

Textbook Assignment: Chapter 1 ?Policies and Programs? and chapter 2 ?Military Conduct and Justice.?

Pollution can result when which of thefollowing types of agents is/are introducedinto the air, water, or soil?1. Biological2. Chemical3. Physical4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Which of the following operations causesthe most pollution?1. Industrial2. Municipal3. Transportation4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Which of the following materials is theprimary municipal pollutant?1. Raw or inadequately treated sewage2. Radioactive waste3. Petroleum products4. Acids

1. Raw or inadequately treated sewage

Which of the following modes oftransportation creates most air pollutants?1. Trains2. Waterborne vessels3. Motor vehicles4. Aircraft

3. Motor vehicles

Which, if any, of the following effects ofpollution is the most serious?1. Psychological2. Biological3. Physical4. None of the above

2. Biological

Steel erodes faster than normal when exposedto which of the following air pollutants?1. Pesticides2. Herbicides3. Zinc oxides4. Sulfur oxides

4. Sulufur oxides

Most pesticides fall into which of thefollowing categories?1. Selective2. Nonselective3. Preselective4. Control selective

2. Nonselective

What is the primary pollution concern of Navypersonnel?1. Noise pollution2. Shore command wastes3. Shipboard wastes

3. Shipboard wastes

Which of the following terms identifiesabatement?1. Maintaining2. Raising3. Lowering4. Containing

3. Lowering

Under the Clean Air Act, what governmentbody has the primary responsibility forassuring air quality?1. Federal government2. Each state3. Local municipalities4. Department of Transportation

2. Each state

Virtually all Navy ships have some type ofsanitation device installed. Which of thefollowing types of systems retains sewage onboard for discharge ashore or in waters wheredischarging is allowed?1. Direct discharge2. Positive flow3. Marine sanitation4. Collection, holding, and transfer

3. Marine sanitation

When operating sanitation devices in foreignwaters, Navy ships comply with which of thefollowing requirements?1. Status of Forces Agreement2. Coast Guard instructions3. NAVFAC guidelines4. All of the above

1. Status of Forces Agreement

Vessels may not discharge unpulped trashwithin what minimum distance from theU.S. coastline?1. 20 nm2. 25 nm3. 30 nm4. 35 nm

2. 25 nm

Submarines may discharge negatively buoyantcompacted trash not less than 12 nm from theU.S. coastline only if the water depth is greaterthan how many fathoms?1. 1,0002. 5003. 1004. 50

1. 1,000

The Navy?s land management programinvolves which of the following efforts?1. Migratory bird management2. Production and sale of forest products3. Soil and water conservation4. Use of off-road vehicles

3. Soil and water conservation

From what part of the world does the U.S.import most of its crude oil?1. Southeast Asia2. Central Europe3. South America4. Middle East

4. Middle East

What program provides information andsupport for Navy personnel who are guestsin foreign lands?1. Navy Sponsor Program2. Overseas Duty Support Program3. Navy Assistance Program4. Navy Relocation Program

2. Overseas Duty Support Program

The Military Cash Awards Program(MILCAP) provides monetary recognitionof up to what maximum amount?1. $ 5,0002. $10,0003. $20,0004. $25,000

4. $25,000

The Navy?s Health and Physical ReadinessProgram promotes health and fitness at thecommand level. As part of this program, navalpersonnel are required to undergo fitnesstesting at what interval?1. Biennially2. Annually3. Semiannually4. Quarterly

3. Semiannually

?Informing the public and members of thenaval service about Navy operations andprograms? is the mission of1. BUPERS2. CNO3. PAO4. SECNAV

3. PAO

Extravagant, careless, or needless expenditureof government resources.1. Fraud2. Waste3. Abuse4. Mismanagement

2. Waste

Intentional misleading or deceitful conductthat deprives the government of its resourcesor rights.1. Fraud2. Waste3. Abuse4. Mismanagement

1. Fraud

Intentional wrongful or improper use ofgovernment resources.1. Fraud2. Waste3. Abuse4. Mismanagement

3. Abuse

You can report fraud, waste, abuse, andmismanagement to which of the followingoffices?1. The Navy hotline2. The chain of command3. The Naval Criminal Investigative Service4. All of the above

4. All of the above

To maintain public confidence in its integrity,all naval personnel must comply with theStandards of Conduct and Professional Ethics.1. True2. False

1. True

If you disclose information about a person tounauthorized personnel, you could be fined upto what maximum amount?1. $5,0002. $3,0003. $2,0004. $1,000

