Block 2 material.txt

A bullet entering the body at the fifth right intercostal space in the midclavicular line, and passing horizontally through the thorax from front to rear, would injure:

the middle lobe of the lung the lower lobe of the lung

The external laryngeal nerve:

passes close to the superior thyroid artery

The thoracic duct:

could be torn by a fractured left clavicle

Regarding the vasculature of the thorax and neck:

the vertebral artery is usually the first branch of the left subclavian artery

Which of these statements concerning the superior mediastinum or its contents is true?

It contains two brachiocephalic veins.

The vagus nerve does all of the following except:

carries nerve fibers that contribute to the ansa cervicalis

The spleen is adjacent to which of the following?

left kidneydiaphragm10th ribstomach

The spleen is located in which abdominal region?

left hypochondriac

Based on the direction of lymphatic drainage from the stomach, you would expect stomach cancer to spread initially to which of the following organs?

liver and pancreas

All of the following arteries are branches of the superior mesenteric artery, EXCEPT the:

A. superior pancreaticoduodenal B. inferior pancreaticoduodenal C. right colicD. ileocolic E. middle colic_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A

All of the following statements concerning the abdominal aorta are correct, EXCEPT:

A. The three unpaired visceral branches supply the gastrointestinal tract and associated organs. B. Paired gonadal vessels usually arise between the inferior mesenteric artery and the two renal arteries. C. The most superior branches of the abdominal aorta are the inferior suprarenal arteries. D. The aorta enters the abdomen through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm formed by the right and left crura. E. Aorta lies adjacent to the bodies of the vertebrae as it passes inferiorly. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________C.

Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the kidney.

A. The renal papillae empty directly into the major calyces. B. The ureter is the most posterior structure in the hilus of the kidney. C. The kidneys lie retroperitoneally. D. The right kidney lies slightly lower than the left kidney. E. The kidneys lie adjacent to the suprarenal glands. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________A.

Identify the INCORRECT statement regarding the femoral nerve.

A. Arises from the lumbar plexus. B. Courses inferiorly and laterally between psoas and iliacus muscles. C. Enters the thigh posterior to the inguinal ligament. D. Courses lateral to the obturator nerve. E. Supplies the quadratus lumborum. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________E.

The hepatic portal system communicates with the systemic (caval) system at the:

lower third of the esophagus where the left gastric vein drains into esophageal veins

Suprarenal glands:

lie at the level of the celiac trunk

Papillary muscles:

help prevent backflow into atria

Blood is supplied to the right ventricle via the:

marginal branch of right coronary a. right coronary a. left coronary a. posterior interventricular a.

During forced inspiration:

contraction of the diaphragm develops more negative intrathoracic pressure

In the thorax:

each sternoclavicular joint has two synovial cavities and an articular disk

Which of the following is FALSE?

A. The linea semilunaris is formed by the lateral border of rectus abdominis m. B. The inferior epigastric a. is a branch of external illac a. C. The transversalis fascia is part of the endoabdominal fascia.D. The superior pathway of internal oblique m. has its muscle fibers directed inferomedially.E. The abdominal wall is supplied in part by the lower 6 intercostal nerves. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________D.

The following are true of the conducting system of the heart EXCEPT:

A. the SA node is located near the superior end of the crista tenninal is B. the SA node communicates with the AV node via AV bundle C. the AV node is located in the interatrial septum just superior of the coronary sinus D. the AV bundle coordinates the contraction of both left and right ventricles E. the conducting system is organized such that atria contract superior y to inferior1y and ventricles inferiorly to superiorly ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B.

Supplies pancreas; gives rise to short gastric arteries and to the left gastro-epiploic artery.

Splenic artery

Gives rise to appendicular branch; has ileal branches; supplies cecum.

ileocolic artery

Is a branch of the common hepatic artery; gives rise to the rightgastroepiploic artery.

gastroduodenal artery

Its branches supply the splenic flexure of the colon and the sigmoid colon.

inferior mesenteric artery

Courses posterior to the first part of the duodenum; gives rise to branches that supply the head of pancreas.

gastroduodenal artery

In the root of the lung the pulmonary artery tends to lie:

cranial to the pulmonary veins

the infraorbital nerve

-lies deep to the levator labii superioris muscle -is superficial to the levator anguli oris muscle-supplies the skin of the lower eyelid

The facial artery:

-takes origin at about the same level as the occipital artery -is palpable at the inferior border of the mandible

Structures usually found at vertebral level C5 include:

-common carotid artery

Structures that lie close enough to the inferior thyroid artery to be endangered during its ligation include:

- vagus nerve - recurrent laryngeal nerve - sympathetic trunk The umbilicus:communication between portal and caval is the site of venous systems in adults

The ligamentum teres of the liver:

is connected to a branch of the portal vein lies within the falciform ligament

Identify the correct statement(s) regarding the diaphragm.

It is supplied by the phrenic nerve. The foramen for the inferior vena cava is at vertebral level T8.

