Chapter 19


tangible products that we use to satisfy our wants and needs


work preforemed by a person for someone else(haircuts, entertainment, home repairs)

factors of production

resources necessary to produce goods and services(tree, truck, cut tree, sell paper)

natural resources

gifts of nature tha tmkae production possible(land, animals)


human effort directed toward producing goods and services(farmers, truckers, carpenters, electricians)


previously manufactured goods used to make other goods and services(tools, hammers, machines)


individual who starts a new business(inventer)


total dollar value of all final goods and services produced in a country during a single year

Standard of living

the material well being of an individual measured by how well thier necessities and luxuries are satisfied(high GDP=high ---)

Factor markets

a market where productive resources are bought and sold(labor, work, office)

Product markets

a market where producers offer goods and serivces for sale(grocery store, mall)

Consumer Sovereignty

the role of consumers as the rulers of the market, determining what products will be producedconsumer=king


the money a business recieves for its services above its costs

Voluntary Exchange

the act of buyers and sellers freely and willingly engaging in market transactions

Discretionary Income

money income left after necessities have been bought and paid for(extra money: movies, vacation)

disposable income

money income left after all taxes on it have been paid(basic needs: food, rent, clothes)


a movement to educate buyers about the purchases they maketo demand better and products from manufacturers