psychiatric nursing prelim📚📚

breif introduction of electric current through the brain to induce seizure attack for 25-150 seconds.

electro convulsive therapy

how many times and session may this therapy required?

2-3 times per week 6-12 session

ECT indications

🔘severe depression🔘treatment resistance depression🔘severe mania🔘catatonia🔘agitation and aggression in people withdementia

ECT contraindication

🔘increase ICP🔘brain tumors

ECT risk

🔘cva🔘retinal detachment(causes blindness) mgt;(patch)🔘pheochromocytoma ( adrenal tumor)

ECT special use:

🔘during pregnancy🔘meds can't be taken because they might harm the developing fetus🔘in adults who can't tolerate drug side effects

ECT side effects:

🔘confusion 🔘memory loss (mgt) orient pt.🔘physical side effects( vomiting,headache,altered vs)

this is generally effective and most widely used electrode placement causes the greatest post-ECT disorientation.

Bitemporal electrode placement

this hasbeen shown as efficacious as bitemporal placement while producing less disorientation

bifrontal placement

nursing considerations BEFORE ECT:

🔸provide family education🔸obtain informed consent🔸advice client to prepare memory aids(lists,notepad,etc)🔸NPO x 8-12 hrs🔸client should wear loose, comfortable and non-restrictive clothing 🔸remove client's denture,contact lense, hearing aids, glasses, prosthesis, jewelries, and metal accessories🔸client's hair should be clean and dry🔸anti-convulsant should not be given after 5 pm before procedure

ECT nursing consideration DURING PROCEDURE

🔸insert bite block and put on a stretcher with side rails up 🔸the client will be given short acting general anesthesia and muscle relaxant 🔸continuous EEG monitoring ;cardiac monitor

ECT nursing consideration AFTER PROCEDURE

🔸ensure client's safety🔸provide support🔸monitor VS🔸administer O2 and prepare suction equipment and supplies

mimics the effect of neurotransmitter


blocks neurotransmitter in the brain


endogenous chemicals that transmit signals from a neuron to a target cell across a synapse


the absorption of a neurotransmitter by a neurotransmitter transporter of a presynaptic neuron after it has performed its function of transmitting a neural impulse


increased acetylcholine causes


decreased acetylcholine causes

alzheimer's dse.

increased norepinephrine causes


decreased norepinephrine causes


increased dopamine causes


decreased dopamine causes

parkinson's depression

increased serotonin causes


decreased serotonin causes


decreased in GABA amino acid causes

🔸huntington's🔸schizophrenia 🔸anxiety states🔸epilepsy

increased substance (neuropeptide)


decreased substance P (neuropeptide)


also known as neuroleptics, use to treat psychosis, schizophrenia, mania, paranoid, organic dementi, etc


anti-psychotic is CONTRAINDICATED to patient who has ____?

🔸hypersensitivity🔸CNS depression🔸bone marrow depression🔸blood dyscrasias and brain damage

3 classifications

🔸typical🔸atypical🔸novel antipsychotic

this is conventional/traditional"1 st generation(1950-1990) ; cause EPSE's; use for (+) signs only ; older antipsychotic, effective in treatment of acute psychosis and agitation.


high potency antipsychotic DRUGS


moderat potency DRUGS


low potency causes more anticholinergic and antiadrenergic SE


2nd generation;fewer EPSE's but causes agranulocytosis and anticholonergics


atypical or 2nd generation DRUGS

🔸Clozapine (clozaril)🔸Risperdone(risperdal)🔸Olanzapine(zypreza)🔸Quentiapine(seroquel) 🔸Sertindole(serlect)🔸Zipresalone(zeldox)🔸Ziprasidone(geodon)🔸Paliperidone(inverga)

newest 1 day dosing only

Paliperidone (inverga)

(dopamine system stabilizer) ✖️most common SE are headache, lightheadedness and akathesia

Nobel antipsychotic

cause by blocking of CN's

PNS (anticholinergic effects)

CN III-occulomotor nerve block causes;

🔸Mydriasis🔸Blurring of vission🔸Impaired accomodation

CN III nursing intervention

🔸Advise to report eye pain immediately avoid potentially dangerous task 🔸Normal vision return in 5 weeks, pilocarpine eye drops can be use for short-term basis

CN VII-facial nerve block and CN IX glossopharyngeal causes:

🔸Dry mouth 🔸decrease tearing🔸Dry nasal passage

CN VII and CN IX nursing intervention:

🔸take sips of water frequently 🔸Provide sugar less, hard candies, sugarless gums mouth rinses

CN X vagus nerve block causes:

🔸tachycardia🔸constipation🔸urinary hesitancy

CN X nursing intervention:

🔸Provide privacy, run water into sink,warm water over perineum 🔸Increase fiber in diet 🔸Give laxative as prescribe