
Advertising wearoutAn effect where too much repetition causes consumers to actively shut out the message

evaluate it negatively

Age cohortA group of persons who have experienced a common social


Ambivalent attitudeAmbivalent attitude

involves holding mixed beliefs and/or feelings about an attitude object.Ch. 11399

Ambush marketingInvolves any communication or activity that implies

or from which one could reasonably infer

AttentionOccurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves

and the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing.Ch. 8283

AttitudeAn enduring organization of motivational


Attitude based choiceInvolves the use of general attitudes

summary impressions

Attribute based choiceRequires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made

and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands.Ch. 16554

Blended familyA family consisting of a couple

one or both of whom were previously married

Born-again ChristiansCharacterized by a strong belief in the literal truth of the Bible

a very strong commitment to their religious beliefs

Brand communityA nongeographically bound community

based on a structured set of social relationships among owners of a brand and the psychological relationship they have with the brand itself

Brand leverageOften termed

family branding

Buying centersConsist of individuals from various areas of the firm

such as accounting

Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU)A special unit

maintained by the National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus

Co-brandingAlso referred to as co-marketing

brand alliances

Cognitive ageOne's perceived age

a part of one's self-concept.Ch. 4124

Cohort analysisThe process of describing and explaining the attitudes


CommunityCharacterized by consciousness of kind

shared rituals and traditions

Conjoint analysisThe most popular indirect measurement approach

the consumer is presented with a set of products or product descriptions in which the evaluative criteria vary.Ch. 16560

Conspicuous consumptionThe purchase and use of automobiles


Consumer behaviorThe study of individuals


Consumer skillsThose capabilities necessary for purchases to occur such as understanding money


Consumer socializationThe process by which young people acquire skills


Consumption subcultureA distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class


Consumption-related attitudesCognitive and affective orientations toward marketplace stimuli such as advertisements


Consumption-related preferencesThe knowledge


CultureThe complex whole that includes knowledge


DemographicsDescribe a population in terms of its size


DemographicsDescribe a population in terms of its size


Digital SavvyDigital Savvy consumers are leading-edge digital users who are early adopters and diffusers of information related to technology in terms of (1) technology ownership

(2) Internet usage

E wasteWaste caused by an exploding demand and short product life-spans for high-tech gadgets such as cell phones

personal computers

Elaborative activitiesThe use of previously stores experiences



relatively uncontrolled feelings that affect behavior.Ch. 10379

Enviropreneurial marketingEnviropreneurial marketing is environmentally friendly marketing practices


Ethnic subculturesBroadly defined as those whose members' unique shared behaviors are based on a common


Evaluative criteriaThe various dimensions


ExtinctionOr forgetting occurs when the reinforcement for the learned response is withdrawn

the learned response is no longer used

GenerationA group of persons who have experienced a common social


Geo-demographic analysis Based on the premise that lifestyle

and thus consumption

Green marketingInvolves (1) developing products whose production


GroupTwo or more individuals who share a set of norms


HispanicA person of Cuban


Identification influenceAlso called value-expressive

occurs when individuals have internalized the group's values and norms.Ch. 7235

ImageryInvolves concrete sensory representations of ideas


Impulse purchaseOccurs when a consumer sees an item in the store and purchases it with little or no deliberation as the result of a sudden

powerful urge to have it.Ch. 17603

In-home shoppingOccurs when consumers acquire products through mail


Independent self-conceptEmphasizes personal goals


InfomercialsProgram-length commercials (often 30 minutes)

generally with an 800 number and/or Web address through which to order the product or request additional written information.Ch. 8282

