E-5 Exam: Corrosion Control

What may result at a naval aviation depot (NAVAVNDEPOT) if there is failure to emphasize corrosion control and preservation?

Costly repairs.

What is an effective tool for corrosion prevention?

The corrosion control inspection.

What does corrosion prevention/control apply to?

All Navy aircraft, engines, SE, and associated hardware.

Why must each level of maintenance discover and arrest corrosion in the early stages of development?

To prevent aircraft/SE accidents and incidents, excessive out-of-service time, nonrepairable damage to aircraft, engines, and SE, and reduction on readiness, with increased replacement costs.

Where can you find information on corrosion treatment of avionics material/components?

In Avionics Cleaning, Corrosion, Prevention/Control Manual, NAVAIR 16-1-540.

What is the training for qualification in corrosion control the NAMP requires?

1) Completion of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Training Group Detachment (NAMTRAGRUDET) corrosion control course, which provides minimum qualification requirements for all personnel, 2) Completion of Naval Aviation Engineering Service Unit (NAESU) equivalent training, 3) Completion of a specific �A� school, 4) Completion of the NAVAVNDEPOT corrosion control course is mandatory for individuals assigned to the corrosion control work center 12C, and 5) To qualify to perform limited aircraft touch-up painting at the O-level, individuals must meet the same corrosion control training requirements as work center 12C personnel.

What should all personnel involved in aircraft, engine, and SE maintenance make maximum use of?

Naval Aviation Engineering Service Unit (NAESU) field technical specialists and Naval Air Maintenance Training Group Detachment (NAMTRAGRUDET) corrosion control training.

Who assigns the corrosion control officer?

The aviation maintenance officer (AMO).

What is the minimum personnel requirement for activities assigned seven or more aircraft?

1) One AMS or AMH petty officer first class qualified in corrosion control is assigned as the work center supervisor; 2) Two AMS or AMH petty officers third class who are qualified in corrosion control; 3) Two AM corrosion control qualified designated strikers; 4) Either an AE, and AT, or an AW petty officer third class (if AWs are assigned to the activity); 5) One AD petty officer third class; and 6) One AO petty officer third class (if AOs are assigned to the activity).

What is the assignment of qualified corrosion control personnel to the airframes branch, or the equivalent in small detachments and operations maintenance departments (OMD) for activities assigned fewer than seven aircraft?

Activities assigned one aircraft. One rated AMS qualified aircraft painter; and Activities with two to six aircraft assigned. One AMS petty officer first/second class, and one AMS, petty officer third class, qualified aircraft painter. Both mechanics must be qualified in corrosion control.

Who is the department corrosion control officer at the IMA?

The airframes division officer.

How is the effectiveness of a corrosion control program shown?

By the condition of a weapons system during periodic inspections.

How can the effectiveness of a corrosion control program be checked?

By proper recordkeeping and reporting the treatment required on each aircraft, engine, item of SE, and its components.

What form is used to document all man-hours spent towards the corrosion/correction effort?

A Visual Information Display System/Maintenance Action Form (VIDS/MAF).

What report monitors the corrosion control program?

The Corrosion Control/Treatment Report, MDR-11.

What is a key element in preventing the deterioration of aircraft, components, and SE in an effective corrosion control program?

Proper preservation.

What is preservation?

The application or use of approved protective measures to prevent deterioration.

Is prompt and complete application of the preservation procedures required as important as adherence to maintenance instructions for preservation during periods of nonuse?


Where can you find detailed instructions for preserving and maintaining the preservation of aircraft?

In Preservation of Naval Aircraft, NAVAIR 15-01-500, and Preservation of Aircraft Engines NAVAIR 15-02-500.

Where can you find preservation of SE covered?

Chapter 4 of Support Equipment Cleaning, Preservation, and Corrosion Control.

Where do you make preservation/depreservation entries?

In the Preservation/Depreservation Section, OPNAV Form 4790/136A (Aircraft) and 4790/136A (ASER) for entries.

Who is responsible for preventing the deterioration of material?

The reporting custodian.

Is an aircraft or item of SE ever without a custodian?


What happens if the reporting custodian cannot accomplish the preservation or ensure it is done by a supporting activity?

The custodian must inform the receiving activity, by letter, of the cicumstances.

What are the three factors to consider when selecting the level of preservation?

(1) Length of time the aircraft is to be inactive, (2) physical conditions under which the aircraft is to be held, and (3) ultimate disposition of the aircraft.

How is preservation of a complete aircraft or its specific portions done?

By conducting periodic inspections and partially preserving components.

What are the steps other than correct preservation taken to ensure aircraft reach the operating unit in a completely usable condition?

Ensure that all parts and equipment are in such condition that the operating activity can use the aircraft with minor adjustments; and Perform a complete inventory to ensure that all required SE is sent with the aircraft. This equipment includes wing jury struts, landing gear down locks, rotor blade supportys, and special SE covers.

What provides instrcutions for simulataneous preservation of engine and airframe fuel systems and the sealing/shrouding of the installed engines?

Preservation of Naval Aircraft, NAVAIR 15-01-500.

What are the four basic types of preservation that both reciprocating and gas turbine engines use?

I - Long term; II - Medium term; III - Short term; IV - Inoperable engines.

What details minimum protection requirements for power plants?

Preservation of Aircraft Engines, NAVAIR 15-02-500.

Does shipboard SE require cleaning, corrosion prevention, and treatment more frequently than shore based SE?


What are the corrosion prone areas in both operating and nonoperating SE?

The air induction systems, metal areas subject to condensation cycles, and electrical harnesses and connectors.

What explains preservation/depreservation of support equipment gas turbine engines (SEGTEs)?

The Preservation/Depreservation Record, OPNAV 4790/136A.

Who is normally the airframes division officer?

The emergency reclamation officer.

Who aids the maintenance control officer in setting up an initial screening of avionics equipment?

The IMA emergency reclamation team officer.

What are the equipment items useful for promptly removing, cleaning, and drying avionics and electrical equipment aids in reducing damage?

Drying ovens, portable air blowers, heaters, backpack pumps, vacuum cleaners, and hoses and washing equipment.

What tags are used to tag all parts and components removed from the aircraft?


What is attached to the container's exterior when packaging parts or components for shipment?