Module One

adgredior, adgredi, adgressus sum

step up to, approach; attack, undertake, try

amicitia, -ae, f.

friendship, alliance

ambo, -ae, -o

both, two

castra, -orum, n.


civitas, -atis, f.

citizenship, state, body of citizens, community

coniungo, -ere, -iunxi, -iunctum

join, unite, connect

copia, -ae, f.

supply, plenty, abundance; pl., troops, forces, resources, wealth

eques, -itis, m.

horseman, knight; pl., cavalry

exercitus, -us, m.


gero, -ere, gessi, gestum

bear, carry, bring, wage, do, conduct

infero, -ferre, intuli, illatum

bring in, wage against, inflict

ingens, -entis

immense, huge, vast, enormous

interficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum

kill, put to death

legatus, -i, m.

envoy, ambassador, lieutenant, deputy

occido, -ere, -cidi, -casum

fall, perish, set (of the sun)

occurro, -ere, -curri, -cursum

meet, oppose, run to

praeda, -ae, f.

plunder, booty

proelium, -i, n.


proficiscor, -i, profectus sum

set out, depart, proceed

quia, conj.


reddo, -ere, reddidi, redditum

give back, return

redeo, -ire, -i, -itum

go back, return

refero, -ferre, rettuli, relatum

bear back, bring back, report, repay, restore

regredior, -i, -gressus sum

go back, return

trado, -ere, -didi, -ditum

hand over, deliver, hand down, relate, surrender

transeo, -ire, -ii, -itum

cross over, go across