Your ship has just begun a stern gate marriage operation. Which of the following functions will be performed by the Well Deck Control Officer (WDCO) during this operation?
- Control all well deck operations. - Keep the Debark Control Officer (DCO) informed of the depth of water at the sill. - Control overall ballasting operations
The Ballast Control Officer ceases ballasting when directed by which of the following positions?
- Commanding Officer - Well deck control - Debark control
The ship's Boatswain normally fills which of the following positions during well deck stern gate operations?
Combat Cargo Officer
You are a Line Handler assigned to a stern gate marriage operation. For what purpose will bull chains be used?
To hold the landing craft against the marriage blocks
Approximately how many degrees should the LCU bow ramp be lowered to make an approach for a stern gate marriage?
What may be used to signal the Landing Craft Utility (LCU) that the ship is ready to begin the stern gate marriage?
You are assigned to a stern gate marriage operation and need to speak with the Petty Officer in Charge (POIC). What color helmet does the POIC wear in the wet well?