Unit 1 Psych

Contemporary psychology is best defined as the scientific study of

Behavior and Mental process

Wilhelm Wundt's laboratory work involved experimental studies of

Reactions to sensory stimulation

Humanistic Psychology

Healthy growth potential

Arguments as to whether psychological differences between men and women result from biological or social influences most clearly involve a debate over the issue of

nature versus nurture

the biopsychosocial approach is integrated with a larger framework of

multiple level analysis

What is most concerned with assessing the relative impact of nature and nurture on our psychological traits

behavior genetics

Dr. Winkle conducts basic research on the systematic changes in intelligence associated with aging. It is most likely that Dr. Winkle is a(n) ________ psychologist.


Dr. Caleigh conducts basic research on the relationship between adults' language skills and their capacity to solve mathematical problems. Dr. Caleigh is most likely a(n) ________ psychologist.


Which professional specialty focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of people with psychological disorders?

clinical psychology

one technique of the SQ3R method emphasizes the importance of

reviewing material

The hindsight bias refers to peoples tendency to

exaggerate their ability to have foreseen the outcome of past events

Thinking that she had outperformed most of her classmates, Glenda was surprised to receive just an average grade on her psychology test. Glenda's experience best illustrates


Critical thinkers can best be described as


the scientific attitude of skepticism is based on the belief that

ideas need to be tested against observable evidence

which research method runs the greatest risk of collecting evidence that may be unrepresentative of whats generally true

the case study

Hypothesis are best described as


To ensure that other researchers can repeat their work, psychologists use:

operational definitions

Your roomate is conducting a survey to learn how many hours the typical college student studies each day. She plans to pass our her questionnaire to the members of her sorority. You point our her findings will be flawed because

the sample will probably not be representative of the population of interest

which research technique is most directly useful for avoiding the thinking error known as the false consensus effect?

random sampling

The complete set of cases from which samples may be drawn is called a(n)


Which procedure helps to ensure that the participants in a survey are representative of a larger population?

random sampling

Psychologists who carefully watch the behavior of chimpanzee societies in the jungle are using a research method known as

naturalistic observation

A correlation coefficient is a measure of the

direction and strength of the relationship between two variables

Mr. Brown has gathered evidence that the self-esteem of students is negatively correlated with their typical levels of anxiety. Before he uses this evidence to conclude that self-esteem reduces anxiety, Mr. Brown should first be reminded that:

correlation doesn't prove causation

If college graduates typically earn more money than high school graduates, this would indicate that level of education and income are

positively correlated

the belief that weather conditions signal the onset of arthritis pain best illustrates

an illusory correlation

in order to exercise maximum control over factors they're studying, researches engage in


in an experimental study of the extent to which mental alertness is inhibited by sleep deprivation, alertness would be the

dependent variable

Both the researchers and the participants in a memory study are ignorant about which participants have actually received a potentially memory-enhancing drug and which have received a placebo. This investigation involves the use of

the double blind procedure

In order to study the effects of lighting on mood, Dr cooper had students fill out questionnaires in brightly lit or dimly lit rooms. In this study the independent variable would be

the room lighting

What statement about ethics of experimentation with people and animals is false

animals are used in psychological research more often than they are killed in humane animal shelters

In a study of factors that might affect memory, research participants were assigned to drink either an alcoholic or a nonalcoholic beverage prior to completing a memory test. Those who drank the nonalcoholic beverage were assigned to the ________ group.


When you read a bar graph, it is most important for you to

note the range and size of the scale values

When Mr. Adams calculated his students' algebra test scores, he noticed that two students had extremely low scores. Which measure of central tendency is affected most by the scores of these two students?


the difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution is the


Professor Woo noticed that the distribution of students' scores on her last biology test had an extremely small standard deviation. This indicates that the

students scores tended to be similar towards eachother

psychological differences between the genders are

far outweighed by gender similarities

The American Psychological Association and British Psychological Society have developed ethical principles urging investigators to

explain the research to the participants after the study has been completed