Term 1 End Term Hesi 4

Compare and contrast between standard precautions and transmission-based precautions. Be detailed and give examples of when you would use each kind .

Standard: all clients to prevent spread of microorganisms. Use with contact of body fluids, blood, execretions (except for sweat), mucous membranes and non- intact skin. Gloves and Hand HygieneTransmission: Known or suspected airborne, droplt, contact infections FULL PPE

When a nurse gets a needle stick with a clean needle, not used, what should he/she do? If a client gets a needle stick with the same needle that just stuck them, what does the nurse tell them. What do you do?

1. Wash need sticks and cuts with soap and water2. Flush nose, mouth and skin with clean water.3. Irrigate with clean water, saline or sterile irrigants. 4. Report and fill out incident report.5. Seek medical Treatment

In giving a bedbath, do you need gloves to wash the face? How do you wash the face?


What is your FIRST action when you see a needle in the bed of a client?

Don gloves and discard needle in sharps

Define HIPAA

Health insurance Portability and accountability Act

What would an L VN do in this situation? Overhearing a staff nurse breaching HIPAA (2 actions in order of priority)

Report to supervisor and fill out incident report

What are the other two names of the Nurse Practice Act? What IS the NPA?

Legal Practice acts for professional nursing practice. Regulates the practice of nursing in the US and Canada. NAMES: Title 22 and Scope of PracticeCOMMON PURPOSE: to protect the public.

What is the number one fear from nurses receiving medication orders via telephone?

Authenticity of Caller

What would you say if another nurse drew up medications and asked you to give them for her?

I cannot administer medications that were not drawn up by myself.

What is normal range of intake and output for an adult?

Intake: 2,500 mL Output: 1,400 to 1,500mL

What is the best way to force fluids?

Offer what they like every hour

When a patient is complaining of numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, what should the nurse assess in the labs?

Check for electrolytes (Especially K+)

If a client has a catheter in place (indwelling) and c/o pain, what is the nurses FIRST action?

Check for kinks in tubing

If you are catheterizing a client for a C&S, what do you do once you see urine start to flow? FIRST?

Insert 1 inch further

What is the normal size gauge and balloon for an adult client?

14-16 Fr. � Women 30ml Balloon for urine drainage. 18Fr. � Men 5mL balloon or greater for hemostasis 5-10mL for balloon

What is the nurses first action for a client with a post-operative fever?

- TCDB : turn, cough and deep breath - to prevent pneumonia and to get rid of the gunk accumulated during surgery - assess lungs

If neither arm is available for BP reading, what is the next site and how do you apply it to that site (artery)?

- Thigh, palpate the popliteal artery

What is the best measurement of a patients pain?

Facial expression, pain scale 0-10

When someone complains of pain, what is the nurse's FIRST response?

Assess pain using PQRST Provocative- What causes it? What makes it better? What makes it worse? Quality- How does it feel, look, or sound, and how much of it is there? Region- Where is it? Does it spread? Severity scale- Does it interfere with activities? How does it rate on a scale of 0-10? Timing- When did it begin? How often does it occur? Is it sudden or gradual ?

What are the five stages of grief and what might a client say in each stage?

Denial, Bargaining, Anger, Depression, Acceptance

Oxygen saturation-


Blood glucose (fasting) -

normal: 60-99mg/dL diabetic: 70-110

Potassium (K) -

3.5-5 mEq/L

Chloride (CL)-


Sodium (Na)-

134-142 mEq/L

Magnesium (Mg)-

1.3-2.1mEq/L / 1.5-2.4 / 1.6-2.6

Hemoglobin (Hgb) -

14-18g/dL (men) ; 12-16g/dL (women)

White blood cells (WBC)-

5,000 - 10,000/mm3

pH of blood-


pH of urine-
