ch 6 community

All of the following are components of establishing the oral health program except which of the following?

Assurance, because it is a public health core function

The program goal is to improve the oral health of the school-age children. which objective that you have written for the 2nd grade class's educational component would be measurable?

the students will label the parts of the tooth accurately on a diagram (this is a performance verb)

Which preventive program would have the most benefit for all of the school-age children?

community fluoridated water

which program would be able to provide funding for dental treatment in the school clinic?

medicaid, medicare is for elderly

Which dental hygiene service provided by the dental hygiene students is evidenced-based?

application of fluoride varnish on the teeth of children

You are a dh who is involved in a mobile dental van school-based sealant program. as you are gathering your materials you are approached by a concerned and confused young mother who has several questions.She asks why sealants are necessary to live in an a

dental sealants are more effective than fluoride in pits and fissures

shes asks why the sealants weren't offered when her child was in nursery school, and you tell her that sealant programs generally focus on

6-8 12-14 due to eruption of 1st and 2nd molars

she wants to know how effective dental sealants are and you tell her that the CDC reports that school-based pit and fissure sealant programs reduce dental caries as much as ___%


she asks how many 8 year old children like her daughter have sealants and you tell her that according to the 1998-1994 baseline data __% of 8 year old children had dental sealants on their permanent molars


she asks you if sealants contain fluoride because she read on a website that fluoride is toxic and you tell her

the arguments against fluoridation dont have any merit based on scientific knowledge

performance verb



when it will be completed


without error

cost of water fluoridation

68 cents for over 50,000 people, 98 cents between 10,000-50,000, 3$ for fewer than 10,000

fluoride varnish

prevent root surface caries on adults with recession

what state serves 75% of fluoridated water



joint state-federal funded program through Title XXI grants to develop comp health insurance coverage for children not covered by medicaid (children health insurance program)

Head start program

preschool children, screening and referral, daily ohi activities, weekly oral health curricula


federally qualified health center

donated dental services (DDS)

elderly, disabled, medically compromised, one-time tx plan