1. $5,000

The guidance and policy for making surethat equal opportunity works rests withwhat office?1. Command master chief2. Commanding officer3. Chief of Naval Operations4. Secretary of the Navy

3. Chief of Naval Operations

Which of the following persons is responsiblefor making equal opportunity a reality with acommand?1. Commanding officer2. Executive officer3. Operations officer4. Command master chief

1. Commanding officer

Your performance evaluation does not reflectyour attitude toward and your conduct insupport of the Navy?s equal opportunityprogram.1. True2. False

2. False

If a Sailor takes part in insensitive practices,he/she receives counseling on treating peopleequally. If counseling isn?t effective, whataction, if any, may take place?1. Administrative action only2. Disciplinary action only3. Administrative or disciplinary action4. None

3. Administrative or disciplinary action

On what basis should supervisors assignduties such as food service and compartmentcleaning?1. Skills and abilities2. Seniority3. A fair, rotational basis4. Time in service

3. A fair, rotational basis

The Department of the Navy sets therequirements for advancement for paygradesE-1 through E-9. Which of the following isthe determining factor in advancement?1. A vacancy2. Having a high multiple3. Passing the advancement-in-rate exam4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Navy personnel are prohibited from takingpart in a civil rights demonstration underwhich of the following circumstances?1. When the demonstration occurs duringduty hours2. While they are in uniform3. When the demonstration occurson a military reservation4. Each of the above

4. Each of the aboveIf you cannot resolve a complaint among thepersonnel involved, you can attach a writtencomplaint to a special request chit and forwardit through the chain of command. You must dothis within 5 days?1. True2. False2. False

Which of the following personnel can bevictims of sexual harassment?1. Men only2. Women only3. Both 1 and 2 above

3. Both 1 and 2 above

Which of the following phrases describessexual harassment?1. Unwelcome sexual advances2. Requests for sexual favors3. Verbal or physical conduct that is sexualin nature4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Someone in a command position makessexual advances towards you, making itimpossible to do your job. You are beingsexually harassed.1. True2. False

1. True

Which of the following is a criteria for aperson?s behavior to be considered sexualharassment?1. Unwelcome2. Sexual in nature3. Occur or impact your work4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Sexually explicit pictures.1. A2. C3. B

1. A

Suggestive posters, calendars, and off-colorjokes.1. A2. C3. B

3. B

What person has the responsibility ofappointing the command ombudsman?1. Commanding officer2. Executive officer3. Division officer4. Command master chief

1. commanding officer

What person determines the content andpriorities of the command ombudsmanprogram?1. Commanding officer2. Executive officer3. Division officer4. Command master chief

1. Commanding officer

Which of the following statements is apurpose of the Reenlistment Quality ControlProgram?1. To provide a personnel managementprogram to control rating manning2. To issue reenlistment criteria3. To establish standardized professionalgrowth points4. All of the above

4. All of the above

All first-term Sailors in paygrades E-1 throughE-6 requesting reenlistment must be approvedfor reenlistment through what program?1. CREO2. ENCORE3. HYT4. EEO


What person directs and supervises the Navy?svoting program?1. Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff2. Chief of Naval Operations3. Chief of Naval Personnel4. Chief of Naval Information

3. Chief of Naval Personnel

Which of the following are sources that setforth the basic disciplinary laws for the U.S.Navy?1. U.S. Navy Regulations2. Standard Organization and Regulationsof the U.S. Navy3. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Which of the following characteristics aretraits of a good Sailor?1. Puts the good of the ship and the Navyabove personal likes and dislikes2. Obeys the rules of military courtesyand etiquette3. Demonstrates loyalty, self-control,honesty, and truthfulness4. All of the above

4. All of the above

In what year was the Code of Conduct firstprescribed?1. 19652. 19553. 19454. 1935

2. 1955

The Code of Conduct was adopted to provideguidance for service personnel in which of thefollowing circumstances?1. When stationed on foreign soil2. When traveling at home and abroad3. When facing the enemy as prisoners of war4. All of the above

3. When facing the enemy as POW

In what year was Executive Order 12633issued amending the Code of Conduct touse neutral-gender language?1. 19872. 19883. 19894. 1990

2. 1988

How many articles make up the Code ofConduct?1. Two2. Four3. Six4. Eight

3. Six

When, if ever, may you voluntarily surrenderto the enemy?1. If alone and completely isolated fromfriendly troops2. If no longer able to inflict casualties onthe enemy3. If able to detain the enemy and let othersescape capture4. Never

