Music theory chapter 3

define : scale

the arrangement in acending order or decending order that is the basis of a musical composition

define: chromatic scale

all twelve pitches in an octive cromatically arranged

define: major scale

scale made up of two tetrachords with a whole step inbetween them(wwhwwwhw)

define: Tetrachord

a musical segment made of four notes in the interval whole step whole step half step ( eg cdef)

spell the c major scale

c d e f g a b c 0 sharp 0 flat

spell the g major scale

g a b c d e f# g1 sharp

spell the d major scale

d e f# g a b c# d2 sharps

spell the a major scale

a b c# d e f# g# a3 sharps

spell the e major scale

e f# g# a b c# d# e4 sharps

spell the b Major scale

b c# d# e f# g# a# b5 sharps

spell the f# major scale

f# g# a# b c# d# e# f#6 sharps

spell the C# major scale

C# D# E# F# G# A# B# C#7 sharps

spell the f major scale

f g a Bb c d e f1 flat

spell the Bb major scale

Bb C D Eb F G A Bb2 flats

spell the Eb major scale

Eb F G Ab Bb c d Eb3 flats

spell the Ab major scale

Ab Bb C Db Eb F G Ab4 flats

spell the Db major scale

Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C Db5 flats

spell the Gb major scale

Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F Gb 6 flats

spell the Cb major scale

Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb Cb 7 flats

?? One Sharp Major

G Major

Two Sharps Major

D Major

Two Sharps Minor

B Minor

One Sharp Minor

E Minor

Three Sharps Major

A Major

Three Sharps Minor

F # Minor

Four Sharps Major

E Major

Four Sharps Minor

C # Minor

Five Sharps Major

B Major

Five Sharps Minor

G # Minor

Six Sharps Major

F # Major

Six Sharps Minor

D # Minor

Seven Sharps Major

C # Major

Seven Sharps Minor

A# Minor

0 Major

C Major

0 Minor

A Minor

One Flat Major

F Major

One Flat Minor

D Minor

Two Flats Major

B? Major

Two Flats Minor

G Minor

Three Flats Major

E? Major

Three Flats Minor

C minor

Four Flats Major

A? Major

Four Flats Minor

F Minor

Five Flats Major

D? Major

Five Flats Minor

B? Minor

Six Flats Major

G? Major

Six Flats Minor

E? Minor

Seven Flats Major

C? Major

Seven Flats Minor

A? Minor

define : Key signature

notes that are sharp or flat throught the entire piece placed before the first notes

define: Relative/ natural minor and what is the step pattern

a minor scale that shares the same key signature as a major scale but has a different name, it is in this step pattern (whwwhww)

spell the a natural minor scale

A B C D E F G A0 sharps or flats

spell the E natural minor scale

E F# G A B C D E 1 sharp

Spell the B natural minor scale

B C# D E F# G A B 2 sharps

spell the F# natural minor scale

F# G# A B C# D E F#3 sharps

spell the C# natural minor scale

C# D# E F# G# A B C#4 sharps

spell the g# natural minor scale

G# A# B C# D# E F# G5 sharps

spell the d# natural minor scale

D# E# F# G# A# B C# D#6 sharps

spell the A# natural minor scale

A# B# C# D# E# F# G# A#7 sharps

spell the d natural minor scale

D E F G A Bb C D1 flat

spell the g natural minor scale

G A Bb C D Eb F G 2 flats

spell the C natural minor scale

C D Eb F G Ab Bb C3 flats

spell the f natural minor scale

F G Ab Bb C Db Eb f4 flats

spell the Bb natural minor scale

Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb 5 flats

spell the Eb natural minor scale

Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb6 flats

spell the Ab natural minor scale

Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab7 flats

define: Harmonic minor scale and what is the step pattern

a natural minor scale with the 7th raised by a half step (whwwh[3/2]w)

spell the a harmonic minor scale

A B C D E F G# A0 sharps or flats

spell the E harmonic minor scale

E F# G A B C D# E 1 sharp

Spell the B harmonic minor scale

B C# D E F# G A# B 2 sharps

spell the F# Harmonic minor scale

F# G# A B C# D E# F#3 sharps

spell the C# harmonic minor scale

C# D# E F# G# A B# C#4 sharps

spell the g# harmonic minor scale

G# A# B C# D# E Fx G5 sharps

spell the d# harmonic minor scale

D# E# F# G# A# B Cx D#6 sharps

spell the A# harmonic minor scale

A# B# C# D# E# F# Gx A#7 sharps

spell the d Harmonic minor scale

D E F G A Bb C# D1 flat

spell the g harmonic minor scale

G A Bb C D Eb F# G 2 flats

spell the C harmonic minor scale

C D Eb F G Ab B C3 flats

spell the f harmonic minor scale

F G Ab Bb C Db E f4 flats

spell the Bb harmonic minor scale

Bb C Db Eb F Gb A Bb 5 flats

spell the Eb harmonic minor scale

Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb D Eb6 flats

spell the Ab harmonic minor scale

Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb G Ab7 flats

define the melodic minor scale and what is the step pattern

the natrual minor scale with the 6th and 7th raised on the acent but is the same as the natural minor on the decent (whwwwwh)

