
The law of supply states that, other things equal, as the price of a good goes

up, the quantity supplied goes up

What would happen to a graph (market being computers) when there is cheaper memory chips, (which is an input for making computers) put on the computer market?

Supply would shift to the right

What would happen to the graph (market being corn) when there is a poor corn harvest?

Supply would shift to the left

Which of the following explains the increase in demand for a college education in the U.S.?More colleges have been establishedThe cost of text books has increased dramatically.Income in the US has risenThe price of a college education has increased

Income in the US has risen

Compared to last year, fewer oranges are being purchased and the selling price has decreased. This could have been caused by

a decrease in demand

When applied to labor markets the law of supply suggests thatan increase in the wages earned by nurses will cause the quantity of nurses:supplied to increasedemand to increasea decrease in the wages earned by nurses will cause the quantity of nursessupplied to increasedemand to increase

an increase in the wages earned by nurses will cause the quantity of nurses supplied to increase

Which of the following would likely result in an increase in the demand of beef?A decrease in the supply of beefan increase in family incomes, assuming beef is a normal goodan increase in the price of feed grainsa decrease in the price of pork

an increase in family incomes, assuming beef is a normal good

In 2004 wall street journal headline stated, "carbs and fats and trends in snacking all conspire against oreo and others." Which of the following best describes the likely effect of this trend on the oreo market

demand shifted to the left leading to a decline in equilibrium price and quantity.

The explanation for the law of demand involves

consumers ability to substitute different goods

which of the following is not held constant as you move along the demand curvethe price of that goodthe price of other goodsthe incomes of consumersthe preferences of consumers for the good

the price of that good

the supply of leather jackets would be expected to ncrease as a result of

a decrease in the cost of producing leather jackets

Given that diesel cars get much better gas mileage than the typical car, an increase in the price of gasoline would be expected to

decrease the demand for gasoline

If you observe a market where quantity demanded doesnt equal quantity supplied a logical conclusion is that

social and political forces are likely to exist in that market

if the price of chicken rises and the price of beef does not rise consumers will respond by

subsitituting beef for chicken

if both buyers and sellers expect the price of a commodity to rise in the future, it is likely that equilibrium

price will rise with little change in equilibrium quantity

when the wage rate paid to labor is above equilibrium the

number of workers seeking jobs exceeds the number of jobs available

if supply and demand both shift to the right equilibrium quantity

rises, but the equilibrium price may rise, fall or stay the same

Honey and jam are subsitute products. If the price of honey increases the demand for

jam will increase causing the price of jam to increase as well

Which of the following would best explain a decrease in the supply of squash?an increase in the price of other vegetablesan increase in the price of squasha decrease in the price of sqausha decrease in the cost of growing squash

an increase in the price of other vegetables

there are many more subsitutes for good a than for good b. What happens to the demand curve?

the demand curve for good a likely will be flatter

The current recession has resulted in a large number of individuals who have quit looking for work and are classified as discouraged workers. These people

are not counted as being in the labor force

Given the current unemployment rate of 9.5 percent, what is the economy's potential output?

The economy is beneath potential output

In 1969, the US CPI was 37 and in 2006 it was 201.6. By what percent did prices increase in the US between 1969 and 2006?


Keeping total employment and the number in the population constant, an increase in the number of people available and looking for work will do what to labor force participation?

increase the labor force participation rate but decrease the employment-population ratio.

People who work part-time, or have a full-time job that doesn't use all their skills are included in:


Use the following info to calculate the unemployment rate. Civilian population, 300 million; people incapable of working, 25 million; people not looking for work, 75 million; and unemployed workers 8 million


With respect to the unemployment problem, classical economists generally take the position that:

individuals should be responsible for finding their own jobs

If an economist says that real wages have fallen in the past year, what has most likely happened?

Inflation has risen more rapidly than money wages

Which of the following is a statement keynesians would likely make?All unemployment is frictional unemploymentIf a person isn't working thats his or her choiceStructural and cyclical unemployment are more common than frictional unemploymentThe unemployment rate overstates actual unemployment

C. Structural and Cyclical unemployment are more common than fricitional

Policies that affect work, capital accumulation, and technological change are primarily relevant to:

long-run growth framework

If nominal output is 4.4 tril and the GDP deflator is 110 then real output is

4 tril4.4T/110 x 100

The lowest sustainable rate of unemployment that policy makers believe is achievable under existing conditions is:

called target rate of unemployment

A price index in its base year:

is always equal to 100

John has received a 3% pay increase but the rate of inclation is 6%. Economists would tell John that his real wge has:

fallen by 3%

Which of the following would not be called unemployed?Construction worker laid off because of a slowdown in house buildingYoung mother on welfare because her husband left and she stays homeRecent high school graduate who quit job and is looking for betterA recent college graduate who has not found job


Under pure capitalism the main deterrent of unemployment is:

fear of hunger

Which of the followin statement is what a classical economist would say:Most unemployemnt is frictionalFrictional unemployment is only a small part of total unemploymentUnemployment rate underestimates true extent of unemploymentSociety owes a person a job commensurate with his or her training

