NHA Chapter 11: Testing and laboratory procedures

Random urine

A urine specimen collected in a clean container for screening purposes; no preparation is required

first morning specimen

The patient collects the first specimen of the morning in a clean container. This specimen is more concentrated and used for pregnancy testing, or when other analytes (protein nitrites) need to be evaluated

Clean-catch midstream

The patient performs perineal cleaning using moist wipes, begins to urinate, and then collects the specimen midstream in a sterile urine container. This specimen is used for cultures or when a noncontaminated specimen is desired.


This method uses a container with preservatives. The patient discards the first morning specimen and collects all specimens for the next 24 hr, including the first void of the second day. This type of collection is important in quantitative analysis of components such as protein when analyzing kidney function.

catheterized collection

This method is used when a sterile urine sample is needed or if patients are unable to provide a specimen on their own. It involves insertion of a sterile tube (catheter) through the urethra into the bladder. This procedure is performed by the provider or nurse, with the medical assistant prepping the patient and assisting.

Sputum specimen

the collection and examination of the material ejected from the mouth after a cough. this produces specimen from deep inside the lungs.

Point-of-care testing( CLIA -WAVED)

Tests performed at the patient's bedside or work of area, using a portable instrument.

Rapid Streptococcus testing(point of care)

Throat swabs are obtained to screen for Group A streptococcus

Dipstick, tablet, or multi-stick urinalysis(point of care)

The urinalysis is a screening tool for analytes that are excreted in the urine

hemoglobin(point of care)

a machine is used to screen for the oxygen-carrying protein in whole blood, performed using capillary blood from a fingerstick(capillary function)

Spun hematocrit (point of care)

Fingerstick collection of blood in microcapillary tubes is centrifuged and evaluated for the percentage of red blood cells

Hemoglobin A1c(point of care)

This capillary blood test shows diabetes control over an approximate 3 month period

Cholesterol testing(point of care)

Lipids are evaluated using capillary blood

Helicobacter pylori(point of care)

A blood sample screens for H. pylori, which is the main cause of gastric ulcers

Mononucleosis screening( point of care)

This screening tool tests for the presence of the Epstein-Barr virus in capillary blood.

fecal occult blood( point of care)

This test is performed to screen for hidden blood in the stool

Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation (COLA)

an independent accreditor for laboratories; it focuses on meeting CLIA regulations with a goal of providing the best care to the patient.

Quality Assurance

is comprehensive and relates to policies and procedures that must be implemented for reliability of test results. example; reviewing the expiration of urine multi-sticks is a means of quality control

Quality control

it is related to test reliability and accuracy while attempting to uncover errors and eliminate them. Example: Checking the temperature of the laboratory refrigerator and documenting it on a log is a quality control measure.

who are necessary to file the insurance claim?

the guarantor, insurance plan, and ID numbers

What is required on specimen label?

patient's name, and date and time of collection


it records movement of the tympanic membrane, which can be affected by increased pressure in the middle ear.

what is the normal decibel range an adult should be able to hear?

25 decibels

what is the normal decibel range a child should be able to hear?

15 decibels

Radioallergosorbent test (RAST)

A blood test used to detect antibodies associated with allergens

A medical assistant is instructing a patient on the collection of a clean-catch urine specimen for culture and sensitivity (C &S). Which of the following instructions should the medical assistant give the patient?A. " Void into a clean container and then transfer it into a sterile container."B." Void into a sterile container directly after cleaning the perineum."C. " Void into a container from home and bring it to the office.D. " Void a small amount of urine into the toilet and then void the next portion into a sterile container.

D. " Void a small amount of urine into the toilet and then void the next portion into a sterile container.

A medical assistant is instructing a patient about collecting stool specimens at home for occult blood testing. Which of the following statements should the medical assistant make about the patient's medications?A." Discontinue all your medications 72 hours before the test.''B. " Take a laxative 24 hours prior to the test."C. " Discontinue any NSAIDS a week before the test."D. "Take 500 milligrams of a vitamin C supplement daily,

C. " Discontinue any NSAIDS a week before the test.

A medical assistant reviews the results of a urine pregnancy test and sees that a blue line did not appear in the control area. This indicates which of the following?A. The pregnancy test is positive.B. The pregnancy test is not validC. The pregnancy test specimen is not concentratedD. The pregnancy test is negative

B. The pregnancy test is not valid

A medical assistant is performing a visual acuity test on an adult patient. The patient is able to read the 20/30 line with both eyes, but misses one letter. Which of the following results should the medical assistant document in the patient's medical record?A. 20/30-1 both eyesB. 20/30 left eyeC. 20/30-1 right eyeD. 20/20 both eyes

A. 20/30-1 both eyes. The medical assistant should use 20/30-1 both eyes to document what line the patient read, any letters the patient missed, and which eyes the patient used.

A medical assistant is performing a routine hearing test on a patient. Which of the following procedures measures a patient's hearing by using air and bone conduction?A. Audiometric testB. Otoscopic examC. Tuning fork testD. Cerumen removal

C. Tuning fork test. A tuning fork test measures hearing using air and bone conduction.

Which of the following instructions should a medical assistant provide to a patient prior to spirometry testing?

avoid smoking for at least an hour prior to the test, no large meals 2 hr before the test, and discontinuing the use of bronchodilator or other breathing therapies for at least 6 hours before the test

A medical assistant is collecting a specimen for testing. When is it appropriate for the medical assistant to label the specimen?A. Prior to collecting the specimenB. After collecting the specimenC. Prior to sending the specimen to a laboratoryD. After laboratory processing of the specimen

B. After collecting the specimen

A medical assistant is assisting a provider with the collection of a fecal occult specimen. Which of the following statements about the collection is true?A. The specimen should be developed 1 min after collectionB. The results can be interpreted immediately after the developer is appliedC. Four drops of developer should be applied to the specimenD. The result is positive if a trace of blue color is detected on the edge of the smear.

D. The result is positive if a trace of blue color is detected on the edge of the smear.

