ultrasound cards

What is a logarithm?

Number of 10's that are multiplied to create original number

What is the log of 1000?


What is the log of 10,000?


Is distance and attentuention a) inversely relatedb) directly relatedc) not related

Directly related

What 3 processes contribute to attentuation?

1) Reflection2) Scattering3) Absorption

What are the 2 forms of reflection?

Specular and Diffuse

What boundary is found with specular reflection?

Smooth boundarySound is reflected in only one direction

What boundary is found with Diffuse reflection?

Irregular surface boundarySound is reflected in more than one direction

What is the medium of lung tissue that causes scattering?


What is the definition of PRF?

Pulse repetition frequencyThe number of pulses per 1 second

What is the definition of PRP?

Pulse repetition periodTime from beginning of 1 pulse to the beginning of the next pulse

What is pulse duration?

The time from beginning of the pulse to the end or "talk time

What is power?

Rate of energy transfer measured in watts

What is Propagation speed?

The time it takes to travel through medium.The medium determines the speed.

Why does sound travel fast in bone?

Bone has a higher stiffness level and lower density level

What is Frequency?

The number of events in a specific duration of time

What is intensity?

Concentration of energy in sound beam

What is the relationship of Period and Frequency?

Inversely related

What is the distance of one complete cycle?


Why does sound travel slow in air?

Density is increased and stiffness is decreased

What are units of attenuation?


What is a quick way to find log?

Count the number of 0's100=2 1000=310,000=4

Water has low attenuationT or FTrue False


Air has high attenuationT or FTrue False


As path length increases, what happens to Attenuation coefficent?a) increasesb) decreasesc) remains the same

Remains the same

When scanning a carotid artery which transducer do you choose?1) 7.02) 3.5


What is the unit of Attenuation coefficient?


In a boundary where impedance is the same, what part of sound wave is reflected back?

0% is reflected100% is transmitted

What law is demonstrated by rules of refraction?

Snell's Law

Does attentuation increase or decrease as path length increases?


What are the names for Lateral Resolution?Hint - 4


What are 3 synonyms for PZT?


What is the definition of Hemodynamics?

Study of blood moving through circulatory system

What does Volume rate measure?

How much

What does Velocity measure?

How fast

Units of flow are volume/time or distance/time


Units of velocity arevolume/time or distance/time


What are the 3 forms of blood flow?

PulsatilePhasic Steady

Pulsatile flow accelerates and decelerates from

Cardiac Contraction

Phasic blood flow accelerates and decelerates from


Steady flow occurs when fluid moves at a _____ speed of velocity?SlowConstantFast


Laminar flow isChaotic orAligned and Paralell

Alligned and Paralell

What is the Reynolds number for Laminar flow?

less than 1500

Turbulent flow is Chaotic orAligned and paralell


What are sounds associated with turbulent flow?

Murmur, Bruit, and thrill

What is the definition of transducer?

Transforms electrical energy into acoustic energy

Definition of Pulser?

Determines the amplititude, pulse repetition period (PRP) and pulse repetition frequency (PRF)

Definition of Beam Former?

Determines the firing delay pattern for phased array systems

Definition of Receiver?

Transforms signals from transducer into a form suitable for display

Definition of Storage?

Archives U/S studies in videotape, paper printout, photos, film, CD or hard drives

Definition of Master Synchronizer?

Maintains and organizes timing

What is line density?

Spacing between sound beams

What is range ambiguity?

Inability to determine exact location of moving red blood celss with CW (continuous wave)

What is pixel density?

Number of pixels per inch

What is spatial resolution?

High pixel densityImproved ImageGreater detail

What are artifacts?

Errors in imaging

What is reverberation?

Multiple equally-spaced echoes - resembles venetian blinds

What is a Comet Tail?

Ring down artifact appearing as solid hyperechoic line

What is shadowing?

Hypoechoic or anechoic region extending downward

What is edge shadow?

Hypoechoic region extending along edge of curved reflector

What is enhancement?

Hyperechoic region beneath tissue with low attentuation

What is focal enhancement?

Side to side region appears brighter than deeper tissue aka focal banding

What is Mirror image?

Artifact showing Deeper image redirected toward 2nd structure

What is Crosstalk?

Mirror image on Spectral Doppler display

What is a speed error?

Sound wave propagates through a medium other than that of soft tissue

What is propagation speed error?

Range error artifact or range ambiguity artifact

What are side lobes?

Created by a single crystal transducer or mechanical probe

What are grating lobes?

Created by Array transducer

There are no known harmful bioeffects from U/S exams.T or FTrue False


What are the units of Dynamic range?


Slice thickness and Elevational resolution isDirectly relatedInversely relatedNot related

Directly Related

Which mode is the 1st grey scale imaging?A ModeB ModeM Mode

B Mode

Expiration increases or decreases venous flow in legs?


The difference between received and transmitted frequencies is calledDoppler FrequencyDoppler ShiftPower Doppler

Doppler Shift

Phased Array is reserved for Linear TransducerT or FTrue False


What type of converter is used in U/S?Digital Analog


Why does a gallstone have a shadow on U/S?Too much attenuationToo little attenuationNo attenuation

Too much attenuation

What is a synonym of propagation speed error?

Range ambiguity

What does color Doppler provide information about?

Range resolution

What angle is best to scan carotid artery?

60 degrees or less

Power Doppler is also called

Energy Mode

Artifact is

An error in imaging

Which mode gives information about time?A ModeB ModeM Mode

M Mode

What are 2 controls on video monitor that the sonographer cannot change?

Contrast and Brightness

On inspiration the DiaphragmAscendsDescendsStays the same


Reynolds number determines laminar vs turbulent flowT or FTrue False


Phasic flow is related to Cardiac contractionVelocityRespiration


Spacial resolution improves with high or low line density?

High line density

What does ALARA mean?

As Low As Reasonably Achieved

What is dynamic range?

The ratio of largest to smallest signal strength

What are 5 requirements of contrast agents?

1) Safe2) Metobolically inert3) Long lasting4) Strong reflector of U/S5) Small enough to pass through capillaries

Harmonic frequency is ________ times fundemental frequency.2310