4. Never

Who may be assigned shore patrol duties?1. Officers only2. Petty officers only3. Officers and petty officers4. All Navy personnel

3. Officers and petty officers

In areas where different armed services arelocated, the military police from each servicemay be combined to form one unit. What termidentifies this unit?1. Armed Forces Police Department2. Armed Forces Police Detachment3. Armed Forces Police Service4. Armed Forces Police Group

2. Armed Forces Police Detachment

Aboard ship, the master-at-arms (MAA)force is headed by the chief master-at-arms(CMAA). The CMAA works directly forwhich of the following officers?1. Weapons officer2. Security officer3. Executive officer4. Administrative officer

3. Executive officer

Discipline training develops which of thefollowing personal traits?1. Character2. Efficiency3. Self-control4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Discipline is important to the Navy for whichof the following reasons?1. To instill fear of punishment2. To decrease command responsibility3. To provide punishment for wrongdoers4. To enable personnel to function as a unitwith a high degree of efficiency

4. To enable personnel to function as a unitwith a high degree of efficiency

Punishment is administered in the Navy forwhich of the following reasons?1. To serve as an object lesson to thewrongdoer and others2. To pacify those who have suffered a wrong3. To correct a wrong4. To avenge a wrong

1. To serve as an object lesson to thewrongdoer and others

What chapter of the United States NavyRegulations describes the rights andresponsibilities of all Navy members?1. 122. 113. 104. 9

2. 11

What person is responsible for making surethat the Navy Regs conforms to the currentneeds of the Department of the Navy?1. The Secretary of the Navy2. The Judge Advocate General3. The Chief of Naval Operations4. The Commandant of the Marine Corps

3. The CNO

Navy Regs and changes to it are issued bythe Secretary of the Navy after what personapproves them?1. The President2. The Vice President3. The Attorney General4. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

1. The President

Failure to obey any regulation subjects theoffender to charges under what UCMJ article?1. 912. 923. 934. 94

2. 92

What article of the Navy Regs lists thepublications that must be made availableupon request by any active-duty person?1. 10202. 10103. 09174. 0818

4. 0818

What article of the Navy Regs gives officersthe authority necessary to perform theirduties?1. 10212. 10233. 10254. 1033

1. 1021

Navy Regs, article 1033, Authority in a Boat,provides which of the following officers theauthority and responsibility over all personsembarked?1. The senior line officer eligible forcommand at sea2. The junior line officer eligible forcommand at sea3. The senior staff officer4. The junior staff officer

1. The senior line officer eligible forcommand at sea

Which of the following Navy Regulationsarticles outlines the authority of a sentry?1. 10372. 10383. 10524. 1053

2. 1038

You may not be ordered to active duty withoutthe permission of which of the followingpersons?1. Commandant of the Marine Corps2. Commandant of the Coast Guard3. Chief of Naval Operations4. Chief of Naval Personnel

4. Chief of Naval Personnel

Navy Regulations, article 1104, Treatment andRelease of Prisoners, prohibits cruel and/orunusual treatment. According to this article,prisoners must be checked on at whatminimum interval?1. 10 hours2. 8 hours3. 6 hours4. 4 hours

4. 4 hours

During a Saturday duty day, one of yourshipmates asks you to change watches withhim/her. You agree but fail to get permissionfrom proper authority. Under what article ofNavy Regs could you be charged?1. 11382. 11343. 11334. 1129

2. 1134

Sexual harassment is offensive and illegal.Under what article of Navy Regs may a personbe charged with sexual harassment?1. 11662. 11643. 11624. 1160

1. 1166

A ship maintains a watch for which of thefollowing reasons?1. Communications2. Security3. Safety4. All of the above

4. All of the above

A ship?s plan for action is contained in whattype of bill?1. Battle bill2. Admin bill3. Organization bill4. Watch, quarter, and station bill

1. Battle bill

Qualified personnel are assigned to stationsby which of the following persons?1. Division officer and division chief2. Leading petty officer3. Leading chief petty officer4. Executive officer

1. Division officer and division chief

General quarters?all battle stations aremanned.1. A2. B3. C

1. A

Normal wartime cruising watch?4 hours on,8 hours off.1. A2. B3. C

3. C

If you are scheduled to stand the seconddog watch, you should report at which ofthe following times?1. 17452. 17503. 17554. 1800

