Art Appreciation Art V01 Ch 1-3

1. According to Lois Fichner-Rathus _____________ creates Beauty, Enhances our Environment,Reveals Truth, Immortalizes, Glorifies, Expresses Religious Beliefs, ReinforcesIdeology, Expresses Fantasy, Simulates the Intellect and Fires the Emotions,Creates Order and Harmony, Expresses Chaos, Records and CommemoratesExperience, Reflects the Social and Cultural Context, Protests Injustice andRaises Social Consciousness, Elevates the Commonplace, and Meets the Need ofthe Artist.


2. The language or vocabulary of art includes the visual _______________, principlesof design, style, form, and content.


3. In Chagall�s I and the Village, fleeting memories of life are piecedtogether like so many pieces of a dreamlike puzzle, reflecting the veryfragmentary nature of memory itself, and expresses _________________.


4. In Delacroix�s Liberty Leading the People, rifles, swords, a flag--even pistols--join in an upward rhythm, underscoringthe classical pyramid shape of the composition. The imagery of the painting isalso a narrative in which raises ____________________ a. the flag. b. social consciousness. c. the standardbarrier.


5. Marcel Duchamp�s Fountain is an example of ____________-made art, and alsoelevates the commonplace.


1. Elizabeth Catlett�s Sharecropperuses ___________ to create depth and texture through modeling, which on atwo-dimensional surface is the creation of the illusion of roundness or threedimensions through the use of light and shadow.A. shape B. lineC. color


2. The_______ of a color of a surface is its lightness or darkness.A. hue B. saturation C. value


3. Whatis the name given to the technique of gradual shifting from light to darkthrough a successive gradation of tones across a curved surface--a techniqueoften used to create the illusion of three dimensions in two-dimensional media?A. stippling B. chiaroscuro C. cross-hatching.


4. The word texture derives from the Latin for ____________A. weaving B. rough C. smooth.


5. In one-point perspective, parallel lines converge at a single ____________ on the horizon. A. contour line B. vanishingpoint C. shape.


6. Artists,in their self-expression, use the elements of art to design compositions of acertain style, form, and ________________.


7. The vocabulary of art includes line, shape, light, value, color, texture, space, _____________,and motion.


8. The principles of design include unity, _______________, rhythm, scale, and proportion.


9. Vincent Van Gogh�s The Night Cafe uses a display of optical and psychological colorthrough harsh, textured swirls of _______________, which is the thick buildupof paint on the surface of the canvas.


One of the earliest artists to observe the human body�s shifting of weight in orderto achieve balance was A.Polykleitos B. George Segal C. Nike de Saint-Phalle.


Theprinciples of design include unity, balance, emphasis and focal point, rhythm,_________________, and proportion.


Artists use the design principle of ____________ to focus the viewer�s attention on oneor more parts of a composition by accentuating certain shapes, intensifyingvalue or color, featuring directional lines, or strategically placing the objects and images. A. balance B. symmetry C. emphasis


4. Leonardo�s Proportionsof the Human Figure is an example of ____________A. approximate symmetry B. asymmetrical balance C. pure balance


5. Scale refers to ______________,small, big, or in between.