
Which of the following muscles helps adduct the vocal folds?

Transverse arytenoids

Which cranial nerves are involved in speech?

5-trigeminal: jaw movement7-facial: facial movement, hyoid elevation, salivation and taste 12-hypoglossal: tongue movement

Oliver, an 88-year-old patient, suffered from a stroke. He complains that he does not have sensation in the posterior one-third of the tongue. Damage to which cranial nerve would cause loss of general sensation of the posterior one-third of the tongue?

cranial nerve IX, glossopharyngeal nerve

Which of the following is the cranial nerve that innervates the larynx as well as the palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles?

Cranial nerve X, the vagus nerve

List the parts of the brainstem from superior to inferior:

midbrain, pons, medulla

verse band of tissue on either side of the tongue is (are):

sublingual folds

Intrinsic muscles of the larynx serve important functions in phonation. Some are primarily vibrating muscles, whereas others, by their actions, affect the actions of the vocal folds and the resulting quality of phonation. Of the statements that follow, select the one that is incorrect.

The transverse arytenoids are laryngeal abductors

This muscle is located under the jaw and extends from the mastoid process to the symphysis menti. It is part of the suprahyoid group of muscles. When this muscle contracts, it elevates the hyoid bone. This muscle is known as the


Jack is an 8-year-old boy who is a chronic mouth breather. He attends an evaluation with his mother, who mentions that the ENT informed her that in young children, respiration could be obstructed when the pharyngeal tonsils are inflamed or swollen. You concur with the ENT and mention that it is possible that the root cause of her son's chronic mouth breathing is swelling of the:

tonsillar ring

A 73-year-old client is complaining of issues with regulation of motor movements of the pharynx and lack of sensation of the tongue. What cranial nerve regulates motor movements of the pharynx and sensations of the tongue?

cranial nerve IX

The intercostal muscles are between the ribs and play an important role in respiration. The two sets of intercostals perform different functions. Select the correct statement

The 11 paired internal intercostal muscles pull the ribs downward to decrease the diameter of the thoracic cavity for exhalation.

Choose that statement that best explains the difference between the valleculae and the pyriform sinus.

The pyriform sinus is the space between the thyroid cartilage and aryepiglottic membrane and the valleculae is the space between the tongue and epiglottis.

The function of the __________ is to allow optimum contraction and expansion of the lungs during breathing.


Annalise, a 67-year old patient was having problems swallowing. Food was pocketing in a space after the swallow. The speech-language pathologist mentioned to Annalise that these spaces between the dental alveolus and cheek or lip musculature are known as the _______
