Name the 8 breeds that disqualify for a dewlap
Britannia Petite, Dwarf Hotot, Himalayan, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Silver, Tan, Giant Chinchilla
Name the 4 breeds with an ear length MINIMUM
Beveren (4-3/4" min)Checkered Giant (5-3/4" min)Flemish Giant (5-3/4" min)English Lop (21" min)
Name the 8 breeds with an ear length MAXIMUM
Netherland Dwarf (2-1/2" max)Dwarf Hotot (2-3/4" max)Britannia Petite (3" max)Jersey Wooly (3" max)Polish (3" max)Mini Rex (3-1/2" max)Standard Chinchilla (5" max)Mini Satin (3-1/4" max)
Name the 9 breeds with a fur length disqualification.
American Fuzzy Lop, Jersey Wooly (under 1-1/2")English , French, Giant, Satin Angora (under 2")Beveren (under 1", over 2")Mini Rex, Rex (under 1/2", over 7/8")
Name the breed disqualified for large bone
Name the 4 breeds disqualified for small/fine bone.
Flemish GiantEnglish LopFrench LopNew Zealand
Name the breeds that disqualify broken color with LESS than 10% color.
American Fuzzy LopFrench AngoraHolland LopRexJersey WoolyEnglish LopFrench LopMini LopMini RexPolish
Name the breeds that disqualify broken color for MORE than 50% color.
French AngoraJersey WoolyMini RexPolishRex
Name the 2 wool breeds that disqualify for soft, silky wool
American Fuzzy LopFrench Angora
Name the 2 wool breeds that disqualify for coarse wool.
English AngoraGiant Angora
Name the wool breeds that disqualify for wool on the front feet.
American Fuzzy LopFrench AngoraSatin AngoraJersey Wooly
Name the wool breeds that disqualify for normal hair on front feet.
English AngoraGiant Angora
Name the wool breeds that disqualify for LACK of tassels and fringes
English AngoraGiant Angora
Name the breeds that disqualify for a short, coupled body.
French AngoraGiant AngoraSatin AngoraBritannia PetiteGiant ChinchillaFlemish Giant (dq for length under 20")
Name the breeds that disqualify for absence of sheen.
Satin AngoraSatinMini Satin
Name the breeds that disqualify for lack of eye, ear and/or butterfly markings on brokens.
American Fuzzy LopFrench AngoraHolland LopJersey WoolyMini LopFrench LopEnglish LopMini RexPolishRexSatin
Name the breeds that disqualify for smut on the usable portion of pelt (pointed white patterns)
American Fuzzy LopEnglish AngoraFrench AngoraSatin AngoraCalifornianHimalayanHolland LopJersey WoolyMini RexMini LopNetherland DwarfRexSatin
Name the breeds that disqualify for long, racy body.
Giant ChinchillaBlanc de HototJersey WoolyMini RexRex