WVU Psychology 101 test 3

A relatively permanent change in behavior brought about by experience


A type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a responce after being paired with a stimulus that naturally brings about that response

Classical Conditioning

A stimulus that before conditioning, does not naturally bring about the response of interest

Neutral stimulus

A stimulus that naturally brings about a particuluar response with out having being learned

Unconditioned stimulus

A response that is natural and needs no training

unconditioned response

A once neutral stimullus that has been paired with an unconditional stimulus to bring about a response formerly cause only by the unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned stimulus

Reinforcement is given only after a specific number of responses are made

fixed ratio

Reinforcement only a fixed time period

fixed interval

Reinforcement occurs after a varifying number of responses rather than being fixed

Variable interval

When a stimulus procedes a response that is reinforced the stimulus starts to control that response


Discriminative stimulus > response > reinforces

Three-term contingency

An approach to the study of learning that focuses on the thought processes that underlie learning. Argues that in between stimulus and response there is the organism's view of the world

Cognitive learning theory

Learning in which a new behavior is acquired but in not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it; occurs "without" reinforcement

Latent learning

Characteristic ways of approaching learning, based on a person's cultural background and unique pattern of abilities

Learning styles

The process by which we encode, store, and retrieve information


maintaining information over time


recovery of stored information, remembering


the initial, momentary storage of information, lasting only an instant

sensory memory

memory that holds information for 15 to 25 seconds

short term memory

memory that stores information on a relatively permanent basis, although it may be difficult to retrieve

long term memory

reflects information from the visual system

Iconic memory

stores auditory information coming from the ears

Echoic memory

Limited capacity- 7 plus or minus 2 items

Short term meory

A meaningful grouping of stimuli that can be stored as a unit in short term memory


Repeating information

role repetition

Occurs when the information is considered and organized in same fashion

Elaborative rehearsal

stratigies that we can use to vastly improve our retention; formal techniques for organizing information in a way that makes it more likely to be remembered


involved in reasoning and decision making

Central executive processor

specializes in visual and spaticle information

visual store

holds and manipulates material related to speech, words, and numbers

verbal store

contains information that represents information or events

episodic buffer

memory for factual information: names, faces, dates

declarative memory

memory for general knowledge and facts about the world, as well as memory for the rules of logic that are used to deduce other facts

semantic memory

memory for events that occur in a particular place, time , or context

episodic memory

memory for the skills and habbits, such as riding a bike or hitting a baseball, sometimes referred to as nondeclarative memory

Procedural memory

consolidate new memories


emotions are stored with memories


Neural pathways become activated when a new response is repeated (or being learned) Increased firing in a set of neurons

Long term potentiation

memories become fixed and stable in long term memory


Specific bits of information must be retrieved


specific, important, or shocking event, so vivid they seem to represent a virtual snapshot of the event

Flashbulb memories

processes in which memories are influenced by the meaning one gives to events

constructive processes

Information stored in memory that bias the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled-expectations and pregudices


recollections of events that are initially so shocking that the mind responds by pushing them into the unconscious

repressed memories

recollections of circumstances and episdoes from our own lives; tend to forget information about our past that is incompatible with the way in which we currently see ourselves

autobiographical memory

memories may be inaccurate or even wholly false

false memories

the loss of information in memory through its nonuse


the phenomenon by which information in memory disrupts the recall of other information


forgetting that occurs when there are insufficient retrieval cues to rekindle information that is in memory

cue-depepdent forgetting

interference in which information learned earlier disrupts the recall of newer material

proactive interference

interference in which there is difficulty in the recall of information learned earlier because of later exposure to different exposure

retroactive interference

an illness characterized in part and by severe memory problems and eventually physical deteriation

Alzheimer's Disease

A disease that afflicts long term alcoholics, leaving some abilities inact but including halluchinations and a tendency to repeat the same story

Korsakoff's syndrome

Amnesia in which memory is lost for occurrences prior to a certain entent


memory is lost for events that follow an injury
