r3enal-exam 1-calcium

distribution of calcium

primarily intracellular, huge reserve in bone

Calcium RDA

1000-1300 mg/d (elemental calcium)

normal range (ECF) of calcium

8.5-10.5 mg/dl, unbound is biologically active portion (45% is ionized)

corrected calcium, when to use and equation

use if alb level is <3.5 because measured value is falsely low, corrected calcium=(4-measured albumin) X 0.8 + measured calcium, if corrected calcium 8.5-10.5, assume ionized calcium WNL, if corrected calcium <8.5 assume decreased ionized calcium=hypocal

effect of acidosis on ionized ca

decreased protein binding, increase percent of ionized ca

effect of alkalosis on ionized ca

increased protein binding, decrease in ionized ca, can lead to symptomatic hypoca


>10.5 mg/dL

severe hypercalcemia

>13 mg/dL

causes of hypercal

hyperparathyroidsm(large contributor), immobiliation (primarily in children), malignancy(2nd), granulomatous disease, thyrotoxicosis, famillial, tumor secreates PTH like-substances and increases bone reabsorption or factor secreted at site of bone metastasis

drugs that can cause hypercalc

thiazides (more mild), Li, calcium supplement, excess antacids, vit D intox, Vit A toxicity, tamoxifen

primary role of Vit D in regards to calcium homeostasis

increases Ca absorption in sm int

primary role of PTH in regards to ca homeostasis

increase bone resorption and the release of Ca and phosphate

signs and sx of hypercalcemia

stones, bones, abd moans and psychic groans, sx usually seen when more than or equal to 13, with malignancy more severe sx

renal stones

nephrolithiasis, poluria, dehydration, acute renal failure (precipitation of ca and phos)

NM "psychic groans

impaired conc and memory, confusion, stupor, coma, lethargy and fatigue, muscle weakness

skeleton "bones

bone pain, joint pain

CV-sx with hypercal

HTN, shortened QT interval on ECG, bradarr, vascular calcification

GI "abdominal moans

NV, anor, wt loss, consipation, abd pain, pancreatitis

other sx of hypercalc

itching keratitis, conjunctivitis

backbone of treatment of hypercalcemia

0.9% NaCl- 200-300 ml/hr IV inf, rapid onset, rehydration and dilutes Ca, increases excretion, AE: volume overload, decrease potassium, decrease Ca by 2-3 mg/dl within 24-48 hrs when used with a diureticfurosemide: 40-80 mg IV q 1-4 hrs, onset within 4 hrs, increased excretion, AE: vol deplation, decrease pot and mg, use only after rehydrated, prevents renal reabsorption of Calcium

bisphosphonates for hypercalc

zoledronate is more potent q 4-5 wks vs 30 days, 2nd choice for all, primary for malignacy, onset 24-48 hours

calcitonin for hypercalc

works faster than bis, but requires a test dose, tolerance can develop-rebound increase in ca

GCs for hypercalc

inhibitss vit D2 conv to D3(active) and decreases bone turnover, effective for hematologic malignancies and vit A and D toxicity


for hypercalc-used for pts refractory to other tx, need a central IV line, cytotoxic to osteoclasts, lots of AEs

Mild hypercal <13 mg/dl, asymptomatic

probably would not tx

mild ca<13mg/dL, symptomatic hypercalc

NS with loop diuretic

severe hypercalc >=13 mg/dl with or w/out sx

NS plus loop + bis(or other)

monitoring of tx of hypercalc

serum ca, UOP, EKG, VS


corrected calc <8.5 or ionized ca <4.0mg/dl

increased loss of ca from ECF-hypocalc

extravascular deposition-chronic hyperphosphatemia (CKD), acute pancreatitis, hungry bone syndrome, intravascular binding-IV phosphorus, foscarnet, hypercalciuria(loop diuretics)

decreased entry of ca into ECF-hypocalc

hypopara, decreased prod or action of vit D(nutritional, phenytoin, barbiturates, steroids), hypomg(decreased dPTH secretion or PTH resistance), Bisphos, calcitonin, cinacalcet

acute neurologic presentations of hypocalc

tetany, perioral paresthesias(numbness around mouth), carpopedal spasms, muscle spasms, cramps, pos chvostek's , pos trousseau's

acute CV sx of hypocalc

similar to ca channel blocker:prolonged QT interval, acute myocardial failure, HOTN, brady

chronic CNS sx of hypocalc

Irritabilitym memory loss, dep, conf, halluc, seizures

chronic skin sx of hypocalc

hair loss, brittle, grooved nails, eczema, psoriasis, hyperpig

tx of acute symptomatic hypocalc (based on previous)

ELEMENTAL calcium 100-300 mg slow IV(5-10 min) until tetany resolves, calc gluc -preferred-(4.65 mEq or about 93 mg elemental ca/gm OR calc chloride (13.6mEq or 273 mg elemental calc/gmfollowed by cont inf, in 1 L bag, of elemental calc at 0.5-2 mg/kg/hrmonitor serum calcium q 4-6 hrs(should return to normal in 4-6) and adjust inf rate accordingly, target calcium is low end of normal

tx for asymptomatic or chronic hypocalc

oral calcium salts, carbonate requires acid(tk with meals-most common form, caution in elderly and if on PPIs or H2)only 30-40% absorbed, to increase abs: tk with food, divide into doses <=500mg, add vit D 200-800 IU/day, citrate does not req aicd

hypocalcemia asociated with vit D deficiency

vit D+ca supplementation

ADRs of calcium supplementation

constipation, potentially kidney stones

rocaltrol, calcitrol

already in active form-if underlying kidney fxn

ergocalciferol and cholcalciferol

most common forms of vit d