1. 1745

If you are told to report to your duty stationat 0745 (24-hour clock), you should arriveat what time?1. 6:45 am2. 7:45 am3. 6:45 pm4. 7:45 pm

2. 7:45 amWhat watch are you standing between2000 and 2400 hours?1. Midwatch2. Forenoon watch3. First dog watch4. Evening watch4. Evening watch

Watches are split into port and starboardfor what reason?1. For convenience2. For security3. To rotate personnel4. To allow extra liberty

2. For security

What type of watch do most Sailors stand?1. Phone2. Security3. Admin4. Division

2. Security

Which of the following is a type of a securitywatch?1. Sentry duty2. Barracks watch3. Fire watch4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Which of the following is a key assignmentfor officers in the watch organization?1. CDO2. OOD3. JOOD4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Which of the following is a duty of theQMOW?1. To maintain the ship?s deck log2. To make sure all bells are correctlyanswered3. To stand watch in the bridge and delivermessages4. To line up and operate the steering engines

1. To maintain the ship's deck log

What person makes sure all deck watchstations are manned with qualified personneland all watch standers from previous watchesare relieved?1. BMOW2. QMOW3. JOOW4. JOOD


Where is the fog lookout watch usually stood?1. Helm2. Aftermast3. In the bow where approaching shipscan be heard4. CIC

3. In the bow where approaching shipscan be heard

For what reason does the fog lookout watchnormally consist of two Sailors?1. In case there is a man overboard2. To allow the lookout to work withouthaving his/her hearing impaired bywearing sound-powered phones3. The two-man security rule4. To verify visual and sound contact

2. To allow the lookout to work withouthaving his/her hearing impaired bywearing sound-powered phones

What type of watch is set when positivesteering control must be maintained?1. Helmsman2. Lee helmsman3. After steering4. QMOW

1. Helmsman

What is the purpose of the security watch?1. To minimize damage to equipment2. To control contact with the CIC3. To increase the physical securityof the ship

3. To increase the physical securityof the ship

Which of the following is a duty of securitywatches and patrols?1. To be alert for fire hazards2. To check the security of weaponsmagazines3. To inspect damage control closures4. Each of the above

1. To be alert for fire hazards

You are a member of a security patrol, andyou detect a fire hazard that affects the safetyof the ship. What action should you take?1. Note it on the security log2. Inform your LCPO3. Investigate it4. Report it to the OOD immediately

4. Report it to the OOD immediately

What is the purpose of a shipboard fire watch?1. To immediately extinguish fires causedby welding or burning operations2. To make sure the welder strikes thewelding surface3. To relay messages from the work site4. To make sure there is a controlled burnof material at the work site

1. To immediately extinguish fires causedby welding or burning operations

When standing a barracks security watch, youhave which of the following responsibilities?1. Knowing and carrying out provisionsof the fire bill2. Knowing and carrying out provisionsof the emergency bill3. Knowing barracks regulations4. All of the above

4. All of the above

When standing a barracks security watch,which of the following is the first action totake if there is a fire?1. Report the fire2. Spread the alarm3. Close doors and windows4. Fight the fire, if possible, if you havethe proper equipment

1. Report the fire

Sentries are governed by what two typesof orders?1. Understood and general2. Special and verbal3. General and special4. General and verbal

3. General and special

You are required to know the general orders ofa sentry. How many general orders are there?1. 112. 143. 164. 18

1. 11

When aboard ship, you should refer to whatpublication for the procedures used to relievean armed watch?1. SOP2. FOD3. Watch bill4. Battle bill

1. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Which of the following is a precaution to followwhen standing an armed watch with a pistol?1. When relieved, unload the pistolin a safe area2. Don?t surrender the pistol to anunauthorized person3. Keep the pistol (which is loaded withone round in the chamber) in its holsterunless you have to use it4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Under which of the following conditionscan deadly force be used?1. To prevent the escape of a murderer2. To prevent sabotage3. To protect your life4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Why is a lookout posted?1. To prevent blind spots caused by metalobjects2. To search for objects radar can?t detect3. To detect objects low in the water4. To search for air attacks

3. To detect objects low in the water

The peacetime lookout organization has howmany Sailors in each watch station?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four

3. Three

Which of the following is/are types of bearings?1. Relative only2. True only3. Magnetic only4. Relative, true, and magnetic

4. Relative, true, and magnetic

Which of the following is Navy phraseologyfor reporting a bearing of 038??1. O, three, eight2. O, three, ate3. Zero, tree, ate4. Zero, tree, eight

3. Zero, tree, ate

Lookouts report what type of bearing?1. Magnetic2. Relative3. True

2. Relative

Which of the following statements describesa target angle?1. The magnetic north pole is used asthe reference point2. True north is used as the reference point3. An object in the sky4. The relative bearing of your ship fromanother ship

4. The relative bearing of your ship fromanother ship

A position angle can never be more thanwhat number of degrees?1. 0?2. 45?3. 90?4. 180?

