Richter�s hernia
incarcerated or strangulated hernia involving only one sidewall of the bowel, which can spontaneously reduce resulting in gangrenous bowel and perforation within the abdomen without signs of obstructoin
Littre�s hernia
hernia involving meckel's diverticulum
Pigelian hernia
hernia through the semilunaris
Pantaloon hernia
hernia exists as both direct and indirect staddeling the inf epigastric vessels
grynfeltt's hernia
hernia through Grynfeltt-Lesshaft triange (super lumbar triange)
petit's hernia
hernia through Petit�s triangle (inferior lumbar triange)
Bochadalek's hernia
hernia through the posterior diaphragm
Morgagni's hernia
anterior parasternal diaphragmatic hernia
Cooper's ligament
pectineal line of the pelvis
Poupart�s ligament
attaches from anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle
nissen wrap
360 degree wrap
toupe wrap
180 degree
Hill repair
: aka posterior gastropexy, uses the arcuate ligament to reestablish the intra-abdominal position of the distal esophagus
cut the stomach to lengthen the esopagus
heller myottomy
repair of zenker's diverticulum