Family Practice

hidradentitis suppurativa treatment

antibiotics - clindamycinanti-androgens - finasteride, dutasteride (teratogenic)retinoids (not as effective)TNF alpha

hidradentitis suppurativa definition

occuring deep in skin surrounding hair follicles and sweat glandsenlarge, break open and drain pusmay be very tender

chronic bronchitis tx

smoking cessationoxygenbronchodialatorssteroidsantibiotics if acute

s/s of chronic bronchitis

chronic productive coughhypoxia --> decreased pO2increased pCO2 --> respiratory acidosis

Brat diet is for


Migrain tx

Fluroset?Muscle relaxer?

Documentation for injections

What was givenHow much was givenSite givenTime/dateExp dateLot #NDC#diagnosisSign with initials

Blood draw viles

place name and Birth date on vile

UTI infection treatment

Keflex? or Septra x 7 daysMacrodantin

RA test

Rheumatoid factorANACCP antibody

In general for respiratory infections, viruses last about

3 weeks

Sinus infection treatment

< 3 weeks no treament> 3 weeks abx: amoxicillin --> Z pack adults only, if with eye pain --> cipro (may weaken tendons)

Sports exam

CalciumSeat beltSex - abstinence and condomROSPEvisionheart/lung checkspine checkhernia checkNeuromuscularHistoryAsthma, cardiacFamily hx of HA or stroke < 65yoFamily hx of sudden unexplained death

Iron is difficult to absorb what makes it absorb better

orange juice due to acid content

Inexpensive prescription list maybe available at

Kroger, target, wallmart