English vocabulary

idegess�g/ a fit of nervousnessr�hozza a fr�sztbegyullad, ideges

jittersto give sy the jittersto have the jitters

bakl�v�shatalmas bakl�v�snek bizonyult

1. bungleit proved a spectacular bungle 2 blunder

�r/sk�t kiejt�s


�les�t, fenc�ll�v�szetben �les�tette �gyess�g�t tornateremben kifejlesztett izmok

honehe was honing his shooting skills he showed off his gym-honed muscles

besz�ll�sol, elkv�rt�lyozahova besz�ll�solt�k magukat

billetthe hotel which British soldiers billeted as headquarters


stare downThe Catholics could conceivably stare down the Protestants at home, but they could never beat the British at war.

�sszegubancol�dik, �sszecsavarodikha a tervvel gubanc van

to kinkif the plan ever kinked

bes�g�bes�g vkit

snitch / an informerto snitch on sy /to inform on sy

felb�jt vkitb?r�szes �s feljb�jt�

to abetto aid and abetThe British and American strategy�tracking insurgents by abetting them�seemed to follow a convoluted logic:

komplik�lt, csavaros


ronda, b�ntja az ember szem�t

it's an eyesore


to sprawla sprawling barracksuntidy tenements sprawling toward the river