3. 90?

How are position angles reported?1. Three digits, spoken digit by digit2. Two digits, spoken digit by digit3. Three digits, spoken as a whole4. Two digits, spoken as a whole

4. Two digits, spoked as a whole

How should you report objects that arelow in the water?1. By feet above the surface2. By the object?s approximate distance3. In feet from the ship4. From the object to the horizon

2. by the object's approximate distance

Ranges are reported in what unit ofmeasurement?1. Feet2. Yards3. Rods4. Miles

2. Yards

When using binoculars, what adjustmentsshould you make?1. One for focus2. Two for focus and one for properdistance between the lenses3. One for proper distance betweenthe lenses4. Two for eyepiece and lens

2. Two for focus and one for properdistance between the lenses

When should you use binoculars?1. In foggy and rainy conditions2. When identifying objects at night3. When scanning sectors in the daytime4. Both 2 and 3 above

4. Both 2 and 3 above

How long does it take for you to reach yourbest night vision?1. 10 minutes2. 15 minutes3. 25 minutes4. 30 minutes

4. 30 minutes

What is meant by the term dark adaptation?1. The improvement of vision in dim light2. The inability to see in bright light3. The red light requirement4. Shadows that can?t be seen clearly

1. The improvement of vision in dim light

When should you use ?off-center vision??1. Below decks2. When wearing glasses3. When it?s dark4. In broad daylight

3. When it's dark

What information is contained in an initialreport?1. The object only2. The object?s bearing from the ship only3. The object and its bearing from the ship4. What the object might be

3. The object and its bearing from the ship

To report serial number 23NCI16 over thesound-powered telephone circuit, you wouldreport the serial number in what way?1. Too, three, november, charlie, india,wun, six2. Too, tree, november, charlie, india,wun, six3. Two, tree, november, charlie, india,wun, six4. Two, tree, november, charlie, india,wun, sics

2. Too, tree, november, charlie, india,wun, six

It?s important for you to remember that themouthpiece and earpiece of sound-poweredtelephones are interchangeable for which ofthe following reasons?1. Two people can talk at once2. They can be interchanged if a piece breaks3. Undesirable noises can be fed into thesystem4. Both 2 and 3 above

4. Both 2 and 3 above

The headset of sound-powered telephones ispicked up as a unit for which of the followingreasons?1. To make sure you have all the parts2. To avoid breaking them3. Both 1 and 2 above4 In case the earpiece is missing

2. To avoid breaking them

When using the mouthpiece of asound-powered phone set to report contacts,how far from your mouth should you positionthe mouthpiece?1. 1/2 to 1 inch2. 1 to 2 inches3. 2 to 3 inches4. 3 to 4 inches

1. 1/2 to 1 inch

Why should you unplug a phone?s headsetwhen it?s not in use?1. To keep the user costs down2. Earpieces will pick up noise and transmitit over the circuit3. Carbon will build up at the connectors4. Calls from other circuits won?t go through

2. Earpieces will pick up noise and transmitit over the circuit

Aboard ship, there are how many categoriesof shipboard sound-powered phone circuits?1. One2. Two3. Three4. Four

3. Three: primary, auxiliary, andsupplementary systems

What category of shipboard telephone circuitsis designed to maintain vital communicationsand are preceded by the letter X?1. Primary system2. Auxiliary system3. Supplementary system4. Command circuit

2. Auxiliary system

Which of the following sound-powered phonecircuits is used as the CO?s battle circuit?1. JA2. JC3. JL4. 1JV

1. JA

To keep the meaning of a message intact whenstanding duty as a telephone talker, whataction should you take?1. Speak loudly2. Repeat the message word for word3. Paraphrase what you hear4. Speak rapidly to transmit the messagequickly

1. Speak loudly

Which of the following statements is a rule forcircuit discipline?1. Transmit only official messages2. Keep the button in the OFF position whennot transmitting3. Use only standard words and phrases4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Which of the following elements is includedwhen taking a message?1. Name of caller2. Message3. Time and date4. Each of the above

