DMV Driving Exam 1

In an open country at night and on dark streets, you should drive with?

High Beams headlights

Are minors permitted to talk on cell phones while driving?

NO, except in an emergency situation

When approaching a school zone while children are outside, you must drive no faster than 25 MPH if you are within __________ feet of the school?

500-1000 feet

While driving up a mountain road, you meet another vehicle and there is not enough room for you to pass. What should you do?

Wait for the other vehicle to reverse back up the hill until there is room for you to pass

NEV USE ONLY" Lanes have vehicles_______________?

That are slow moving and restricted to neighborhood use

Before changing lanes on a freeway, you should signal for at least________?

5 seconds

To avoid last minute moves, look down the road ________.

10-15 seconds.

You must not park within _________ feet of a railroad track?

7.5 feet

When is one handed steering best used?

When you are backing up without much turning

If your vehicle is parked on a level street, in which direction should the tires point?

Parallel to the curb

It is illegal for anyone over the age of 21 to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of _________ percent or higher?


When in a roundabout, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:

Stopping your vehicle to turn

When preparing to exit the freeway, you should signal for at least _________ seconds before reaching the exit.

5 seconds

While driving in a center left-turn lane, you may only drive for ____ feet.

200 feet

In which of the citations is appropriate to use your horn?

To make eye contact with another driver

In which of the following places is a U-turn permitted?

Across a double yellow line

You may drive in a designated carpool lane if

if you are driving a low-emission vehicle with proper decals; you are driving a motorcycle; you have the minimum numb er of people required for that lane

When passing a bicyclist in a travel lane, you must ensure there is enough width for the cyclist. The amount space required is

3 feet

If you were parked on the side of the road and are now re-entering traffic, ____________?

The traffic on the road has the right of way

If weather conditions require you to use your windshield wipers, you must also __________________.

Turn on your headlights

Because trucks are so large, they often appear to be driving


If you need to cross multiple freeway lanes, you should:

Cross them one at a time

You must not follow within ____ feet of any emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights.

300 feet

May you park beside a white curb?

YES, but not for long enough to pick up or drop off passengers or mail

To avoid tailgating, how much space should you leave between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you?

3 seconds

Drive into a special "turnout" are to:

Allow vehicles to pass you

When driving at an intersections, you should look ________ because ______________?

To the left, vehicles coming from the left are closer to you

Why should you always make a shoulder check for motorcycles before changing lanes?

Their small size makes them difficult to see

When can a left turn be made against a right light?

When turning from a one way street onto another one way street

How will you know it is safe to merge back in front of a vehicle you have just passed?

The vehicle's headlights are visible in your rear-view mirror

Which safety precaution should be taken when driving in a "cone zone?

Allow for extra following room; minimize distractions; slow down

In which of the situations should you leave extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you?

You should leave space between you and the vehicle in front of you when the driver behind you wants to pass, while following large vehicles, and while driving on slippery roads.

When merging into freeway traffic, who has the right-of-way?

The freeway traffic

When there are three lanes to choose from, choose ______ lane for the smoothest driving?

The middle

The California "Basic Speed Law" means that?

You must never drive faster than what is safe in current conditions

If you start to skid, you should?

Ease off the gas pedal; stop braking; turning the steering wheel in the direction of the skid

If your car breaks down and you cannot get it completely off the road, where should you stop?

Where your vehicle can be seen from behind

When driving on a two-way road with a solid yellow center line and a broken yellow center line, are you permitted to pass a vehicle in front of you?

YES, if the broken line is on your side

What are the 5 things you should always say to the driving test examiner?

How is your day going? Can you please re-read the instructionsYou can ask me to demonstrate any of the driving skills, and i will gladly do it. Make a genuine compliment about them "Safety is at the front of my mind, you have nothing to worry about during this ride.