ESR 172 #2

Fossil fuels are forms of stored energy

Photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy in organic compounds

Three major fossil fuels

Coal, oil, natural gas- 90% of energy consumed on worldwide basis

Peak Oil

The time when half of the worlds oil has been exploited: 2020-2050

Hard path

Fossil fuels, power plants (bad)

Soft path

Natural resources (good)


Measurement of insulation- the higher the R-value, the greater the insulation

Fossil fuels

Forms of stored solar energy

How photosynthesis and fossil fuels are related

Photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy in organic compounds such as glucose

What fossil fuel is considered a transition fuel?

Natural gas-Considered a clean fuel-Produces fewer pollutants than burning coal or oil-Fewer environmental problems

Oil Shale

Fine-grained sedimentary rock containing organic matter (kerogen)

Tar Sands

Sedimentary rocks or sands impregnated with tar oil


Partially decomposed vegetation (peat) buried in sedimentary environment (swamp)- compressed into coal

Natural Gas

Mostly Methane- Organic materials (mostly plants) buried with marine or lake sediments in depositional basins

Crude Oil

Organic materials (mostly plants) buried with marine or lake sediments in depositional basins

Acid mine drainage

drainage of acid from coal mine sites- acid pollutes water (evaporates and comes back down as acid rain)

pH scale

Measure of how acidic or basic- represents the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution


Liquid or gaseous fuels derived from solid fossil fuels (coal, oil shale, etc.)

Solar energy

energy from the sun converted into thermal or chemical energy

Geothermal Energy

Extracted from heat stored in the earth- steam beds

Wind Energy

Wind turns turbines which produce energy

Hydropower Energy

Dam a river- water flow turns turbines- creates energy

Fuel Cell Energy

Produce electricity by combining fuel hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2)

Biomass Energy

Energy recovered from biomass�organic matter, such as plant material and animal waste

Passive solar energy systems

Do not require mechanical power

Active solar energy systems

Require mechanical power to circulate air, water or other fluids

Photovoltaic Technology

Converts sunlight directly into electricity- generates solar energy

Chemical reaction of Electrolysis

Use electric current to separate hydrogen (H2) from water (H2O)

Byproducts of hydrogen combustion

Electricity, water and heat