World Religion

Islam means

submission and surrender

Which of the following does NOT necessarily describe a Muslim?

Not all Muslims are arabs

In size, Islam is

the fastest growing and second largest

Which person form the Hebrew Bible is NOT considered part of Islam's genealogy?


Which of the following is NOT muslim belief?

Original sin

The disaster," as it is known in Muslim literature and consciousness that triggered a period of doubt and self-examination in the 1970s was about

loosing major territory; Jerusalem `

Which of the following is NOT a holy city to Muslims


In America and Europe, Islam is

the fastest growing

The word "jihad" means

struggle and to strive

As Christians look to Jesus and the New Testament and Jews look to Moses and the Torah, Muslims look to

Muhammed and the Quran

Which of the following was NOT condemned by Muhammad?

earning profit

Which of the following describes pre-Islamic Arabian society and religion

polytheistic; tribal society

Muhammad saw his relationship to the region of Islam as that of

A prophet and reformer

What means did Muhammad use to defeat the Meccans and unite the tribes of Arabia under the banner of Islam?

Political; force, diplomacy

Which of the following was role played by Muhammad in the early Muslim community?

All of the above

Sunnis and Shiahs split due to

struggle of power

The proportions of Sunnis and Shiahs are

Shiahs:15% and Sunnis:85%

Which of the following describes Orthodox Christianity?

mystical emphasis

Historians have pointed out that, at the time; the only ones with the power to cause Jesus' crucifixion were the


According to the text, the three people most responsible for the shape of Western Christianity are

Paul, Augustine, and Jesus

For centuries, Christians turned to which of the following as a model of conversion and spiritual piety?

Augstine's Confessions

The ruling that Paul won that was decisive for the growing of the Nazarene movement among the gentiles was about


One way that Augustine's defined "grace" is

making possible one cannot do

Which of the following is characteristics of Augustine's "two cities

City of God and City of Man should work together

The premodern religious movement that provided the bridge of salvation between the ancient world and the modern word was

Bendictian Monks

Which of the following does NOT apply to Paul?

did not contribute writing ( he did)

During the Middle-Ages, the sixth to fourteenth centuries, who was educated and therefore could read?

The rich, and the monks

Outside the church there was no salvation" refers to

refers to the priests being the only ones who could accept money

Which sacrament was adaptation of the Jewish blessing of the bread and wine at the Passover meal?

Bucharest, communion

Why was December 25th chosen as the birthday of Jesus?

Pegan holiday

Rulers of church and state would most likely turn to this work as a model for the political order

City of God ; Augustines

The first serious reform movement in the church was


In all the major religions, "mysticism" implies that


When Christianity waged war on Islam during the Middle Ages it was called


Which of the following was NOT a factor in the creation of corporations that mar the beginnings of secularization of institutions?

no hierarchy --> D

The roots of the split between faith and science began with

Normalization separated faith and reason

Which of the following describes Martin Luther's declaration and became the central doctrine of the Protestant Reformation

Faith and scripture

Since the Holocaust, the majority of Jew worldwide live in what two centuries

America and Isreal

What for of Judaism provided the expected norms for Jewish life from the sixth century CE until the emergence of modern forms of Judaism in the nineteenth century?


Of all the great world religions, in size Judaism is the


According the Judaism, the ideal of life is

living in harmony and following God's will

According to Judaism, the way of life that God gave Israel to follow is embodied in the

613 commandments

The Jewish movement that parallels Christianity's fundamentalist response to modernity is called

ultra orthodoxy

Which movement would be most likely to accommodate the most aspects of modern secular life?


Which movement would be least likely to accommodate the most aspects of modern secular life?


For Reform Jews the essence of Judaism is


The late twentieth-century ultra-orthodoxy movement sought to


the influence of the ultra-orthodoxy since the mid-1970's has


The two constellations of events that have shaped modern Judaism above all else are the

the holocaust and the enlightenment, founding Israel

Which theologian modeled the way for the entrepreneurs of the new capitalists era he helped create?
