Chapter 5 Mastering Biology

Select the statement that is incorrect.

All carbohydrates have the general formula Cn(H20)n.

A simple sugar is composed of equal part carbon and water, which gave rise to the general name of any sugar as a ___.


Lactose, the sugar in milk, is a ___, because it can be split into two monosaccharides.


A ___ cannot be hydrolyzed any further.


A carbohydrate that yields many monosaccharides when hydrolyzed is a ___.


Glycogen is ___.

A polysaccharide found in animals

Glucose + glucose --> ___ + ___

Maltose + water, dehydration synthesis

Which of these is a source of lactose?


Which of these is a polysaccharide?


___ is the most abundant organic compound on Earth.


Which of these is NOT a lipid?


Which of these is rich in unsaturated fats?

Olive oil

A function of cholesterol that does not harm health is its role ___.

As a component of animal cell membranes

___ structure is the sequence of amino acids in a protein.


___ structure is the result of two or more protein subunits assembling to form a larger, biologically active protein complex.


___ structure describes the alpha- helices and beta- sheets that are formed by hydrogen bonding between backbone atoms located near each other in the polypeptide chain.


___ structure is achieved when a protein folds into a compact, three-dimensional shape stabilized by interactions between side-chain R groups of amino acids.


Identify three possible components of a DNA nucleotide.

Deoxyribose, phosphate group, and thymine