Anatomy Exam 3 Review

The articulatory system is composed of ____ & ____ articulators brought into contact for the purpose of shaping the sounds for speech

mobile & immobile

For speech, the ___ is the source, and the ______ are the filter.

vocal folds, articulators

The vocal tract consists of the _____, _____, _________, and the _________.

oral cavity, buccal cavity, nasal cavity, pharynx

Changing the ______ & _______ of the cavities provides variable resonance that produces sound.

shape & volume

____ are the structures used to produce sounds of speech.


The cranium is divided into two regions: ___ & _____.

neurocranium, viscerocranium

The upper portion of the neurocranium is called the ________.


Which portion of the cranium houses the soft tissues of the skull? ______.


What are the two small bones at the ridge of your nose called? _____.

nasal bones

What is the bony part of the nasal septum called? __________.


What is the posterior aspect of the hard palate? __________.

palatine bone

What is the anterior aspect of the hard palate?_________.


The _________ is part of the ethmoid bone.

cribriform plate

What are the 3 bony ossicles? ___, ___, & ________.

malleus, incus, & stapes

The bony curls in the nasal cavity that help with air flow are called _________.


The suture found between the frontal and parietal bone: ________.


The suture found between the right and left parietal bones: ______.

sagittal suture

The suture between the parietal and occipital bone: __________.

Lambdoid suture

The ______ is the part of the mandible where the body and ramus come together.


The ___ of the mandible articulates with the skull (TMJ).


What kind of joint is the TMJ? __________.

synovial joint

What are the two types of movements of the TMJ? ______ & _________.

Hinge (depression/elevation) & Glide (protrue/retrude)

What are the 4 muscles of mastication? _________, ______, ______, & ____ _____.

Temporalis, masseter, lateral pterygoid, medial pterygoid

What innervates the muscles of mastication? ________.

Mandibular branch of CNV

The teeth are housed in the _____ & the _____.

mandible & maxilla

What are the 4 types of teeth? ______, _______, ______, & _________.

Incisors, canines, premolars, & molar

Your "baby" teeth are also known as your ____________ teeth.


What are the 5 surfaces of your teeth? _______, ________, ________, __________, & ________.

Medial, distal, buccal/labial, lingual/palatal, occlusal

What are the 3 regions of the tooth? _________, __________, & _________.

crown, neck, root

The _____ of the tooth is below the gum line (bottom ⅔).


The ________ of the tooth is between the root and crown.


The ___ of the tooth is above the gum line, covered by enamel. (upper ⅓)


What is the intersection of the coronal and sagittal sutures? _______.


What is the intersection of the occipital and parietal sutures? ______.


What is the process called when skull bones fuse too early? _________________.


What are the 4 paranasal sinuses? _______, ______, _______, & ______________.

maxillary, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid

What is the largest of the paranasal sinuses, and one that has difficulty draining due to orientation? _______________.


A __________ & ___________ can arise during embryonic development when certain processes do not fuse together.

clef palate

There are 4 things that need to fuse together properly to avoid a cleft palate/lip. These include: ______, ______, ______, & ____________.

Maxillary prominence, mandibular prominence, medial nasal process,and lateral nasal process

The palatine bone consists of: ________, ____________, & _____________.

Horizontal plate, perpendicular plate, orbital process

The _______ bone consists of a body and 3 major processes: greater and lesser wings, pterygoid processes.


What are the 4 segments of the temporal bone? ______, _________, _______, & ________________.

squamous, mastoid, tympanic, petrous

Which segment of the temporal bone houses the cochlea? ___________.

petrous portion

What are the 3 cartilages of the nasal cavity? ______________, ___________, & ____________.

Lateral, alar, septal

The posterior openings of the nasal cavity is called the ____________.


There are 3 turbinates (choncha) of the nasal cavity: ___________, __________, & _________.

superior, middle, & inferior

What is the posterior boundary of the oral cavity? ________.

faucial pillars

What is the anterior boundary of the oral cavity? _______________.

oral opening

The palatoglossus is innervated by cranial nerve ____.

Vagus X

The buccal cavity is lined with a ________ epithelium.

stratified squamous

The _______ empties into the buccal cavity

parotid duct

What is the superior boundary of the pharynx? _________.


What is the inferior boundary of the pharynx? ________________.

vocal folds

What are the 3 divisions of the pharynx? ____, _______, & _________.

nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngeal pharynx

What is the stylopharyngeus muscle innervated by? ________.

Glossopharyngeal CN IX

What equalizes pressure in the middle ear? ________

Eustachian tube

What are the 4 lymphoid tissues? ______, _______, ____________, & ___________.

Adenoids, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils

What closes the eyelids? _________. What opens the eyelids? ______________.

Orbicularis oculi, levator palpebrae superioris

What closes the lips? ________________.

orbicularis oris

What elevates the lips to smile? ________________________.

zygomaticus major and minor

What elevates the upper lip? ____________.

levator labii superiors

What thins (widens) the lips?_______________.


What is responsible for frowning? __________.

depressor angluli oris

What lowers the bottom lip? ______________.

depressor labii inferioris

What protrudes the bottom lip? ______________.


What are the facial branches of CN VII? ___ __________.

temporal , zygomatic, buccal, mental, cervical,

What are the 4 intrinsic tongue muscles? ______________, ________, _____________, & ______________.

Superior longitudinal, inferior longitudinal, transverse, vertical

What intrinsic muscle elevates the tip of the tongue? _____________________.

Superior longitudinal

What intrinsic muscle depresses the tip of the tongue? _____________________.

inferior longitudinal

What intrinsic muscle narrows the tongue? _________________________.


What intrinsic muscle flattens the tongue? __________________.


Name the 4 extrinsic tongue muscles. ___________________, _________________, ________________, & __________________.

genioglossus, hyoglossus, Styloglossus, palatoglossus

What extrinsic tongue muscle depresses the tongue, its anterior fibers retract tongue and its posterior fibers protrude tongue? _____________________.


What extrinsic tongue muscle pulls the sides of the tongue inferiorly? _________________.


What extrinsic tongue muscle draws the tongue superiorly and posteriorly? _______________.`


What extrinsic tongue muscle elevates the tongue and depresses the velum? ________________.


General sensation of the anterior ⅔ of tongue is innervated by the _________________________.

Mandibular branch of CN IX

Taste of the anterior ⅔ of the tongue is innervated by the ____ via the __________________.

CN VII, chorda tympani

General sensation and taste of the posterior ⅓ of the tongue is innervated by ________________.

Glossopharyngeal CN IX

List the 5 muscles of the soft palate. _______________, _____________, _________,____________________, & ________________.

Uvulae, tensor veli palatini, salpingopharyngeus, levator veli palatini, palatopharyngeus

What muscle of the soft palate shortens the velum? ______________.


What muscle of the soft palate tenses the soft palate and opens the auditory tube when swallowing? ____________________.

tensor veli palatini

What muscle of the soft palate elevates the pharynx? ______________________.


What muscle of the soft palate elevates and retracts the velum? ______________________.

levator veli palatini

The soft palate acts as a ____________.


What muscle of the soft palate depresses the velum, narrows the pharynx, and elevates the larynx? ________________.


What is a sac-like outpouching of the pharynx through an area of muscular weakness? ______________________.

zinker diverticulitis

What are the 3 levator muscles of the pharynx? ________________, _______________, & ___________________.

Stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus

List the 4 stages of deglutition: _______________, _______, ___________, & ______________.

Oral preparatory, oral propulsion, pharyngeal, esophageal