Which of the following is (are) true of the lesser omentum?

forms the hepatoduodenal ligament contains common bile duct

Heart valves are best heard:

2nd interspace, left of sternum - for pulmonic 2nd interspace. right of sternum - for aortic 5th to 6th interspace, left of sternum - for tricuspid 5th interspace, midclavicular line (left) - for mitral

Regarding autonomic supply of the heart:

1. controls heart rate via sympathetics synapsing inpart in the superior cervical ganglion2. heart rate is reduced via vagal stimulation 3. is distributed over the coronary arteries in the form of plexuses

Inferior to the arcuate line. the rectus abdominis muscle is anterior to the:

transversalis fascia

The subcostal nerve carries what kind of information?

somatic sensory visceral sensory somatic motor visceral motor

The paravertebral ganglia at vertebral level TIl:

contain fibers whose cell bodies are located in the intermediolateral cell column have both white and gray rami communicantes

A patient, previously diagnosed as having a gastric ulcer was struck suddenly with severe epigastric pain a half hour after eating. He was nauseous, sweating, vomiting and weakened by the insistent pain. His breathing became rapid and shallow, his upper abdomen became rigid. The pain later moved to and became sharply localized in the upper lumbar region of his back. He was prepared for surgery and upon opening the peritoneal sac fragments of food were seen. The operation was successful and the patient recovered.

________________________________________46. The initial poorly localized pain is carried by:47. The localization of pain to the back initiated stimulation of:48. Upon seeing food in the peritoneal cavity the surgeon incised the gastrocolic ligament to observe the posterior surface of the stomach. The gastrocolic ligament:50. Food exiting the lesser sac will first come into contact with or initially pass by: _________________________________________46. afferents contained within the greater splanchnic nerve47. the posterior wall of the lesser sac 48. attaches to the greater curvature of the stomach 50. the visceral surface of the liver

In performing a left stellate ganglion block through the root of the neck superior to the clavicle, the~tructure least likely to be damaged:

internal thoracic artery

The blood supply of the ureter includes:

-renal artery -gonadal artery -common iliac

All of the following groups of lymph nodes drain into the thoracic duct except:

The right axillary lymph nodes

Arteries involved in establishing collateral circulations from the subclavian to the occipital area of the scalp include:

deep branch of occipital costocervical trunk

Muscles of the posterior abdominal wall supplied by branches of the lumbar plexus include the:

psoas muscle quadratus lumborumiliacus

The parotid gland:

has overlying skin innervated by a branch of the cervical plexus

The sympathetic trunk in the neck:

has fewer than 7 ganglia What lies behind the rectus abdominis muscle at a level 2cm above the pubic symphysis?A. transversalis fascia and aponeurosis of transversus abdominis muscle B. transversalis fascia C.transversalis fascia, aponeurosis of transversus abdominis muscle, part of aponeurosis of internal abdominal oblique muscle D. Superior epigastric artery _______________________________________________________________________________________B.

The pleural cavities contain:

A LungsB. Pulmonary ligamentsC. Phrenic nervesD. A and B aboveE. none of the above___________________________________________________________________________________________E.

Which abdominal incision would do least damage to the function of rectus abdominis muscle?

A. Along the costal marginB. Accross the transpyloric planeC. Along the linea semilunarisD. Along the linea albaE. Across the transtubercular plane________________________________________________________________________D.

A swallowed piece of glass lacerates the anterior esophageal wall at vertebral level T7. Which of the structures below might also be lacerated?

left atrium

The cell bodies of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons that distribute to the descending and sigmoid colon are located in:

sacral cord segments S7 -S4

Which of the following is FALSE regarding nerve fibers transmitting pain from the heart?

A. they enter lower cervical spinal cord segments B. they are visceral afferents C. they have cell bodies in dorsal root ganglia D. they synapse in the thoracic sympathetic trunk E. they enter upper thoracic spinal cord segments _______________________________________________________________________________________D.

The pulmonic valve is heard most clearly over the:

second left intercostal space

Nerves supplying the rectus abdominis muscle:

include spinal nerves T7 to Ll OR pass between internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis mm.

Suprarenal glands:

are encased in the renal fascia

The gallbladder lies deep to the junction of the costal arch and the:

right linea semilunaris

In the midaxillary line, the pleural cavity extends inferiorly as far as the rib:


The right kidney:

Has its hilum turned slightly anteriorly by the psoas muscle.Is NOT covered posteriorly by peritoneumIs NOT in contact with the head of the pancreasLies slightly inferior to the left kidneyHas its ureter supplied by multiple arteries

What drains the sigmoid colon?

Portal vein

Lymph from the descending colon can drain toward the cisternal chyli via vessels accompanying:

A. The inferior mesenteric veinB. Gastroepiploic veinsC. Pancreaticoduodenal veinsD. Renal veinsE. All of the above_________________________________________________________________________________A.

Quadratus lumborum:

acts to depress (pull caudalward) the last ribis supplied by ventral primary rami

In what order would a red blood cell in one of the brachiocephalic veins pass through the adult heart?

