Logistics


the art and science of obtaining, producing and distributive material and product in the proper place and in the proper quantities

international logistics

managing the art and science of obtaining, producing and distributive material and product in the proper place and in the proper quantity when the movement is on a global scale

third party logistics

an outside company used to among all or part of another compass logistics functions

truck, ship, plane, train, pipeline

transport modes

plane, truck, train, ship

most to least expensive transport modes

cross docking

large shipments are broken down into small shipments for local delivery in an area (minimizes inventory in the warehouse)

hub and spoke systems

the sole purpose of the warehouse (hub) is sorting goods to consolidation areas, where each area is designed for shipment to a specific location (hobby airport spoke ex. )

cross docking and hub & spoke system

warehouse activities

facility location issues

proximity to customers
business climate
total costs
quality of labor
other facilities
free trade zones
political risk
government barriers
trade blocs
environmental regulation
host community
competitive advantage

proximity to customers

makes rapid delivery easier (demand)

business climate

can include presence of similar sized businesses, businesses in the same industry and other foreign companies (tariffs, taxes, presence of foreign companies)

total costs

proximity to customers + business climate; objective is to minimize overall cost-serving customer and getting goods in


adequate road, rail, air and sea transportation along with energy and telecommunication

quality of labor

educational and skill levels must match needs; stat feeds high demand people in town and dallas


proximity of important _____ supports lean production; firms pay attention to these people-eing very close is important aka being near a manufacturing plant

other facilities

location of other facilities can influence a location decision

free trade zones

a closed facility into which foreign goods can be brought without being subject to the normal customer requirements

political risk

risks in both the country of location and host country influence the decision (becoming a large problem with mexico and now huge in SE asia)

government barriers

barriers in many countries are being removed; huge political risk if there is a risk you will be kicked out; anywhere from domestic to local to country to national

trade blocs

firms locate within a block to take advantage of new markets or lower total costs

environmental regulation

these affect a certainty induct sty in a given location and must be included in the decision (California has a recycling tax)

host community

host communities interest is part of the evaluation process

competitive advantage

the location should provide the company with a competitive advantage

plant location methods

factor rating system, linear programming, centroid method

factor rating system

most widely used; list of factors is developed; range of possible points is assigned to each factor, the sums of assigned points for each site are computed, site with the most points is selected (fuel, power reliability and availability and water supply

linear programming

seeks to minimize costs of shipping n units to m destination or it seeks to maximize profit of shipping n units to m destinations

centroid method

only used in the simplest form, aka single facility used for locating single facilities that considers existing facilities, the distances between them and the values of goods to be shipped between them; assumes inbound and outbound costs are equal; does n

service facility location

talking about dealing face to face with customer; typical much smaller and going up more often; these are far more common than new factories and warehouses; less expensive, multiple sites close to customers' location decision closely tied to the market se

linear regression

develops a model that maxes long term profitability based on competitive variables and demand generator variables; does not just flow through; can have ranges

demographic and physical

factors affecting service location


employment, income, population


accessibility, traffic etc.

linear regression model

shoes that a specific model can be obtained from the requirements of service orgs and used to identify the most impertinent features in site selection




chosen parameter aka demographic, graphic etc.