Chem Lec - Ch.18

Give the IUPAC and Common Name for CH3-CH2-NH2

IUPAC: Ethanamine / Common: Ethylamine

Give the IUPAC and Common name for CH3-CH2-NH-CH3

IUPAC: N-Methylethanamine/ Common: Ethylmethylamine

Give the IUPAC and Common name for CH3-CH2-NH3+Cl-

IUPAC: Ethylammonium chloride/ Common: Ethylammonium chloride

Give the IUPAC and Common name for CH3-C=O-NH2

IUPAC: Ethanamide/ Common: Acetamide

Define: alkaloids

Amines having physiological activity that are produced in plants

What is the formation of an amide from a carboxylic acid and ammonia or an amine?


Define: Amides

Organic compounds containing the carbonyl group attached to an amino group or a substituted nitrogen atom.

What are organic compounds containing a nitrogen atom attached to one, two, or three hydrocarbon groups?


Define: Amine salt

An ionic compound produced from an amine and an acid.

What are cyclic organic compounds that contain one or more nitrogen atoms in the ring?

Heterocyclic amine

Define: Hydrolysis

The spiltting of a molecule by the addition of water. Amides yeild the corresponding carboxylic acid and amine or their salts.

What are an amine ion in which the nitrogen atom is bonded to four carbon groups?

Quaternary ammonium ion

How are amines classified?

By counting the number of carbon atoms directly bonded to a nitrogen atom. In a primary amine, a nitrogen atom is bonded to one carbon. In secondary amine, a nitrogen atom is bonded to two carbons. In a tertiary amine, a nitrogen atom is bonded to three carbons.

What are the 3 steps to IUPAC naming of amines?

1) Name the longest carbon chain bonded to the N atom by replacing the -e with -amine. 2) Number the carbon chain to show the position of the amine group. 3) In secondary and tertiary amines, use the prefix N- to name groups attached to the N atom.

What is the structure called with an NH2 group attached to a benzen ring?


Why are tertiary amines soluble in water?

They form hydrogen bonds with water

Why are ammonium salts used in drugs rather than the biologically active amines?

Because they are solid at room temp, oderless, and soluble in water and body fluids.

Why is caffeine considered an alkaloid?

Caffeine contains an imidazole ring and is a central nervous system stimulant.

What are the 3 steps to naming amides?

1) Id the corresponding carboxylic acid of the amide, 2) Name the amide by replacing -oic or -ic acid with -amide, 3) Name a substituent on the N atom using the prefix N- and the alkyl name

Amines react with ______ to form amides.

carboxylic acids

Amines have a _______ bonded to an alkyl or aromatic groups.

Nitrogen atom

Amines are soluble in water up to ___ carbon atoms ionize as _____ bases.

6; weak

Which are present in medicines, amines or amides?


Amides hydrolyze with acid to form ______ and ______.

Carboxylic acids and ammonium salts

Amides hydrolyze with base to form _____ and _____.

Carboxylic acid salts and amines