2. Message *

The IVCS has which of the followingcomponents?1. Terminals2. Accessories3. ICSCs4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Within the IVCS, what is the purpose of theICSCs?1. To perform switching actions2. To keep lines clear3. To give multi-access to lines4. To ensure automatic cutoff forsecurity purposes

1. To perform switching actions

Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is called the general announcingsystem?1. 1MC2. 2MC3. 3MC4. 4MC

1. 1MC

Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is used for intership communications?1. 5MC2. 6MC3. 7MC4. 8MC

2. 6MC

Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is used for hangar deck damagecontrol?1. 39MC2. 51MC3. 53MC4. 58MC

4. 58MC

Which of the following persons is authorizedto pass calls over the 1MC?1. OOD2. XO3. CO4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

What is the purpose of the 20MC announcingsystem?1. Radio room announcing system2. Flag officer?s command announcingsystem3. Combat information announcing system4. Captain?s command announcing system

3. Combat information announcing system

Which of the following types of flags andpennants is/are used by the Navy?1. Substitute flags2. Numeral pennants3. International alphabet flags4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Aboard ship, a man overboard is indicatedby what emergency/warning flag?1. Code Alfa2. Oscar3. November Charlie4. Bravo

2. Oscar

What administrative flag is used to recallall personnel to the ship?1. Hotel2. Juliett3. Romeo4. Papa

4. Papa

What administrative flag is flown in port toindicate the ship has ready duty?1. Hotel2. India3. Romeo4. Quebec

3. Romeo

When under way, the national ensign isnormally flown from what location?1. The gaff2. The aftermast3. The flagstaff4. The jackstaff

1. The gaff

Which of the following statements definesthe term ?colors??1. Colors give recognition of codes2. Colors consist of our national ensignalong with the union jack3. Colors are lights on the flagstaff4. Colors are the flags of foreign ships

2. Colors consist of our national ensignalong with the union jack

When a naval ship is in port or at anchor, theunion jack is flown from what location?1. The gaff2. The jackstaff3. The aftermast4. The flagstaff

4. The flagstaff

The U.S. Navy flag is flown in which of thefollowing situations?1. At official ceremonies or official publicgatherings when the Navy is officially aparticipant2 In parades3. In official Navy occasions4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

Which of the following flags are half-mastedat the death of the CO?1. National ensign2. Union jack3. Commission pennant4. Each of the above

4. Each of the above

On small ships, personnel from what watchare responsible for hoisting and hauling downabsentee pennants?1. Security watch2. Quarterdeck watch3. Roving watch4. DC central watch

2. Quarterdeck watch

On large ships, what person is responsible formaking sure that special flags or pennants aredisplayed to indicate changing events aboardship?1. Boatswain?s mate2. Quarterdeck watch3. Duty signalman4. Topside watch

3. Duty signalman

Where is a list of special flags and pennantsnormally posted as a ready reference for watchstanders?1. Combat information center (CIC)2. After deck3. Quarterdeck area4. Half deck

3. Quarterdeck area

An officer in command entitled to a personalflag is embarked in a boat on an officialmission. Where should the pennant be flown?1. Amid ship2. In the bow3. In the stern4. Yardarm, port

2. In the bow


Textbook Assignment: Chapter 5 ?Naval History..?

What date commemorates the birthdayof the United States Navy?1. 5 Sep 17742. 13 Oct 17753. 4 Jul 17764. 14 Feb 1778

2. 13 Oct 1775

The Second Continental Congress approvedthe purchase of how many vessels?1. Eight2. Six3. Four4. Two

4. Two

Which of the following were naval vesselsin the early 19th century?1. Frigates2. Sloops of war3. Ships of the line4. All of the above

4. All of the above

What category of ship carried the largestnumber of guns?1. Ships of the line2. Sloops of war3. Schooners4. Frigates

1. Ships of the line

What type of ships did privateers typically sail?1. Ships of the line2. Sloops of war3. Schooners4. Frigates

3. Schooners

What ship was the first warfare submarine?1. Turtle2. Hornet3. Alfred4. Wasp

1. Turtle

Which of the following ships has thedistinction of being the U.S. Navy?s firstflagship?1. Providence2. Hornet3. Alfred4. Wasp

3. Alfred

What country was the first to recognizethe ?Stars and Stripes??1. Germany2. France3. Spain4. Portugal