spell the a melodic minor scale

A B C D E F# G# A G F E D C B A0 sharps or flats

spell the E melodic minor scale

E F# G A B C# D# E D C B A G F# E1 sharp

Spell the B melodic minor scale

B C# D E F# G# A# B A G F# E D C# B2 sharps

spell the F# melodic minor scale

F# G# A B C# D# E# F# E D C# B A G# F#3 sharps

spell the C# melodic minor scale

C# D# E F# G# A# B# C# B A G# F# E D# C#4 sharps

spell the g# melodic minor scale

G# A# B C# D# E# Fx G F# E D# C# B A# G#5 sharps

spell the d# melodic minor scale

D# E# F# G# A# B# C#x D# C# B A# G# F# E# D#6 sharps

spell the A# melodic minor scale

A# B# C# D# E# Fx Gx A# G# F# E# D# C# B# A#7 sharps

spell the d melodic minor scale

D E F G A B C# D C Bb A G F E D 1 flat

spell the g Melodic minor scale

G A Bb C D E F# G F Eb D C Bb A G2 flats

spell the C melodic minor scale

C D Eb F G A B C Bb Ab G F Eb D C 3 flats

spell the f melodic minor scale

F G Ab Bb C D E f Eb Db C Bb Ab G F 4 flats

spell the Bb melodic minor scale

Bb C Db Eb F G A Bb Ab Gb F Eb Db C Bb5 flats

spell the Eb melodic minor scale

Eb F Gb Ab Bb C D Eb Db Cb Bb Ab Gb F Eb6 flats

spell the Ab Melodic minor scale

Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F G Ab Gb Fb Eb Db Cb Bb Ab7 flats

define: parallel minor

by adding 3 flats to the key of the major key you get the minor key of the same nameeg f major (1 flat) + 3 flats + f minor (four flats)

Define: interval

two notes played at the same time

what two part designation is given to an interval

the number is the number of note names spanned and the qualifing term which detonates which intervaleg M5 m5 P5 +5

when do you use a Major or minor qualifing term

when you have a second third sixth or seventh

when do you use a perfect qualifing term

on unisons fourths fifths and octives

when do you use an agumented or diminished qualifing term

on any interval ( there is an exception the diminished cannot be used on a unison)

what is a major unison composed of

a pitch and the same pitch

what is a minor second composed of

a half step eg c c#

what is a major second composed of

a whole step eg c d

what is a minor 3rd composed of

3 half steps

what is a major 3rd composed of

4 half steps

what is a perfect 4th composed of

5 half steps

what is a perect 5th composed of

7 half steps

what is a minor sixth composed of

8 half steps

what is a major sixth composed of

nine half steps

what is a minor 7th composed of

ten half steps

what is a major 7th composed of

11 half steps

what is a perfict octive composed of

12 half steps

how is a diminished interval different than its non diminished counterpart

the diminished lowers the interval by a half step be aware that if you diminish a major interval it becomes a minor interval and if you diminish it again it becomes a diminished interval

how is a agumented interval different than its non agumented countrpart

the agumeted interval expands the inerval by a half step be aware that if you agument a minor interval it becomes a major interval and if you agument it again it becomes an agumented interval

define: inversion and give the rules

octive transpostion of one of the pitches so the order of the pitches changesrules 1) subtract its numerial value from nine 2) change the quality as follows - major becomes minor and vise versa - agumented becomes diminished and vise versa - perfect intervals remain perfect eg- m2 step 1) 9-2=7 step 2) m becomes M so it is a M7 chord

define: simple interval

an interval that is contained in one octive

define: compound interval

an interval that is larger than an octive

define: diatonic interval

intervals formed by two pitches in the given key

define: chromatic interval

involve a cromatic cange in one or both of the notes in the interval

define: consonance and what intervals are included

an interval with a lack of tension ( P unison, P4 , P5, P8, M3, m3 , M6 , m6)

define: dissonance and what intervals are included

a chord that sudjests tension ( all seconds sevenths agumented and diminished chords