Information processingA series of activities by which stimuli are perceived

transformed into information

InnovationAn idea


Interdependent self-conceptEmphasizes family


Internal searchOccurs once a problem is recognized and relevant information from long-term memory is used to determine if a satisfactory solution is known

what the characteristics of potential solutions are

InvolvementA motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product


Lifestyle centersSmall


Limited decision makingInvolves internal and limited external search

few alternatives

Long-term memory (LTM)An unlimited

permanent storage.Ch. 9319

Marketing communicationsAdvertising

the sales force

Marketing mixThe product


Maslow's hierarchy of needsBased on four premises: (1) All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction. (2) Some motives are more basic or critical than others. (3) The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated. (4) As the basic motives become satisfied

more advanced motives come into play.Ch. 10360

Mature marketA large and growing market with numerous subsegments that is often categorized as 55 years of age and over. It now spans three generations (pre-Depression


MediationOccurs when a parent alters a child's initial interpretation of

our response to

ModelingOccurs when a child learns appropriate

or inappropriate

Monochronic time perspectiveTime is seen almost as a physical object: it can be scheduled


Multiattribute attitude modelBased on the logic that because all of the components of an attitude are generally consistent

the more favorable the overall attitude is.Ch. 11393

Nonverbal communication systems The arbitrary meanings a culture assigns actions


Online social network siteWeb-based service that allows individuals to (1) construct a public or semipublic profile within a bounded system

(2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection

Opinion leaderAn individual who actively filters


Organizational cultureThe self-concept and lifestyle of an organization it reflects and shapes organizational needs and desires

which in turn influence how organizations make decisions.Ch. 19680

Peak experienceAn experience that surpasses the usual level of intensity


Perceived riskA function of the individual

the product

PerceptionComprised of exposure


Perceptual mappingAnother indirect technique that generally involves the consumer first looking at possible pairs of brands and indicating which pair is most similar

which is second most similar

Physical surroundingsInclude d?cor


Polychronic time perspectivePeople and relationships take priority over schedules

and activities occur at their own pace rather than according to a predetermined timetable. Followers of this perspective have an orientation toward the present and the past.Ch. 257

Power distanceThe degree to which people accept inequality in power


Product involvementOccurs when a consumer is very involved with a brand or a product category and yet has a very low level of involvement with a particular purchase of that product because of brand loyalty

time pressures

Purchase involvementThe level of concern for

or intent in

Regional subculturesArise as a result of climatic conditions

the natural environment and resources

Relationship marketingAn attempt to develop an ongoing

expanding exchange relationship with a firm's customers.Ch. 18645

Retrieval failureHappens in cognitive learning when information that is available in LTM cannot be accessed

that is

Secular societyA society where the educational system


ServicescapeRefers to atmosphere when describing a service business such as a hospital


ServicescapeRefers to atmosphere when describing a service business such as a hospital


Social class systemA hierarchical division of a society into relatively distinct and homogeneous groups with respect to attitudes


Source credibilityBased on two basic dimensions

trustworthiness and expertise

SpokescharactersCan be animated animals


Stimulus generalizationOften referred to as the rub-off effect

occurs when a response to one stimulus is elicited by a similar but distinct stimulus.Ch. 9333

Store atmosphereInfluenced by such attributes as lighting


SustainabilityInvolves methods that are (a) profitable for the farmer

(b) environmentally sound

Switching costsThe costs of finding


Terms and conditionsPayments


Testimonial adA person

generally a typical member of the target market

Total productThe product features


Verbal communication systems

Verbal communication systems necessarily involve exchange of ideas or opinions, through Languages.Ch. 2 56

Vicarious learning

Occurs when consumers observe the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjust their own accordingly. Ch. 9 331

Viral marketing

An online "pass-it-along" strategy. It "uses electronic communications to trigger brand messages throughout a widespread network of buyers." Ch. 7 246

Voluntary simplicity

Consumers' efforts to reduce their reliance on consumption and material possessions. Ch. 3 87

Word-of-mouth (WOM) communications

Individuals sharing information with other individuals. Ch. 7 238

Working-class aristocrats

Dislike the upper-middle class and prefer products and stores positioned at their social-class level. Ch. 4 141


Involves switching channels when a commercial appears. Ch. 8 280


Occurs when one fast-forwards through a commercial on a prerecorded program.Ch. 8 280