If the feet turn out what are the over active muscles?

SoleusLateral GastronemiusBiceps femoris (short head).

If the feet turn out what are the underactive msucles?

Medial GastrocnemiusMedial HamstringGraciluisSartoriusPoplitus

If the feet turn out what SMF/strech should be done?

Gastronemeous/soleusBicep femoris (short Head)

if the feet turn out, what strength training?

Single leg balance reach

Knees move inward due to what overactive muscles?

Adductor complexBiceps femoris (short head)TFLVastus lateralis

Knees move outward due to what wheak muscles?

Glutus medius/maximusVastus medialis oblique VMO

Strech, SMR for knewws turing out

AdductorsTFL/IT Band

Strength exercise for knees turing out?

Tube Walking

Exxesive lean in the LPHC from what overactive muscles?

SoleusGastronemiusHip Flexor ComplexAbdominal Complex

Excessive forward lean in the LPHC is due to what underactive muscles?

Anteriour TibialiisGluteus maximuserector spinae

Strech for exsessive forward lean in LPHC?

Hip flexor complexPiriformus

Strength exercise for exsessive forward lean in LPHC?

Ball Squats

Over active muscles when low bak arches?

Hip Flexor ComplexErector Spinae

Underactive muscles when low back arches?

Gluteus minumusHamstringsIntrinsic Core Stabilizers

Best strech for low back arching?

Hip flexor complexLatissimus DorsiErector spine

Strench for arching low back?

Ball squats

Weak muscles if arms fall forward?

Latissimus DorsiTeres majorpectorallis major/minor

Over active muscles if arms fall forward?

med/lower tapizeusRhomboidsRotator Cuff

Strech if arms fall forward?

Latissimus DorsiThoractic Spine

Strength exercise if arms fall forward?

Squat to row

Overactive muscles if shoulders elevate?

Upper trapizius/scalenesLavator scapulae

Weak muscles if shoulders elevate?

Mid/lower trapizeusRhomboidsRoatator cuff

Stretch if shoulders elevate?

Upper trapezious/scalene

Exercize for elevated shoulders?

Ball cobra

Overactive muscles with foward head?

Upper tapezious/scalnesLavator scapule

Weak muscles if head leans forward?

Deep cervical flexors

Strech for head forward?

Upper tapezious/scalene

Strengthening for head forward?

Keep head neutral