B1-6 Dialogue.txt

?What do you do Saturday afternoon?

X?ng q? li� xi� w? n? zu� sh�n me???????????

Go shopping at NanJing Road. And you?

Q� N�nJ?ng L� m?i d?ng x?. N? ne????????????

I like to go home and rest, I'm very tired.

W? xi?ng z�i ji? xi? x?, w? t�i l�i le.??????? ?????

And your wife?

N? de t�i t�i ne???????

She goes to a friend's house.

T? g� p�ng y?u ji?.??????

Do you work overtime tomorrow?

M�ng ti?n, n? ji? b?n ma?????????

No overtime, but I have dinner with a client.

B� ji? ban, d�n sh� w? y�o h� k� h� ch? w?n f�n.???????????????

Where do you eat?

N? men z�i n? l? ch� f�n????????

We eat Sichuan food at a Chinese restaurant.

N? men z�i Zh?ng Gu� F�n Di�n ch? S� Chu?n c�i????????????

When do you return home?

N? j? di?n hu� ji????????

At 9 PM.

W?n sh�ng ji? di?n.?????

Mark, excuse me, can we have a meeting later?

Mark, du� b� q?, w? men w?n y� di?n k?i hu�, k? y? ma?Mark?????????????????

Why? (You) have a question?

W�i sh�n me? Y?u sh�n me w�n t�???????????

(My) manager is not in. This afternoon he has a meeting with a client, now he is not in the office.

G?o j?ng l? b� z�i. Xi� w? t? q� ji�n k� h�, xi�n z�i h�i m�i y?u hu� g?ng s?.???????????????????????

When will he return?

T? sh�n me sh� hou hu� l�i?????????

2:30 pm. We can meet at 3, ok?

Xi� w? li?ng di?n b�n. W? men s?n di?n k?i hu�, h?o ma?????????????????

Good - no problem.

H?o, m�i w�n t�.??????

get up

q? chu�ng??

have a rest

xi? x???

watch movie

k�n di?n y?ng???

watch TV

k�n di?n sh�???

go to work

sh�ng b?n??

get off work

xi� b?n??

work overtime

ji? b?n??

have a meeting

k?i hu�??

business trip

ch? ch?i??

meet a client

ji�n k� h�???

make a phone call

d? di�n hu�???

have breakfast

ch? z?o f�n???

have lunch

ch? w?/zh?ng f�n??/??

go home

hu� ji???

have dinner

ch? w?n f�n???


shu� ji�o??

have a lesson

sh�ng k�??

visit a friend

k�n p�ng y?u???


m?i d?ng x????

go online

sh�ng w?ng??