Superior vena cava, right atrium, left ventricle, pulmonary trunk


Normally is accomplished by interting a needle into the pleural cavity in the mid-axillary line opposite intercostal spaces 8 and 9.May penetrate the diaphragm if done incorrectly.

Which of the following is false?

The left atrium delivers blood directly to the ascending aorta.

Carries parasympathetic fibers toward the stomach

Esophageal plexus

Causes a decrease in peristalsis and glandular secretion in the gut

greater and lesser splanchnic nerves

Supplies suprarenal glands

Greater and lesser splanchnic nerves

Provides parasympathetic innervation to the distal 1/3 of the colon

Pelvic splanchnics

Damage to vagus nerve at base of skull

Endangers a branch (or branches) of the superior laryngeal nerveAnd endangers a recurrent laryngeal nerve

Ligation of superior thyroid artery

Endangers a branch (or branches) of the superior laryngeal nerve

Ligation of inferior thyroid vein

Does not endanger a branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, not a recurrent laryngeal nerve

Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus

Endangers a recurrent laryngeal nerve

Laceration of posterolateral part of thyrohyoid membrane

Endangers a branch of the superior laryngeal nerve

The pancreas:

Receives blood from both the celiac and superior mesenteric arteriesLies posterior to the stomachHas a main and accessory ductLies entirely retroperitoneally

Concerning the infrahyoid muscles:

The sternothyroid limits the superior migration of an enlarging thyroid glandIndluce one pair which is attached to the clavicle by a fascial sling

Branches of the internal thoracic artery include:

anterior intercostal arteries musculophrenic artery superior epigastric artery

If the common bile duct were obstructed by a stone just inferior to termination of the cystic duct, the:

gallbladder might be distendedbiliary system would be blocked

The scalp:

Has an aponeurourotic layer (galea) that serves as an intermediate muscle tendonReceives fibers from anterior and posterior primary rami of spinal nerves

The vagus nerves

Enter the thorax more medially than do the phrenic nervesPass posterior to the roots of the lungsSupply the ascending colon

A tracheotomy at the cricothyroid membrane:

Is more likely to encounter the pyramidal love than the isthmus of the thyroid glandIs performed superior to tracheal rings 2, 3, and 4May perforate the anterior jugular vein

The right lung has:

Three lobes - superior, middle and inferiorOne more fissure than the left lungTwo fissures and 3 secondary bronchi10 tertiary bronchi

Primary blood supply to ileocecal valve

Superior mesenteric artery

Primary blood supply for duodenal bulb

Celiac trunk

Supplies junction of esophagus and stomach

Celiac trunk

Supplies embryonic hindgut derivatives

Inferior Mesenteric Trunk

46. In one patient the catheter was inserted on the left side too far medially; at the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins. The patient subsequently developed a large swelling overlying the region which contained milky white fluid. What has occurred?

A. the internal jugular vein has been damagedB. the thoracic duct has been damaged C. the internal mammary artery has been damaged D. the anterior scalene muscle has been penetrated E. none of the above

47. In another patient the needle carrying the catheter penetrated the left cupola. Which of the following might be observed?

A. mediastinum deviated to the left sideB. mediastinum deviated to the right side C. collapsed the lung on the right D. All of the above E. none af the above

48. Sometimes, at the same location a cardiac catheter is inserted into the subclavian artery instead of the subclavian vein. Which of the following is (are) true?

A. the artery is posterior to the veinB. the uter.y and vein are separated by the anterior scalene muscle at the first rib C. the phrenic nerve is in contact with the vein but not the artery D. the catheter will pass directly into the aorta from the subclavian artery on the left but not the right side E. all of the above

49. In penetratin structures above the clavicle, the needle will pass through which of the following fascial planes?

A. Clavicopectoral fasciaB. investing layer of deep cerical fasciaC. pretracheal fasciaD. prevertebral fasciaE. Scarpa's fascia

50. In the patient, following catheterization, fluoroscopy shows the tip of the catheter ascending the patients neck. Which of the following has occurred?

A. The catheter has passed into the subclavian artery and then the common carotid arteryB. The catheter has passed into the brachiocephalic veinC. The catheter has entered the superior intercostal veinD. The catheter has entered the internal jugular veinE. The catheter has entered the thoracic duct.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________46. B 47.B 48.E 49.B 50.D _________________

All of the following are located approximately at the level of the first lumbar vertebra except the:

A. upper part of left renal pelvis B. transpyloric planeC. origin of superior mesenteric artery D. origin of the renal artery E. pylorus ____________________________-_______________________________________________________D.

Concerning the pericardial sac:

It is firmly anchored at the central tendon of the diaphragm It is continuous with the epicardium at the reflexion sites on the great vesselsIt has a fibrous and a serous layerIt invests the terminal 3-5cm of the superior vena cava

The following total structures form the following adult structures:

urachus - median umbilical ligamentumbilical arteries - medial umbilical ligamentsseptup transversum - central tendon of diaphragmumbilical vein - ligamentum teres of liver

Sensory supply to the diaphragm is via the:

phrenic nervelower intercostal nerves