2. France

John Paul Jones is often referred to as the?father of our highest naval traditions?because of the example he set as an officerduring the Revolutionary War. He is alsofamous because of which of the followingaccomplishments?1. His appointment as the first U.S. Navyadmiral2. His selection as the first commander inchief3. His victory over the HMS Serapis4. His capture of the HMS Nancy

3. His victory over the HMS Serapis

At various times during the RevolutionaryWar, the U.S. Navy had 56 vessels. What wasthe peak number of vessels that were operatingat any one time?1. 452. 323. 274. 15

3. 27

Approximately how many ships did theBritish loose to privateers?1. 1,0002. 1,5003. 2,0004. 2,500

3. 2,000

What is the oldest U.S. Navy ship stillin commission?1. Lexington2. Constitution3. Constellation4. Bonhomme Richard

2. Constitution

Who was president when the U.S. NavyDepartment was established?1. George Washington2. Thomas Jefferson3. James Madison4. John Adams

4. John Adams

When did the expression ?Millions for defense,but not one cent for tribute? originate?1. During the Revolutionary War2. During the ?Quasi? War3. During the War of 18124. During the Barbary States War

2. During the ?Quasi? War

Who led the naval forces into Tripoli Harborand destroyed the captured US frigate USSPhiladelphia?1. Stephen Decatur2. James Lawrence3. Thomas Truxtun4. Edward Preple

1. Stephen Decatur

The War of 1812 was caused, in part, by theefforts to accomplish which of the followinggoals?1. Establishing a naval base in theMediterranean2. Paying ransom payments to the BarbaryStates3. Stopping forced service of Americanseamen in the British navy4. Forcing France to establish trade relationswith the United States

3. Stopping forced service of Americanseamen in the British navy

During the War of 1812, what ship earnedthe nickname ?Old Ironsides??1. Chesapeake2. Constitution3. Constellation4. Enterprise

2. Constitution

On which of the following Great Lakes didCaptain Oliver Hazard Perry defeat a Britishsquadron, cutting British supply lines?1. Lake Superior2. Lake Michigan3. Lake Huron4. Lake Erie

4. Lake Erie

What ship was one of the first ships-of-the line?1. Constitution2. Enterprise3. Philadelphia4. North Carolina

4. North Carolina

The first half of the 19th century saw adevelopment that was to change navies allover the world. What was that development?1. Task forces2. Steam power3. Steel hulls4. Practical submarines

2. Steam power

In 1843, what invention incorporated in theUSS Princeton paved the way for progress inthe development of propulsion systems?1. The screw propeller2. The diesel engine3. The coal-fired boiler4. The stern paddle wheel

1. The screw propeller

In 1854, Commodore Perry signed a treatythat opened up what market to Americantrade?1. China2. Japan3. Russia4. India

2. Japan, March 31, 1854

Although neither side could claim victory, thebattle between the USS Monitor and theVirginia (Merrimack) was important for whichof the following reasons?1. Steam engines were used in battle for thefirst time2. The Dahlgren gun was used3. The battle began the era of the ironclads4. The Union and Confederate navies foughteach other

3. The battle began the era of the ironclads

The first true submarine attack was conductedagainst what Union ship?1. USS New Ironsides2. USS Housatonic3. USS Hunley4. USS Custis

2. USS Housatonic

During what Civil War battle was the order?Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!?given?1. Vicksburg2. Mobile Bay3. New Orleans Orleans4. Kings Bay

2. Mobile Bay; Aug. 5, 1864

What person defined sea power, showed theimportance of knowing naval needs, andadvocated a large, powerful Navy?1. Commodore Perry2. Admiral Farragut3. Andre Foote4. Alfred T. Mahan

4. Alfred T. Mahan

What ship has been labeled as the first moderncruiser in the U.S. Fleet?1. USS Boston2. USS Atlanta3. USS Newark4. USS Chicago

3. USS Newark

?Remember the Maine,? referring to the USSMaine, was the battle cry for which of thefollowing wars?1. The Quasi War2. The Civil War3. The Spanish-American War4. World War I

3. The Spanish-American War

In what year did the Navy accept its firstoperational submarine?1. 18952. 18983. 19004. 1902

3. 1900

Construction of our first destroyer began inwhat year?1. 18952. 18993. 19024. 1905

2. 1899

What ship was considered our first?first-class? battleship?1. USS Indiana2. USS New York3. USS Texas4. USS California

1. USS Indiana

Who was the Navy?s first aviator?1. Lt. Ellyson2. Lt. Towers3. Lt. Corry4. CAPT Chambers

