Honors A&P: Skeletal System (Kahoot)

The axial skeleton contains.....

The skull, vertebrae, and ribs

Where does hematopoiesis occur?

In the marrow cavity

What type of tissue covers the epiphysis of bones and reduces friction in the joints.

Articular cartilage

Each complex of central canal and metric rings in compact bone is known as -----

Haversian system

The bone cells that respond to PTH to destroy bone matrix &release calcium in blood are -----


Which of the following is only found associated with a child's bone?

Epiphyseal plate

What kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?

Hyaline cartilage

Which is the correct order of ribs, from superior to inferior?

True ribs, false ribs, & floating ribs

Which two bones constitute the forearm?

Ulna and radius

Bone is best described as -----

Osseous tissue

Which bones protect the spinal cord?

The vertebrae

Cube-shaped bones that contain mostly spongy bones are called -----


Small canals that connect osteocytes in their lacunae to the central canal are known as -----


The process of bone formation is known as -----


The skull, vertebral column and thoracic cage form the?

Axial skeleton

The temporal bones are joined to the parietal bones at the ----- sutures


The large hole located at the base of the occipital bone that connect the spinal cord & brain

Foramen magnum

The jaw is called the -----


The only bone in the body that doesn't directly articulate with any other bone is the -----


Of the 12 pairs of ribs, how many pairs are false ribs?

5 pairs