Respiratory Acidosis: acute? compensated? Causes?
Acute: pH: 7.25 (~7.4), PCO2: 60mmHg (primary disturbance), HCO3-: 26mmol/LCompensated: pH ~7.32, PCO2 is still high (can't fix), HCO3- is rising: 32mmol/LCauses: Airway obstruction, Opioid drugs, anesthetics, Disease/injure to the phrenic n.; COPD, RDS, fibrosis of lung
Respiratory Alkalosis: Acute, Compensated, Causes?
Acute: pH is >7.4, PCO2 <<40 (primary disturbance), HCO3- is remained ~22mmol/LCompensated: pH ~7.42, PCO2 still low (can't fix), HCO3-: decreased <22mmol/LCauses: Hyperventilation, Anxiety, fever, hypoxia (high altitude),
Metabolic Acidosis: Acute, Compensated, Causes?
Acute: almost not observe b/c respiratory system will compensate quicklyCompensated: pH still <7.4, PCO2 is decreased (<35mmHg), HCO3- still low (primary disturbance)Causes: high acid production: diabetic ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis, chronic renal failure loss of HCO3-: Diarrhea, renal tubular acdosis (failure to secrete H+ and reabsorb HCO3-)
Metabolic Alkalosis: Acute, Compensated, Causes?
Acute: not seenCompensated: pH still high but close to normal (7.4), PCO2: increased (>40mmHg) [HCO3-]: remains high (primary disturbance)Causes: Vomitting, pyloric stenosis, excessive consumption of antiacids, nasogastric suction