1. Lt. Ellyson

Destroyers were first used effectively forantisubmarine warfare during what war?1. Civil War2. Spanish-American War3. World War I4. World War II

3. WWI

In what war did women first serve as membersof the Navy?1. Civil War2. Spanish-American War3. World War I4. World War II

3. WWI

In what capacity did women first serve asmembers of the Navy?1. Nurse2. Yeoman3. Radio operator

1. NurseWhat was the first aircraft carrier designedfrom the keel up?1. USS Ranger2. USS Hornet3. USS Yorktown4. USS Enterprise1. USS Ranger

What was the first naval battle of World War IIin which two opposing fleets didn?t see eachother during combat?1. The Battle of Midway2. The Battle of Okinawa3. The Battle of Guadalcanal4. The Battle of the Coral Sea

4. The Battle of the Coral Sea

What was the decisive battle of World War IIthat became the turning point of the war in thePacific?1. The Battle of Midway2. The Battle of Okinawa3. The Battle of Guadalcanal4. The Battle of the Coral Sea

1. The Battle of Midway

During World War II, the Japanese loss/lossesof what island(s) heralded the end of the warin the Pacific?1. Philippines2. Solomons3. Guadalcanal4. Iwo Jima

4. Iwo Jima *

During World War II, the Navy was heavilyinvolved in which of the following Atlantic(European) actions?1. The invasion of Normandy2. The capture of Navaronne3. The Battle of Britain4. The fall of Berlin

1. The invasion of Normandy

Which of the following were types of shipsbuilt during World War II?1. Net tenders2. Mine sweepers3. Repair ships4. All of the above

4. All of the above

Which of the following combat systems cameinto full use during World War II?1. Radar2. Sonar3. Both 1 and 2 above4. SATNAV

3. Both 1 and 2 above

During World War II, WAVES were eligiblefor how many ratings?1. 282. 303. 344. 40

3. 34

In what year was the Women?s ArmedServices Integration Act passed?1. 19422. 19453. 19484. 1951

3. 1948, June 12

The first extensive use of jet aircraft andhelicopters occurred during what war?1. World War I2. World War II3. The Korean Conflict4. The Vietnam Police Action

3. The Korean Conflict

The first U.S. Navy nuclear-powered vesselwas what type of ship?1. Carrier2. Submarine3. Merchant ship4. Guided-missile cruiser

2. Submarine

In what year did the USS Nautilus make itshistory-making transpolar voyage?1. 19522. 19553. 19584. 1961

2. 1955

In what year were the first nuclear-poweredsurface ships launched?1. 19522. 19553. 19584. 1961

4. 1961, Apr. 15

In what year was the first American satelliteplaced in orbit?1. 19522. 19553. 19584. 1961

3. 1958, Mar. 17

America?s first suborbital flight was madeby what Navy officer?1. Commander Conrad2. Commander Gordan3. Commander Shepard Jr4. Commander Kerwin

3. Commander Shepard Jr, Alan B.:May 5, 1961

Which of the following ships was the world?s first nuclear-powered carrier? 1. USS Nimitz 2. USS Carl Vinson 3. USS Enterprise 4. USS Abraham Lincoln

3. USS Enterprise

What moon mission was completely manned by Navy personnel? 1. Apollo 5 2. Apollo 7 3. Apollo 11 4. Apollo 12

4. Apollo 12

In what year was the Alvin, a deep diving vehicle, tested at 6,000-foot depths? 1. 1961 2. 1965 3. 1969 4. 1971

2. 1965, Jul. 20

In what year was the first nuclear-powered, deep-submergence research and ocean-engineering vehicle launched? 1. 1961 2. 1965 3. 1969 4. 1971

3. 1969, Jan. 25

Which of the following is/are principle development(s) of the Trident system? 1. A nuclear-powered fleet ballistic missile submarine 2. A strategic weapons system 3. An integrated logistics support system 4. All of the above

4. All of the above

57. Which of the following are the most recent additions to the surface fleet? 1. Ticonderoga-class cruisers 2. Arleigh Burke-class destroyers 3. Both 1 and 2 above 4. LHAs

3. Both 1 and 2 above

The Navy helped move approximately how many pounds of equipment and supplies during Dessert Shield/Desert Storm? 1. 12.4 billion tons 2. 15.8 billion tons 3. 18.3 billion tons 4. 21.6 billion tons

3. 18.3 billion tons