Este (m)Esta (f)
ese (m)esa (f)
That (over there)
Aquel (m)Aquella (f)
Estos (m)Estas (f)
Esos (m)Esas(f)
Those (over there)
Aquellos (m)Aquellas (f)
This car
Este coche
That church
Esa iglesia
Those children (over there)
Aquellos nin(i)os
Caro (m)Cara (f)
Viejo (m)Vieja (f)
The friend
El amigo La amiga
Occupied, taken, busy
Free, unoccupied
Lift, elevator
El ascensor
The grape(s)
La ovaLas ovas
What is this?
Que' es esto?
That is not correct
Eso no es correcto
La maleta
La galleta
El pan
El abrigo
shoe (s)
El zapatoLos zapatos
The room(s)
La habitacio'nLas habitaciones
To speak - present tense
HablarHablo I speakHablas you speak (fam)Habla He or she speaksHabla you speak (form) Hablamos We speakHabla'is You speak (fam pl)Hablan They speakHablan You speak (form pl)
To eat - present tense
ComerComo I eatComes you eat (fam)Come she or he eatsCome you eat (form)Comemos We eatCome'is You eat (fam pl)Comen They eatComen You eat (form pl)
To live - present tense
VivirVivo I liveVives you liveVive she or he lives, you live (fom)Vivimos We liveVivis You live (fam pl)Viven They live, you live (form pl)
I do not speak Russian
No hablo ruso
Do you speak Spanish?
Habla usted Espan(i)ol?
He eats a lot of bread.
Come mucho pan.
They do not eat in the hotel.
No comen en el hotel.
Do you (form pl) live here?
Viven ustedes aqui?
I live in London.
Vivo en Londres.
To buy - present tense.
ComprarCompro I buy Compras you buy (fam)Compra he or she buys, you buy (form)Compramos We buyCompra'is You buy (fam pl)Compran They buy, you buy (from pl)
To drink - present tense
BeberBebo I drinkBebes you drinkBebe he, she drinks, you drink (form)Bebemos We drinkBebe'is You drink (fam pl)Beben They drink, you drink (form pl)
To write - present tense
EscribirEscribo I writeEscribes you writeEscribe he or she writes, you write (form)Escribimos We writeEscribis You write (fam pl)Escriben They write, you write (form pl)
To smoke - present tense
FumarFumo I smokeFumas you smokeFuma she, he smokes, you smoke (form)Fumamos We smokeFuma'is You smoke (fam pl)Fuman They smoke, you smoke (from pl)
To study - present tense
EstudiarEstudio I studyEstudias you studyEstudia he, she study, you study (fom)Estudiamos We studyEstudia'is You study (fam pl)Estudian They study, You study (form pl)
to learn - present tense
AprenderAprendo I learnAprendes you learnAprende he or she learns, you learn (fam)Aprendemos We learnAprende'is You learn (fam pl)Aprenden They learn, you learn (from pl)
To go upTo bring up
SubirSubo I go upSubes you go upSube he, she go up, you go up (form)Subimos We go upSubis You go up (fam pl)Suben They go up, you go up (form pl
to speak - present participle
Hablar ---> HablandoEstoy hablando I am speakingEstas hablando you are speakingEsta' hablando she, he is speakingEsta' hablando you are speaking (from)Estamos hablando We are speakingEsta'is hablando You are speaking (fam pl)Esan hablando They are speaking, you are speaking (form pl)
to eat - present participle
Comer ----> comiendo
to live - present participle
Vivir ----> viviendo
Ramon is drinking wine.
Ramo'n esta' bebiendo vino.
The cat is going up the tree.
El gato esta' subiendo al a'rbol
I am learning French.
Estoy aprediendo france's.