Psyc Test final

Elevated CPKElevated TemperatureHypertensionDiaphoresisMuscle RigidityStop Medication and Treat Symptoms

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Schizophrenia Nursing Interventions

Distract Patient from hallucinationsUse validation to facilitate communicationProvide safe, structured environment and titrate stimuli in environment to patient

Schizophrenia Nursing Interventions

Protect patient from harming self/othersDo not challenge delusional thinkingProvide reality based activities to help patient understand what is real/notMonitor medications

Etiology of Delirium

EncephalopathiesSepsis and Toxic metabolic eventsExposure to heavy metals, toxins, intoxicants, inhalants, and volatile solventsOverdose and SE of medsMalabsorption and dietary probsSeizures

Dementia Criterion

Multiple Cognitive deficits such as memory impairment, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, executive functioningSignificant ImpairmentGradual onset and progressive declineNot exclusively during delirium

Delirium Criterion

Acute Onset/SuddenFluctuating ImpairmentDisorientationVisual or tactile hallucinationsUsually reversible with treatment

Delirium Criterion Continued

Disturbances of consciousnessChange in cognitionDisturbance develops over short timeDirect physiological consequence of general medical condition

Delirium Assessment

Alertness--alert, vigilant, lethargic, stupor, comaAttention--follow conversationOrientation--Person, place, timeMemory--recent and remote events, Thinking, PerceptionsPsychomotor behavior--hypo/hyperkinetic, unusual or inappropriate (undressing)

Dementia Criterion

Chronic Onset, slow/progressive course, progressive disorientation, progressive cognitive impairmentProblems naming objectsProgressive apraxia and agnosia

Mental Status Exam

Orientation: person, place, timeEvaluate mood and affectEvaluate speech and languageCognitive Testing: General Information, recall, recent and remote memory, attention, reading and simple calculations, visual-spatial ability Presence/absence of hallucinationsSuicidal/homicidal ideation and intentInsight and Judgement

Depression with Cognitive Disorders

Chronic OnsetInconsistent ImpairmentOrientation IntactPatchy Cognitive Impairment Language IntactCan have auditory hallucinations usually mood congruentnormal CT and EEG

Amnestic Disorders

due to a general medical condition--specified as transient or chronic--memory disturbance that does not occur during the course of a delirium or dementia

Transient global amnesia

Typically associated with cerebrovascular disease

Anterograde amnesia

problems learning new things

Retrograde Amnesia

Problem recalling previously learned material

Korsokoff's Syndrome (Amnesia)

Associated with prolonged ETOH intake

Dementia/Delirium/Amnesia (Cognitive Disorder Interventions)

Reorient the patientRestructure the environmentRestore normal functioning and health Re-motivate and involve patientReminiscenceRegulate dysfunctional psychiatric symptoms

Dissociative Disorders

Disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perceptions of the environment(amnesia is the most common symptom) ex. DID, depersonalization symptoms, somatoform disorders

Somatization Disorder

ChronicAnxiety, depression, suicidal ideations are frequently manifestedDrug abuse/dependence is common Personality Traits (heightened emotionality, strong dependency, preoccupation withself/symptoms)

Pain Disorder Primary/Secondary/Teritiary Gains

Primary Gains: Symptoms allow avoidance of unpleasant activitySecondary Gains: Symptom promotes emotional support/attention Tertiary Gains: In dysfunctional family the symptom might distract from a real issue that is unresolved

Conversion Disorder

A loss of or change in body function resulting from a psychological conflict, the physical symptoms cannot be explained by any pathophysiology/medical disorderMost obvious symptoms suggest a neurological disease and occur following a situation that produces extreme psychological stress Client may express a lack of concern of impairment (clue problem is psychological)

Body dysmorphic disorder

exaggerated belief that the body is deformed/defective in some specific waysymptoms of depression and traits associated with o-c-d personality are common

Dissociative Amnesia

inability to recall important personal data that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulnessnot due to substance/medical conditionfollow psychological stress

Depersonalization Disorder

Depersonalization is a disturbance is the perception of oneselfDerealization is an alteration in the perception of the external enviornment