Most unemployment is frictional

Long-run growth framework focuses on factors affecting

incentives to produce

Clark, middle-aged bachelor, quit his job to look for a better job. The Bureau of Labor Stats counts clark as:


Target rate of unemployment can be affected by all of the following except the Level of outputPopulations age structuresocial and institutional structurerelationship between inflation and unempolyment

level of output

Real GDP is desinged to measure

change in nations output over time

Does national income accounting have a category capturing the effects of depreciation

Yes, Capital Consumption Allowance

Aggregate income includes all exceptemployee compensationinterestrenttransfer payments

transfer payments

If an economy produces 100 pencils valued at 25 cents a piece and 500 sheets of ruled paper at 1 cent a piece, using GDP as measure of output

Pencils are weight as being 25time smore importnat than ruled paper

the distinction between consumption and investment is

somewhat arbitrary since investment inclued housing investment, which does not increase future productive capacity

Using following info what is economy's net domestic product?consumption 4.2 tril; investment 1.3 tril; government purchases 1.5 tril; depreciation 0.4 tril and GDP is 6.6 tril?

6.2 trilGDP-depreciation

Which is not part of US GDP?Payments for insurance policy on old BMW sold by USValue of BMW imported from GermanyValue of BMW produced in USCommissions earned by BMW in US

Value imported from Germany

If real GDP has increased by 3% and nominal GDP has increase by 5%, then

net factor income is 2%

Net domestic product equals:

consumption + investment + govern purchases + net exports - depreciation

Which of the following is an example of an intermediate product:pari of skis sold by sporting goods retailer to skiershare of IBM stockLumber produced by Cascade and sold to builderantique car sold to highest bidder

lumber produced by boise cascade and sold to a builder of houses

GDP is 7 tril. If consumption is 3.5 tril, investment is 1.4 tril and govern purchases are 2.1 tril then:

exporst are equal to importsconsumption + investment + gov purchases

In 1996, Boskin Commission report found that past estimates of inflation overstated actual infaltion by about 1.1 percent. Assuming that the findings of commission are accurate:

only real GDP was higher than previously thought.

In 2004, US net exports were more than -600 bil, a record low. Assuming all other components remained the same as a consequence:

US GDP was 600 bil lower than it would have beein if net exports had equaled zero

If a firm's cost of materials is 100$ and its sales are $500 its VALUE ADDED is


In what category is the purchase of a computer by a business in national income accounting?

Investment Spending

If you decide not to spend 1000$ you earned at your summer job but to buy shares in microsoft, in economics this action would be classified as


The difference between GDP and GNP is GDP

measures economic activity that occurs within country while GNP measures economic activity of all people and buisnesses OF a country

Calculate GDP using this info:Consumption 5100INvestment 1100Transfer Payments 1050Government puchases 1400Exports 850mports 950Net foreign factor income 20


If US imports of goods and services exceed exports US

GDP is less than the sum of consumption, investment and gov. purchases

To calculate GDP

weight the output of each final good and service produced in an economy in a year by its price in that year and then sum the result.

Land would have constrained per capita growth in the 1800 if

changes in techonolgy and capital stock had not occured

According to convergence hypothesis

countries with higher per capita incomes hsould eventually grow slower than countries with lower per capita incomes and similar institutional structures

unlike classical growth theory, new growth theory emphasizes the importance of


At the end of WWII when Korea was split into 2, NOrth and South had similar per cpaita incomes. In the years since their per capita incomes have diverged. How can this divergence be best explained in reference to convergence hypothesis?

The convergence hypothesis assuems that countries have similar institutional structures, an assumption clearly violated in the case of KOrea

Economic growth thru the market has

helped both rich and poor

If technological agglomeration increases in poor countries, we might expect that convergence in per captia income levels across rich and poor countries will

take less time to acheive

In early 20th century US South was poor relative to North. During the century the gap in percapita income narrowed, Why

common institutional enviorment

Over last three decades, the Chinese govern. has adopted a series of market oriented reforms that have shifted control of many parts of chinese economy from gov. officials to market forces. These reforms have most likely stimulated chinas growth for which reason?

They have provided individuals with greater incentive to be efficient

What tends to inhibit growth?

Governemnt approval of all economic activity

Production is characterized by

increasing returns to scale

Investment relates to capital in the following way

Causes an increase in capital overtime.

A concern about long-term economic growth was important in economnics

from time of AdamSmith and WealthofNations

What effect would we expect in market for loanable funds if some people discover a new buisn. opportunity that requires investment

demand will shift right and supply will not change

Economic growth causes

production possibility curve to shift out

which of the following is least likely to increase potential output?

increased aggregate demand

Steven has suggested that Scrooge, was not really so bad. What is he saying would happen in the market for loanable funds if all misers sold their assets and gave away money?

supply would shift left, causing investment to fall

Economic growth

has relatively large effect on living standards over long periods of time

Economists are confident that the marginal product of labor is higher in the US than it is in China

China has a larger number of people relative to land and capital

Study of economic growth focuses on factors that cause an

economy's production possibility curve to shift out