
4 Tissue Types

Epithelial- inner and outer surfaces Connective- connects parts of body together, encloses and protects organs Nervous- nerve cells and supporting (glial) Muscle- skeletal, cardiac, and smooth

Epithelial cells

line inner and outer surfacesex: skin, inner lining of blood vessels, lining of digestive tract"gate keeper" controls what goes in and out of layerTight junctions bind them together to keep things outPolarity: exposed to exterior (apical) and interior (basal) 4 Layers: (1 = simple, multiple = stratified) 3 shapes, pseudostratified= looks stratified but not, and transitional- simple as tissue stretches

Squamous Simple Epithelial Cell

found where materials cross a membraneflat with disk shaped nucleusallows passage of materials by diffusion where protection isn't importantex: kidney, air sacs of lungs, lining of heart, blood vessels and capillaries

Squamous Stratified Epithelial Cells

found where mechanical abrasion occurs protects underlying tissues in areas subject to abrasionkeratinized thick layers with an cuboidal or columnar baseex: lining of esophagus, mouth, epidermis of skin

Cuboidal Simple Epithelial Cells

single layer of cubelike cells with large nucleussecretion and absorptionex: kidney tubules, ovary, ducts

Columnar Simple

single layer of tall cells with round nuclei absorption, secretion of mucous, enzymessome contain cilia or mucous secreting (goblet cells)ex: non ciliated: gallbladder, excretory duct, ciliated: uterus, small bronchi

Pseudostratified Ephithelial Cells

single layer of cells with differing heights at different levelsfor secretion of mucous and ciliaex: male sperm ducts, trachea, respiratory tract

Transitional Ephithelial Cells

looks like stratified squamous and cuboidal, surface cellsdome shapedstretchy to permit distension of urinary organ by urinelines ureter, bladder, and urethra