PLB 101 CH 3

A phlebotomist let her friend use her institutional ID password to log on to the laboratory computer to check her mother's laboratory tests' results. This is:-a violation of FDA-a violation of HIPAA-okay since it is her mother-okay since her friend is also a phlebotomist in the clinical laboratory and employee of the health care institution


Before a patient's laboratory test results can legally be released, the patient must:-express verbal consent over the telephone or in person-tell his/her physician or nurse practitioner that it is okay-provide written consent-provide his/her attorney's consent


Failure to act or perform duties according to standards of the profession is:criminal actionslandernegligenceassault


Causing harm or loss through improper health care is the same as:assaultbatterynegligenceinformed consent


In home health care, if the phlebotomist had a needlestick during blood collection from the patient, the home health care phlebotomist immediately needs to:-write the laboratory where he/she took the patient's blood specimen that he/she had a needlestick injury.-contact the FDA and let them know he/she had a blood exposure event.-contact the state health department and let them know he/she had a needlestick from a home health care visit.-obtain the patient's HIV status and other potential infectious diseases such as Hepatitis C.

-obtain the patient's HIV status and other potential infectious diseases such as Hepatitis C.

Which of the following seemingly innocent activities can lead to a lawsuit?-Discussing patient information with a patient's family member with the patient's permission.-Discussing a 17-year-old patient's information with the patient's father without the patient's permission.-Sending a patient's lab test request to print and forgetting to take it off of the printer.-Logging off the computer after entering blood collection updates.

-Sending a patient's lab test request to print and forgetting to take it off of the printer.

The legal term for improper or unskillful care of a patient by a member of the health care team or any professional misconduct, or unreasonable lack of skill is:-litigation-a misdemeanor-a felony-malpractice


All of the following are ways to avoid malpractice litigation except:-properly handling all HIPAA communications without violation-reporting incidents within 72 hours-obtaining consent for the collection of blood specimens-regularly participating in continuing education programs

-reporting incidents within 72 hours

A 4-year-old girl who refused to have her blood collected was locked in a room by a health care worker and was forced to have her blood collected. This is an example of:informed consentinvasion of privacymisdemeanorassault and battery

assault and battery

To evaluate a difficult situation as a professional phlebotomist, which of the following questions should NOT come to mind?-Does it foster a win-win situation with the patient and my supervisor?-Can I live with myself after making this decision and is it right?-Can I get by without anyone knowing what happened?-Does it comply with the institutional policy?


In legal cases, which is the measuring stick representing the conduct of the average health care worker in the community?DiscoveryStandard of careInformed consentImplied consent

Standard of care

Specimen collection and handling is referred to as the:analytical phasepreanalytical phasepostanalytical phaseintra-analytical phase

preanalytical phase

Ethics are:-a set of principles or values based on religious and moral teachings.-not a part of phlebotomy because ethics are religious and not medical.-a set of principles designed by clinical laboratory administrators.-usually an afterthought of legal proceedings regarding medical lawsuits.


CLIA '88 essentially applies to:-every clinical laboratory testing facility in the United States.-all clinical laboratories in hospitals with greater than 200 beds-all clinical laboratories in health care institutions with greater than 500 beds-every clinical laboratory testing facility in the United States that has molecular diagnostic procedures


The federal regulations that are enforced to ensure the quality and accuracy of clinical laboratory testing is under the auspices of:HIPAACLIAEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


In which area is the standard of care currently used in phlebotomy malpractice legal cases involving health care providers based on the conduct of the average health care provider?citystateregional communitynational community

national community

Which of the following provides a standard of conduct by which a phlebotomist guides his/her own actions and judges that of others?-state administrative codes-personal ethics-legal proceedings from hospital lawsuits-legal proceedings from blood collection lawsuits


Which of the following is the best example of setting the standard of care in phlebotomy responsibilities?-Southwest Regional Phlebotomists' Association-Texas Association of Clinical Laboratory Sciences-American Hospital Association-California Clinical Laboratory Association


Professional negligence in blood collection is the same as:malicemalpracticeinformed consentimplied consent
